View Full Version : Hell's Kitchen and Top Chef?

04-01-2008, 03:34 PM

Hell's Kitchen starts tonight!

I used to hate Gordon Ramsey but after watching him and his other shows on BBC I understand why he is so 'angry'. He wants people to succeed and it's really easy to toss in a towel and quit.

Restauranting (is that a word?) is a tough job, not for the weak or lazy.
He really does take all the glamour out of the job-he makes it real-you just don't show up and cook for the public- he shows you what is required of running any eatery- if anyone can make it thru his show, they deserve their own place.


Is Top Chef kinda predictable? The idiots who cast that show are stuck in the same pattern that made 'Survivor' really tiring. Instead of picking people that want to be on the show, it's the same formula again.

The Asian smart arse, the spiked hair dude, cute gal with implants, fat Mexican dude (I can say that!) Tall white guy and so on....I like the show, but find that a little irritating. :mad:

04-01-2008, 03:58 PM
I like them both, though on Hell's Kitchen, they seem to be given the same things to cook a lot of the time. Why does he love scallops so much?

04-01-2008, 04:38 PM
I like them both, though on Hell's Kitchen, they seem to be given the same things to cook a lot of the time. Why does he love scallops so much?

Oh, that's funny, I never noticed that.!
HE does seem to explode when the scallops go bad!


One thing that grodies me out is when they refer to some food as protein.
I dunno why!

04-01-2008, 06:12 PM
I can't WAIT for Hell's Kitchen tonight. I love gordon ramsey. I am reading his autobiography right now. :D

04-01-2008, 06:17 PM
I'm very much looking forward to Hell's Kitchen starting tonight.
I've always watched it and can't imagine working for him. He is very articulate how he wants things done...I know he'd make me cry:p

Never watched Top Chef though.

04-01-2008, 09:21 PM
Top Chef is pretty good. It's just like HK, but they go to different places to cook and serve.

This last episode made me wonder about the winners of the immunity challenges on TC.

Before the winners would get a nifty prize from the guest judges. Now the judges steal the winning recipes for their restaurants! :confused:

04-02-2008, 02:16 AM

Why were scallops such a huge part of the show tonight? :D

04-02-2008, 07:09 PM

Why were scallops such a huge part of the show tonight? :D

Because Gordon Ramsey is obsessed with them, apparently! Even in his Restaurant Nightmares show in Britain, it seems like every other "signature dish" he "develops" for a restaurant is scallops! And they are not hard to cook right, which always amazes me that people on the show manage to ruin them time after time! Duh - take 'em out of the pan when they're done?

And why is anyone who ever dines at Hell's Kitchen during production surprised when their food doesn't get there on time? Why? I mean, you've gotta know half the people go there for the chance to be seen on TV, not for the food anyway!

04-02-2008, 07:27 PM
I don't know if they announced it at the beginning of the show......
They mentioned that you have to "know" someone to get a table.

I bet half of the patrons are the 'starving' SAG card holders that are hoping they are discovered acting like jerks.

I have noticed that they are getting more hostile towards the poor maitre' d.
People here in Lost Angeles are impatient and really get mouthy when they don't get what they want.

It's pretty embarassing.

05-15-2008, 02:30 AM
Why is Top CHef getting so heated?

I am waiting for some one to go off and kill someone - Is it a good idea to have contests where the people use knives?

I have been enjoying Hell's Kitchen - that's another winner!

I get lost between the two shows. I think that the red haired chef with the attitude has already run it's course as a go-to-character on any cooking show.

THat goes for Bobby Flay too........The Next Food Network Star for 6 episodes starts in June!:(

Laura's Babies
05-15-2008, 12:04 PM
Being a cook myself, I do not watch that show. He is SO rude, cuts people down and is screaming at them.. There is a correct way to talk to people and that is NOT the way and you don't scream or cut people down in front of everybody else. It may get good ratings but nobody deserves to be talked to like that. I had 6 ladies that worked under me, I was the boss and I would NEVER have talked to them like that! If I had a problem with any of them, I called them into my office and we discussed it as ADULTS! NO matter how stupid one acted, no matter how mad I got.. I was always professional and handled it in a professional manner!

You can catch a lot more flies with honey!

05-15-2008, 12:17 PM
Being a cook myself, I do not watch that show. He is SO rude, cuts people down and is screaming at them.. There is a correct way to talk to people and that is NOT the way and you don't scream or cut people down in front of everybody else. It may get good ratings but nobody deserves to be talked to like that. I had 6 ladies that worked under me, I was the boss and I would NEVER have talked to them like that! If I had a problem with any of them, I called them into my office and we discussed it as ADULTS! NO matter how stupid one acted, no matter how mad I got.. I was always professional and handled it in a professional manner!

You can catch a lot more flies with honey!

He's actually not like that with his real staff. he treats his staff very well.

I read his biography and he does it because if these people want to get into cooking like REALLY want to pursue it... they are going to have bosses like that. Ramsay had one boss who would throw pots and pans full of hot food and oil when he would get angry. So he wants to show them how bad it can really be ....

Although interesting enough... kitchen nightmares the US version is VERY different than kitchen nightmares BBC version. He is angrier and yells on the US version but not on the BBC version. so if he wants to keep his shows he's gotta do a little acting the way the network wants and in the US... drama sells lol.

05-15-2008, 01:17 PM
I'll watch HK if nothing better ís on, but I must agree with Laura's Babies, he's over the top most of the time! OK, I know it's a show and exxagerated ?SP - but as far as I can see, no one gets the time it takes to cook what they're trying to cook - being interrupted all the time. Yes, I also know, there's no excuse for not being able to cook a bowl of Spagetti - I mean, is there anything more basic! And yes, he does seem to have them cook a lot of Scallops! (I saw that one yesterday)

I suppose his opposite is Rick Stein. I used to enjoy watching Keith Floyd's shows - now I enjoy Antony Worrall Thompson (http://av.rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geuls0fyxImcwAEmyDBqMX;_ylu=X3oDMTBwMjNqdWV sBHBndANhdHdfd2ViX3Jlc3VsdARzZWMDc3I-/SIG=11c9kmj5s/EXP=1210962100/**http%3a//awt.websir.co.uk/)'s.

05-15-2008, 01:48 PM
I'll watch HK if nothing better ís on, but I must agree with Laura's Babies, he's over the top most of the time! OK, I know it's a show and exxagerated ?SP - but as far as I can see, no one gets the time it takes to cook what they're trying to cook - being interrupted all the time. Yes, I also know, there's no excuse for not being able to cook a bowl of Spagetti - I mean, is there anything more basic! And yes, he does seem to have them cook a lot of Scallops! (I saw that one yesterday)

I suppose his opposite is Rick Stein. I used to enjoy watching Keith Floyd's shows - now I enjoy Antony Worrall Thompson (http://av.rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geuls0fyxImcwAEmyDBqMX;_ylu=X3oDMTBwMjNqdWV sBHBndANhdHdfd2ViX3Jlc3VsdARzZWMDc3I-/SIG=11c9kmj5s/EXP=1210962100/**http%3a//awt.websir.co.uk/)'s.

Well it is TV and edited for time. I bet they get a lot more time than we think. After all people in the dining room complain that they were sitting there for over an hour lol and only about half an hour of the show is the actual cooking for dinner service.

05-15-2008, 04:26 PM
We haven't had Gordon as chef in Hell's Kitchen in a while over here (UK), two years I think. One year we had two chefs- two kitchens, with Gary Rhodes and Jean-Christophe Novelli (the latter being major gorgeous! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/wub.gif) and last year the chef was Marco Pierre White who was, for the majority of the time, laid back. I thought he was wonderful. :)

Laura's Babies
05-15-2008, 04:30 PM
I read his biography and he does it because if these people want to get into cooking like REALLY want to pursue it... they are going to have bosses like that. Ramsay had one boss who would throw pots and pans full of hot food and oil when he would get angry. So he wants to show them how bad it can really be ....

Not in any kitchen I have ever been in! That kind of behavior is not allowed in any business I have ever seen and I have been working in food service of some sort most of my life... If I had a boss that acted like that, I would walk out immediately and never look back... I wonder why the people on his show don't walk out? Life is far to short to be treated like that. That is what they call a workplace bully! It is so hard to find hard working, faithful employees so when you find them, you treat them like gold!

05-15-2008, 04:41 PM
I think there was more drama than normal on last night's Top Chef because everyone was still worn down from the 40-hours-no-sleep part the days before. I do love how, even after they say something is tasteless or too-something, then Bravo puts on the "recipes from tonight show are online at Bravo TV .com" like you'd ever want to cook that stuff!

05-15-2008, 07:01 PM
. I do love how, even after they say something is tasteless or too-something, then Bravo puts on the "recipes from tonight show are online at Bravo TV .com" like you'd ever want to cook that stuff!

I know, I thought the same thing too. I guess if you are cooking for in-laws or something?:eek:


What's his name, the guy eliminated last night was kinda scary. I really think that the producers eliminated him for the comments he made at the beginning - I want to stab someone or cook something good! - The 'That's OK, I don't need security to escort me out' was kinda weird too.

When he asked to shake hands with the judges, I laughed. He'd never get next to me.

Did anyone notice the celebrity judge - Sam? - acted like he was a snob? I figured he'd be a little more 'softer' because he went thru the show before.
I guess people forget where they came from.

I know that HK and TC are cooking shows and they really rely on fresh food, but I have noticed that nothing comes out of cans....NOTHING. I don't remember seeing anyone use a can opener either.

I may have to start eating at classier joints.:) I always see the cans of water chestnuts at the neighbor hood Chinese food place!:eek:

06-05-2008, 07:38 PM
Did anyone watch Top CHef last night? I missed the show last week and caught the repeat.

The remaining chefs took over cooking at a steak house owned by one of the guest judges. That was the challenge to see who would cook the best dish to continue in the contest.

The steak house is supposed to be one of the top places in Chicago. The guest chef made a comment before the test. He insinuated that they better not screw up and take care of the customers.

One cook made a dish with scallops he found in the fridge at the restaurant.
I guess the dish sucked because the scallops were frozen. The judges called him out about the dish and asked him why he used them.

THE OWNER OF THE RESTAURANT told him that he would never allow food that he thought was sub-par into his kitchen.

The cook-I forgot his name-told the owner, "The scallops were in your fridge, so I used them."

As soon as he said that I knew he was on his way out. I thought that he was eliminated because he embarrased the owner.


Chef Ramsey has to be one of the most goofy people on the planet. But, if people know they are going to get yelled at, why do they do the show?

06-05-2008, 08:45 PM
The cook-I forgot his name-told the owner, "The scallops were in your fridge, so I used them."

As soon as he said that I knew he was on his way out. I thought that he was eliminated because he embarrased the owner.

Spike said in an interview afterwards that actually, he was ruder in the exchange than they showed on TV. And, of course, it could be that the executive chef was away, doing the previous day's Top Chef filming, when those scallops were delivered. I thought it was pretty dumb of Spike to continue to use them, even after he realized they were frozen and would be a disaster.

But he wasn't my favorite, anyway.

06-10-2008, 11:50 PM
I had to laugh about tonight's HC.....

I like my bimbettes well done. None of the top were particularly good looking....and the dummy that brought her dog into the kitchen....I thought carrying dogs around was for idiot socialites!

Oh, Oh! here comes elimination!:eek:

06-11-2008, 02:56 PM
Not in any kitchen I have ever been in! That kind of behavior is not allowed in any business I have ever seen and I have been working in food service of some sort most of my life... If I had a boss that acted like that, I would walk out immediately and never look back... I wonder why the people on his show don't walk out? Life is far to short to be treated like that. That is what they call a workplace bully! It is so hard to find hard working, faithful employees so when you find them, you treat them like gold!

He doesn't treat his actual employees like that.

From what I see and what I read he is really good to his employees. I mean... come ON... whoever wins this show is going to have a yearly salary of $250,000. WAtching his BBC shows and his shows on an American station... he is very different on the BBC shows.


07-08-2008, 11:14 PM

Tonight Matt just might prove my point.....

Cooking show contestant goes ballistic.:confused:


Jen is an amazing moron.

07-08-2008, 11:15 PM
Matt is a screaming idiot

I'm watching it now....

07-08-2008, 11:32 PM
Matt is a screaming idiot

I'm watching it now....

LOL, Looks like Gini's kitchen?

SLICED OR CHOPPED??????:eek:;):)

07-09-2008, 12:01 AM
LOL, Looks like Gini's kitchen?

SLICED OR CHOPPED??????:eek:;):)

LOL You mean "Chopped or minced???" :D:D

I must admit that I have not been watching the whole series because it's on the same time as Canadian Idol however tonight I was rooting for Patrozzi or whatever the heck his name is.

"My name is Jen, not sweetheart!"

Like I said before, Matt is an idiot. Talking back??? Man, he was edging for an a** kicking. Well, that's it for another season.

07-09-2008, 12:07 AM
LOL You mean "Chopped or diced???" :D:D

"My name is Jen, not sweetheart!"

Like I said before, Matt is an idiot. Talking back??? Man, he was edging for an *** kicking. Well, that's it for another season.

See, That's why I can't cook.....I can't follow directions.

Did you catch the line, "Put some lead in your step"?:confused:

You Canucks have Idols too?

Don't tell me you have a Simon Cowell- I thought that the English had run out of pompous nitwits.:o;)

11-13-2008, 11:38 PM
Did anyone watch the Kitchen Nightmares tonight?

Holy Enchiladas!

The was one of the worst episodes that I have ever seen. Man, I don't think I ever want to eat out again.:eek:

11-17-2008, 05:51 PM
We saw it - thankfully, on the DVR so we could skip over some of the really grotesque bits. Yuck.

Whenever we are someplace new, unfamiliar city for some reason, we tend to look at the number of cars in the parking lot for each restaurant. This has been Paul's policy for as long as I have known him. Kitchen Nightmares reinforces that idea - usually when Ramsey shows up, there are maybe one or two occupied tables in an otherwise empty restaurant. I always wonder if maybe those two people eating there voluntarily just have no taste buds left that function, so don't notice what dreck they are being served.

01-30-2009, 05:58 PM
Where did they get last night's group of 'chefs' for this season?

I was pleasantly entertained!

Poor Ramsey, He may have a stroke yet!:eek:

01-30-2009, 06:05 PM
I wasn't planing on watching the show, but I agree once I got
started it became quite entertaining.
I felt a little bad for the woman who teaches other chefs, yet has
never been a chef herself. Than their was that one woman during
the dinner time who walked out and than came back in.
Talk about an attitude!
Chef Ramsey is scary. :eek:

02-20-2009, 01:01 PM
I wanted to slap the gal that was throwing up last night on HK.

That was so over the top that I could not believe it. I have eaten some stuff that most people would never have tried-the best?

Turtle-oh my, that taste has haunted me for years, it was sooo good!

The Mexicans use pretty much everything for tacos or a good burrito.
Brains, cheeks, tongue, the animal head, -I won't do eyes though....that is where I draw the line! We also use the innards that get bypassed by most 'cultures'.

I have been wanting a good head cheese sandwich for a while too!:D

This gal was not what I would call an "adventerous chef" - sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone and get iinto it.


The part that made me really angry with that twit was she didn't have the courtesy to go out of the room and wretch with any class-she had to do it in front of the rest of the group - what a moron.

02-20-2009, 01:16 PM
The part that made me really angry with that twit was she didn't have the courtesy to go out of the room and wretch with any class-she had to do it in front of the rest of the group - what a moron.

Sadly, sometimes I have that kind of reaction as the result of a food allergy. And, Richard, sometimes you cannot control it long enough to get to another room - who knows how far away the dining room was from the restroom. At least she got away from the table several times. And grabbed a trash can. I know when my stomach is spasming to expel everything, those teensy little barf bags are not gonna be adequate.

02-20-2009, 01:24 PM
You know Richard i used to be a big fan of Gordon,however they have over done it down here, with Gordons kitchen nightmares in USA, which i like best, Hells Kitchen and another i cannot remember the name of, you can only take so much of Gordon.

Although he is tough and needs to be most of the time, i am finding his trashy mouth and insults just a bit too much to watch now, he frankly bores me, pity as i really used to enjoy watching him so much.

Pinot's Mom
02-20-2009, 01:28 PM
Bingo! The mouth really does it as far as I'm concerned. I can't watch him with every other word bleeped. It's insulting to the viewer. Otherwise, I might enjoy him!

Top Chef - GO CARLA! :)

02-20-2009, 01:36 PM
They don't bleep out his swearing here, you hear it all,lol, the Fword was the other show he did, we had like all the shows on together, and it just gets too much.

02-20-2009, 05:02 PM
Sadly, sometimes I have that kind of reaction as the result of a food allergy. And, Richard, sometimes you cannot control it long enough to get to another room - who knows how far away the dining room was from the restroom. At least she got away from the table several times. And grabbed a trash can. I know when my stomach is spasming to expel everything, those teensy little barf bags are not gonna be adequate.


I have friends that work for the studios and they told me that the contestants ffor some are asked about their health and some shows do a med screening fon the contestants.

There has been a real critical eye put on that area ever since a guy on the TV show, Dog Eat Dog, died. He drowned on the set doing a stunt and the program was cancelled soon afterwards. There are tons of waivers and other stuff you HAVE to sign before you can participate.:eek:

Daisy and Delilah
02-20-2009, 05:23 PM
You know Richard i used to be a big fan of Gordon,however they have over done it down here, with Gordons kitchen nightmares in USA, which i like best, Hells Kitchen and another i cannot remember the name of, you can only take so much of Gordon.

Although he is tough and needs to be most of the time, i am finding his trashy mouth and insults just a bit too much to watch now, he frankly bores me, pity as i really used to enjoy watching him so much.

I can't imagine hearing him any worse than we do here.:eek: I'm with you, Carole. I'm certainly no prude but his constant berating is more than I can take. It's like being in an abusive relationship.

I've wondered for a long time why he doesn't have a heart attack.:eek:

I saw an advertisement yesterday for a new show. "The Chopping Block". It looks good. I think it starts March 11th.

02-20-2009, 07:26 PM
Yep i am no prude either, but after a while it just becomes boring listening to him rant and rave,honestly the thing i notice about him, is how lined his face is, i cannot believe he is younger than me,by quite a bit too, and with all his money i am surprised he has not opted out for a face lift, i have to wonder what on earth could make someone so lined, maybe it is the stress in his life, but with all his swearing you would think he gets it out of his system.

I don't hate the guy, and i still tune in for Ramsays kitchen nightmares,so i am not off him completely, but i reckon he should tone it down just a tad,would make better viewing IMO.

Daisy and Delilah
02-20-2009, 08:27 PM
I have noticed his face too. He is really looking pretty rough. The stress he has and anger problems are no doubt killing him. I hope he realizes this.:(

Even if it's only for the show, it's too hard on him.

03-23-2009, 03:25 PM
Did anyone notice last week's show when Lacey "plucked the wedgie" in the kitchen?

That made me scream and groan.

That is the fastest way to get people sick. When I worked for the operating room there was a rash of infected wound cases in the suites.

THey tracked it back to an doctor who wore no undies and would do the same thing, work a wedgie out, then touch the patient.

I still cannot believe they showed her do that!:eek:

Daisy and Delilah
03-23-2009, 10:55 PM
Did anyone notice last week's show when Lacey "plucked the wedgie" in the kitchen?

That made me scream and groan.

That is the fastest way to get people sick. When I worked for the operating room there was a rash of infected wound cases in the suites.

THey tracked it back to an doctor who wore no undies and would do the same thing, work a wedgie out, then touch the patient.

I still cannot believe they showed her do that!:eek:

I'm speechless.:eek: :eek: :eek:

07-21-2009, 08:07 PM
HC, New Season starts tonight 7/21!!!!!!!

07-22-2009, 12:03 AM

I said that some one is going to get hurt on one these programs-I know that they go thru a psych eval before they go on the show....but, can the shrinks really predict what these people are going to do when GR confronts them?

I like the program, but the people that are picked as contestants are really way too competitive.

Pinot's Mom
07-22-2009, 09:07 AM
HK last night? I don't think these people have seen the inside of a kitchen before! I didn't watch till the very end, but you've got one that can't section a grapefruit, one that can't tell a scallop is still swimming, and one that talks like he took too many quaaludes (I think that's how you spell that, it's been a while since I've used it as a reference). I don't know everyone's name yet. Then there was the one who evidently picked a fight with Gordon (smart boy, that one)-I didn't see the fight. I shut it off before then.

Aren't they supposed to cook?:rolleyes:

07-22-2009, 11:06 AM
Oh, that was the first HK of the next season, last night's? I think the guy is a bit over the top with his language. I wondered how the one girl was to know that you don't feel raw fish to a pregnant woman. Are you to ask the customer? "Hey, are you pregnant, or just fat"? Should the wait staff ask that same question to someone when they serve alcohol?

These shows are all the same- drama and more drama.

07-22-2009, 03:15 PM
Oh, that was the first HK of the next season, last night's? I think the guy is a bit over the top with his language. I wondered how the one girl was to know that you don't feel raw fish to a pregnant woman. Are you to ask the customer? "Hey, are you pregnant, or just fat"? Should the wait staff ask that same question to someone when they serve alcohol?

These shows are all the same- drama and more drama.

I start to watch and get discouraged because of stuff like that!

In the last 5-10 years we have have been bombarded with the bad fish, bad breathing, bad water, bad cellphoned, bad mold stories that we MUST be careful about what we eat.

Now, I can see a pregnant woman from Cambodia who lives by, fishes a river and eats contaminated fish every day....

Does that translate to a woman in CA that eats a dish of farm raised shrimp in a sushi bar?

Or, what about the woman who makes a HUGE deal about her having a kid and why did the restaurant serve her a raw shrimp, when she goes home, drops a lap top onto her uterus and irradiates the poor fetus for hours at a stretch?

PM, You spelled Quaaludes correctly, I know that from reading the packages!;)

GR asked the dude to pick a name, this em effer was way out of line.

It's great TV, but I am waiting for someone to flip out and stab someone!:rolleyes::(

07-22-2009, 10:21 PM
Oh, that was the first HK of the next season, last night's? I think the guy is a bit over the top with his language. I wondered how the one girl was to know that you don't feel raw fish to a pregnant woman. Are you to ask the customer? "Hey, are you pregnant, or just fat"? Should the wait staff ask that same question to someone when they serve alcohol?

These shows are all the same- drama and more drama.

Well this particular chef was supposedly an EXECUTIVE chef at some restaurant.... you DON'T feed RAW shrimp to ANYONE farmed or not lol. Especially not when you are an Executive chef. YOu should KNOW better... and KNOW how long shrimp needs to be cooked. I thought the whole up play of her being pregnant was stupid. I mean who CARES that she was pregnant... you don't feed raw shrimp to people in a restaurant

But... it's all really played up for american television. his BBC shows are WAY more tame. although the swearing is the same but I think that's a cultural thing.

07-22-2009, 10:30 PM
Well this particular chef was supposedly an EXECUTIVE chef at some restaurant.... you DON'T feed RAW shrimp to ANYONE farmed or not lol. Especially not when you are an Executive chef. YOu should KNOW better... and KNOW how long shrimp needs to be cooked.

I thought the same but I came across this.

It is a delicacy for shrimp to be prepared raw in sushi. Though some connoisseurs may go after it for the fresh taste, shrimp is considered to be the tastiest when lightly heated and medium rare, since the sweet flavor is magnified. If it is poached too long, the flesh becomes too hard, and the flavors are bled out into the boiling water and you are left with a rubbery piece of shrimp. When consumed raw (which has to be extra fresh), shrimp has a slight metallic aftertaste that lingers on your palate and can mask the tastes of the following sushi that you may eat. Therefore raw shrimp is usually served as a sashimi in Japanese cuisine, prepared by lightly washing it in chilled water (arai method) and served with citrus and herbs to counter the after taste.

Link (http://www.sushiencyclopedia.com/sushi_menu/shrimp_sushi.html).

07-22-2009, 10:50 PM
I really don't think the swearing is a cultural thing, maybe the odd B word, but his F words, are not ,I am sure our Brits can tell us for sure.

I used to enjoy his shows, but i am so over him now, he is just OTT with his language, it becomes tiresome, he has a new show starting here soon, i might give him a few minutes of my time, you can cook along with him, so hopefully his swearing might be down-played and i might enjoy watching him again, here's hoping.

07-22-2009, 10:52 PM
I thought the same but I came across this.

Link (http://www.sushiencyclopedia.com/sushi_menu/shrimp_sushi.html).

Thanks, I was just about to mention that!

Black Tiger Shrimp, raw, is one of the most wonderful seafood types there is on the planet, it's really a tie between that and an oyster shooter.:)

I agree that serving a raw shrimp in a dish that is ordered as a cooked shrimp dish is very irritating, But I think that a consumer/dinner has to use the same precautions when ordering a dish like that.


I would equate that to a person with a peanut allergy showing up at a baseball game, coming in contact with a bag o' nuts, getting sick and suing the club because they allowed peanuts to be sold and consumed in the bleachers.

Um, they mention it in the song twice, peanuts and cracker jacks?

Do they care if they ever get back?

Well, It's root, root, root for the home team, and if they don't win do we all get a refund?:(:confused:;)

07-22-2009, 11:00 PM
ewww... well... OK I guess my palate is not high class lol cause I wouldn't eat it raw lol. not worth it to me. I like the taste just fine cooked thank you lol.

but yeah the idea was the dish was a COOKED shrimp dish. that coupled with the fact that she did NOT know how to CLEAN shrimp? and coupled with what happened with her the episode before. sorry... she desreved to go home... maybe not based on the one raw shrimp thing but as a whole... she wasn't performing. and yeah if I had gotten raw shrimp I would NOT have been happy since that's NOT what I ordered lol.

but I also don't eat sushi.

and as for the language... I guess maybe it's just american BBC shows but I hear A LOT of bleeps. and on Ramsey's shows on BBC it's not just him being bleeped all the time... it's the others on the show too.

07-22-2009, 11:27 PM
ewww... well... OK I guess my palate is not high class lol cause I wouldn't eat it raw lol. not worth it to me. I like the taste just fine cooked thank you lol.

Oh no, please don't think you need a high class palate to eat sushi.

When the 'fad' started about 25 years ago, you have to find a REAL sushi chef to eat, now it's very common and you can get little trays at local supermarkets..

Some people do not care for or cannot eat seafood in any way, but you can get a rocking good veggie/sushi roll or


07-23-2009, 08:25 AM
I watched HK last night and wow...he has to pick one of these people? I feel sorry for him.
He needs to kick Joseph's a$$, seriously he is a real jerk! Lovely & Tennille need to go home asap!

07-23-2009, 12:04 PM
Oh no, please don't think you need a high class palate to eat sushi.

When the 'fad' started about 25 years ago, you have to find a REAL sushi chef to eat, now it's very common and you can get little trays at local supermarkets..

Some people do not care for or cannot eat seafood in any way, but you can get a rocking good veggie/sushi roll or


High class was the wrong word....

Maybe... an immature palate LOL.

Actually not so much my palate but I just can't get past the idea of eating it raw lol. stupid brain plays tricks on me.

07-23-2009, 01:57 PM
High class was the wrong word....

Maybe... an immature palate LOL.

Actually not so much my palate but I just can't get past the idea of eating it raw lol. stupid brain plays tricks on me.


and it's not "immature" either.;)

Actually, you probably have a more sensitive sense of taste/food.

My mom used to laugh and tell me that I would eat pretty much anything-She'd watch me eat and tell me I was going to "poop my pants" by eating what I did....:eek:

I love food and anything goes-I don't have the sensibility that others have and sometimes get into trouble eating spicy, sweet, too rich...:rolleyes:

08-12-2009, 02:00 PM
Top Chef Masters?

Has anyone followed that??

I swam thru last night's episode-the part that really got me going was the preview for next week's episode!

One of the past TC contestants come back as a sous chef for next week's show-One guy gets into Micheal Chiarello's face-I could not believe what I saw and heard. I would have crushed the turd if I was MC.


Hell's Kitchen?

What was going on with the women's team last night?

They crashed and burned, all at the wrong time!

Pinot's Mom
08-12-2009, 02:32 PM
Top Chef Masters?

Has anyone followed that??

I swam thru last night's episode-the part that really got me going was the preview for next week's episode!

One of the past TC contestants come back as a sous chef for next week's show-One guy gets into Micheal Chiarello's face-I could not believe what I saw and heard. I would have crushed the turd if I was MC.


Hell's Kitchen?

What was going on with the women's team last night?

They crashed and burned, all at the wrong time!

I haven't seen TC Masters lately - I seem to have been otherwise occupied whenever that's on.

HK - last night - yeah, I watched that train wreck! My goodness, they were cooking STEAKS, and it was amateur hour!! :rolleyes: I'll go back to something I said earlier - these people think they can run a RESTAURANT?!!

08-12-2009, 08:38 PM
I haven't seen TC Masters lately - I seem to have been otherwise occupied whenever that's on.

HK - last night - yeah, I watched that train wreck! My goodness, they were cooking STEAKS, and it was amateur hour!! :rolleyes: I'll go back to something I said earlier - these people think they can run a RESTAURANT?!!

There is a new episode of TC tonight.

I think it's the episode where MC gets into it with the sous chef.

I like the premise of the show. I am rooting for Rick Bayless, he's really a good guy and I love his cooking shows.

Pinot's Mom
08-13-2009, 07:17 AM
OK - I caught up with TC Masters last night, it seems I hadn't missed an episode at all, don't know why I thought I had...

Yes, I agree with you, I'd like to see Rick Bayless win. There was a little too much drama queen action with Dale in Michael's face last night; this show hasn't been about that, that's for Hell's Kitchen ;). The chefs on this segment are real professionals and it's so refreshing NOT to see that. That's why it's only on occasion I even watch Hell's Kitchen.

08-19-2009, 04:41 PM
The new TC opens tonight.

Can I make a prediction? THey touted tonights premiere with 17 chefs at the start.

I think there is a pair of brothers that are on the show-Does anyone remember the NY show where they eliminated one chef right off the bat?
If you remember, the last two before the elimination were friends.

Do you think that somehow the bros will be pit against each other on the first challenge, just to see who stays?:confused::rolleyes:

That was the first thing that popped into my mind!

08-27-2009, 12:22 AM
I was wrong about the brothers.

Why are the rest of the chefs a bunch of effing kooks?

What a bunch of robots. They have no personalityand are blander than plain you=gurt. ugh..

08-27-2009, 12:37 AM
I doubt that the chefs have "no personality" just that they aren't featured enough - too many to 'show off' traits for each one at this point.

And, of course, the chefs that were bemoaning the inability of same-sex marriages, - quit complaining, you can move here where it's legal!

Pinot's Mom
08-27-2009, 08:11 AM
It's early - they'll develop personalities as time goes on...it was on last night, wasn't it? I'll see it next week; I was out last night, they'll replay it (Top Chef).

08-27-2009, 10:40 AM
I doubt that the chefs have "no personality" just that they aren't featured enough - too many to 'show off' traits for each one at this point.

And, of course, the chefs that were bemoaning the inability of same-sex marriages, - quit complaining, you can move here where it's legal!

The complaining was one reason that I tuned 'out' for this episode. The other thing was the insufferable challenge of matching a drink to the food being prepared. The whole episode wore me out and I didn't even see who left.:confused:

09-08-2009, 09:20 PM
Hell's Kitchen!

I finally put this niggling question to bed.

Who are the people that eat at Hell's Kitchen.


I love down time...;)

09-17-2009, 12:08 AM
I love it!!!!



Fried, with eggs and cheese and a little red salsa.

10-08-2009, 05:39 PM
Like what is going on on Top Chef?

The bald English guy is a turd and what is with Padma's closet?:rolleyes::confused:

11-28-2009, 06:26 PM


Pinot's Mom
11-28-2009, 06:51 PM
That is too funny!!

12-10-2009, 09:59 PM
I didn't see the end of TC, but checked out the winner on the morning news.

So, was everyone happy?:eek:

04-16-2010, 07:30 PM
I started to watch Top Chef Masters and can't make sense of it.

I don't understand the way they are picking the chefs for the next round.


Another thing?

I think that the idea of 'stardom' to some of the chefs on the program is really a ego booster-not in a good way.:confused:

06-01-2010, 10:42 PM
I had no idea what I was walking into.



06-02-2010, 12:15 AM
I had no idea what I was walking into.



Are you referring to "Hell's Kitchen"? Chef Ramsey sure seemed more upset tonight than usual about everything. I don't ever remember him throwing out so many chefs from the kitchen before.

How did you like the make out session between him and ______? I'll leave it blank in case someone hasn't seen it yet.;)

06-02-2010, 01:08 AM
I immediately guessed that one, from the moment she said her name and job.

The show is more about him yelling than any cooking. How can he claim to want creativity, and then scream when anyone doesn't follow his exact instructions to the minutia? The casting seems more about personalities than cooking skills.

06-02-2010, 05:42 AM
I immediately guessed that one, from the moment she said her name and job.

The show is more about him yelling than any cooking. How can he claim to want creativity, and then scream when anyone doesn't follow his exact instructions to the minutia? The casting seems more about personalities than cooking skills.


He freaked out over the cooked scallops, again!:D


I saw that in the previews and went WTH?

There is a back story to that!:eek::o;)

06-15-2010, 11:32 PM
I felt bad for Salvatore being put as a waiter, that wasn't nice.

Plus, what is the hurry about feeding models, they don't eat anyway.:p

06-16-2010, 02:12 AM
One thing to keep in mind is that the show was shot 2 years ago, so any cultural references that seem out-of-date, like calling Chef Ramsey Jay-Z, should take that into account. The chef with the blue hair is from boston, and he was interviewed in a local magazine. He said he told everyone he was on a trip to Thailand, and says now that it's finally airing, he's having to give back presents friends gave him for his "trip."