View Full Version : Student shot outside Chicago high school

04-01-2008, 09:13 PM
Can I just rant for a moment?

An 18 year old Chicago high school student was shot over the weekend leaving Saturday classes with his twin brother. There have been 20 Chicago public school students shot and killed since the school year started (7 months). Two teens were arrested, neither of whom had been in trouble with the law previously.

I know there have been 4,000 soldiers killed in the Iraq war, and 20 probably pales by comparison. But -- if all those soldiers over there with guns, tanks and armor can't keep their fellow soldiers from getting killed -- how are students supposed to be safe going to school? Maybe the Guv should have the Illinois National Guard stationed around schools so kids get in and out safely. This boy was attending Saturday classes in order to make up needed work. Here's a young man trying to improve his lot in life, and this happens.

I know there are no easy answers and in a city like Chicago, it will take the legislature, law enforcement and the community to reverse the trend. But it makes me sad that students' lives are at risk. If this had happened in another part of town it would be handled a lot differently. No student in any neighborhood should have to dodge bullets to get to classes.

That's all, I'm done ranting now. I just think something has to change soon and it won't be easy to do.

04-01-2008, 09:16 PM
How sad. Do they know who and why he was shot? Even if it was just random violence, it is tragic, and should have been preventable.

Edwina's Secretary
04-01-2008, 09:34 PM
Maybe what we need is a few fewer guns (and yes, I know Chicago's law about guns....but it is not far to the suburbs to buy one.)

04-01-2008, 09:48 PM
I'm assuming he survived? That's such a shame, though; stricter gun laws aren't going to stop shootings though... people who are going to shoot up schools or go on a rampage most likely get them illegally in the first place... That's such a shame though, I'm really glad/hope he's OK.

And it's an even bigger shame they aren't handling it as well as they should. Maybe they need someone like you to raise a little hell to gain awareness on this issue? ;)

04-01-2008, 10:46 PM
Unfortunately, the young man did not survive. :(


Edwina's Secretary
04-01-2008, 10:47 PM
I didn't say "stricter gun laws" -- although I think that would be a good idea. I said "fewer guns."

The guy who "shot up" at Nothern Illinois University acquired his gun legally. So did the guy in Virginia.

04-02-2008, 09:43 AM
Interesting coincidence...we've had 6 homicides in 2 days here in Fort Wayne. They are saying there's no correlation, but, I'm not buying it. All of the people killed were late teens or early 20's. All of them are concentrated in the same area. I mentioned to a friend last night I figured they were related and they needed to look to see where there was increased gang activity in either Chicago or Detroit. The gangbangers at school were restless last week too.

The area where this boy was killed is big gang area too...at least that's what my Chicago contacts say and what I know of the area from going to Cubs games years ago.

A world without guns would be a beautiful place (although they would find something else to use, I'm sure), but, it's not going away...if the legal guns go away, the illegal ones will increase...yes, it's true...I am a cynic.

04-02-2008, 01:12 PM
So I went to Osco (24-hour pharmacy) last night to pick up a prescription. It's inside the Jewel supermarket. On my way out I passed a kid with his baseball cap tilted way over to the side, ultra-baggy pants and a really bumpin ride waiting for him in front of the store. I just wanted to tell him to straighten his cap, pull up his pants and tell his driver to turn the music down. I didn't say a word, just kept walking and minding my business. But I see kids like that and then I wonder why I get my tinsel in a tangle over this whole issue. I guess I want to see the onus put back on the community to help with the problem instead of expecting the legislature and law enforcement to do it all.

04-02-2008, 03:51 PM
I didn't say "stricter gun laws" -- although I think that would be a good idea. I said "fewer guns."

The guy who "shot up" at Nothern Illinois University acquired his gun legally. So did the guy in Virginia.
I was just making my own observation/side comment, not necessarily as a response to you :)

I still don't think stricter gun laws will stop the number of shootings though since most guns used in those instances are acquired illegally to begin with.