View Full Version : Are you a Slave to Your Cat?

08-22-2002, 02:05 PM
Try this simple test...

Do you select friends based on how well your cats like them?

Does your desire to collect cats intensify during times of stress?

Do you buy more than 50 pounds of cat litter a month?

Do you scoop out the litter box after each use?

Do you wait at the box with the scoop in your hand?

Do you think it's cute as cat swings on drapes or licks the butter?

Do you admit to non-cat owners how many cats you really have?

Do you sleep in the same position all night to not annoy the cat?

Do you kiss your cat on the lips?

Do you feed your cat tidbits from the table with your fork?

Does your cat sit at the table (or ON the table) when you eat?

Does your cat sleep on your head? Do you like it?

Do you have more than 4 opened but rejected cans of cat food in the refrigerator?

Do you watch bad TV because the cat is sleeping on the remote?

Will you stand at an open door in the freezing rain while your cat sniffs the door, deciding whether to go out or come in?

Do you give your cat presents and a stocking at Christmas?

Do you spend more for your cat than you do for your spouse?

Do Christmas cards you send out have your cat sitting on Santa's lap?

Does your cat sign the card?

Do you put off making the bed until the cat gets up?

Does your cat eat out of cut crystal stemware because you both watched the same commercial on television?

Do you microwave your cat's food? Prepare it from scratch?

Do you climb out of bed over the headboard or footboard, so you won't disturb the sleeping cat?

At the store, do you pick up the cat food and kitty litter before you pick out anything for yourself?

Do you cook a special turkey for your cat on holidays?

Does your cat "insist" on a fancy Sunday breakfast consisting of an omelette made from eggs, milk, and salmon, halibut, or trout?
Do you have pictures of your cat in your wallet? Do you bring them out when your friends share pictures of their children? (Pollsters claim that 40 percent of cat owners carry their pet's pictures in their wallets, by the way.)

When people call to talk to you on the phone, do you insist that they say a few words to your cat as well?

Do you accept dates only with those who have a cat?

If so, do you eventually double-date with the cats to see how they get along?

When someone new comes to your house, do you introduce your cat, by name, to them?

08-22-2002, 03:03 PM
Um....I answered "YES" to most of these!! I'm a slave!!!

A slave with cute kitties!! :D

08-23-2002, 12:16 PM
yeah I am a slave to a cute dog, but I came accross this and though the cat lovers would enjoy it.

08-23-2002, 01:11 PM
Guilty as charged. Only I'm not a slave to my cats, I'm a "purrrsonal cocierge" to 5 furbabies and a bald dude :D .

09-21-2002, 04:38 AM
After taking the quiz I realize..... I'm a slave to my cats

09-21-2002, 05:16 AM
Same here! :) Have to answer with "yes" to most of them" :o


09-21-2002, 10:21 AM
NO!! of course I'm not a slave to my cats.............................................. ........................They just employ very amenable staff!! LOL. :D :D


09-21-2002, 03:55 PM
no question about it, I am a slave to all 5. I wouldn't even mind most of it if I could just sleep in the mornings!

09-22-2002, 01:44 PM
I guess I am a slave to my cats..unless there is a category or rating that is even more devoted/overboard!

09-22-2002, 05:17 PM
I gues I'm a slave too! ;)

09-22-2002, 09:43 PM
Sigh, this previous post (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?threadid=8370&highlight=slave+AND+peel+AND+grape) tells the sad story of an enslaved lower being (me) and the superior intelligence (Perspicacity Purrsonality"Cassy") that owns her...