View Full Version : Happy Birthday, Dance!

04-01-2008, 10:45 PM
Today, April 1st, is Dance's first birthday! I can't believe she's a year old already. I remember looking at pictures of her and her litter last year, from April until June. I had decided that for whatever reason, that I wasn't going to get a Toller until Summer '08. After watching Dance's litter grow in pictures via the internet though, in June I had decided that I simply had to have a puppy from that litter, if by chance there were still any girls available. I knew my chances were slim, since most people have to be put on a waiting list for a Toller pup and then have to wait 6 months or more for their puppy. I knew it wouldn't hurt to ask though, just in case. So, later on that evening I contacted the breeder and told her a bunch of stuff about myself, and asked if by chance she happened to have any female pups still available. She told me that the puppy she had planned on keeping was looking for a home for various reasons, and that she'd like for us to come and visit. I fell in love with Dance (who was back then, 'Snuggle') instantly. She was perfect... everything I'd hoped for in a puppy. About a week or so later, I brought her home. She's been an absolute dream of a puppy. Nobody could ever ask for an easier, better puppy and she has brought so much fun into my life. She's had her quirks, and her issues, but we worked through them together and are coming along really well. The only major issue we ever have now is only with judges at shows, and that's almost 100% my fault for getting so stressed out. Most people who meet her can't believe what a sweet, fun-loving girl she is. I've never met a happier, more content with life dog. She lives to have fun and make everyone around her, and especially me, happy. She's an absolutely amazing dog and I hope to have many, many more years with her!

It's hard to believe she looked like this a year ago:

She's changed so much over the last year... she went from my little hamster faced puppy:



Then into looking like a young dog...



..into the pretty dog she is now:



Happy Birthday, Roo!!!

Unfortunately she's going through a false pregnancy right now and so she can't have the squeaky toys yet that I bought her for her b-day, but she did get a couple of new Orbee balls and a special dinner!

04-02-2008, 02:28 AM
Happy Birthday, beautiful girl! I can't believe you're a year old already, either. You sure have blossomed into a pretty dog. I hope you get to play with your new toy very soon. Have your mom give you a big hug from me.

04-02-2008, 02:31 AM
Wow, where did the time go? She is so beautiful! Happy 1st Birthday, Dance!

04-02-2008, 04:59 AM
Wow, a year already? Hope you had a good day, sweet little girl!

04-02-2008, 08:40 AM
What beautiful pictures!

I'm so glad you got her!!!

04-02-2008, 09:20 AM
Happy Birthday, Dance! :)

04-02-2008, 09:40 AM
Oh boy, a year already?!?!

Here's to many, many more!

04-02-2008, 09:58 AM
Happy birthday sweet girl :D.

04-02-2008, 11:26 AM
Another PT Birthday! Miss Dance, beautiful girl, you are one year old! You have grown up and you are oh, so gorgeous! I love to see photos of you! Happy Birthday, sweety! Please ask your mum to pet you for me!

04-02-2008, 11:40 AM
Oh I hope you have a wonderful birthday Dance!! :D :D

Ginger's Mom
04-02-2008, 12:31 PM
Belated Happy Birthday, Dance. It sounds like you were meant to be in this home. I am so glad you ended up with Devan, because that means we all get to see how you have grown into a real beauty, and watch as you proceed toward your Champion title. :) You will do great little girl, I know you will.

04-02-2008, 12:35 PM
You are such a beauty and I always love it when we get to see your pretty pictures. Have a great day sweetie!

04-02-2008, 09:46 PM
Happy birthday Dance! :) I hope you had a great day. :)

04-02-2008, 11:15 PM
I missed this? :o Shame on me!

Hope you had an extra special birthday, beautiful, happy, sweet girl!

04-03-2008, 06:36 AM
Shame on me too!!

Dance you have become the most beautiful Toller I have ever seen!! I cannot believe that little squishy face puppy was you one year ago!! You must have stole hearts from day one. I hope you had an awesome day and that you were extra spoiled. Me and all the furkids send lots of hugs and kisses to you!!!

I loved all the pictures by the way...it was like watching her grow up all over again. She is just so STUNNING!!

04-03-2008, 09:29 AM
Happy Belated Birthday, Dance!

A year already? Wow! She is just beautiful! You can just tell looking at her that she is a sweetheart. You know it was fate that you got her!
I remember all those interesting name suggestions you got on your thread.... but "Dance" is just perfect! Wishing the two of you many years of happiness together :)

04-03-2008, 03:15 PM
Happy Birthday Dance! She's such a beautiful dog! :)

04-03-2008, 03:28 PM
Awww, such a beauty! Feel better soon, sweetie.