View Full Version : Chick Pics!!!

04-01-2008, 02:37 PM
I finally got pics of my chicks! I just bought 4 more chicks today too!

The Polish chicks gettin a drink.

one of my two little Barred Rocks.

Another Barred Rock.

One of the Polish sayin "Git dat fing outa ma face!"

Barred Rock!...

Hangin at the community drinking hole.

One of the white chicks I got today. I don't have any idea what these things are.

And finally the two Barred Rocks and the BIG unknown white chick. He is LOUD and abnormally bigger than the rest.

That's all for now.

04-01-2008, 09:07 PM
Aww, your chicks are really cute! They look like so much fun. :D

finn's mom
04-01-2008, 11:55 PM
hahah, they are all really cute!

04-02-2008, 12:17 PM
Maybe the white chick is an Oripington? If it's a lot bigger than it's commrades it could be some sort of meat cross I know they grow pretty fast.

I love the little top hats on the Polishs. What do you do as far as a coop. Any pictures?

04-03-2008, 10:31 AM
Maybe the white chick is an Oripington? If it's a lot bigger than it's commrades it could be some sort of meat cross I know they grow pretty fast.

I love the little top hats on the Polishs. What do you do as far as a coop. Any pictures?
Well the feathers growing in on the white chicks are white so I don't think they are Buff Orps. Right now I have the chicks in the bottom half of a ex-large plastic dog crate. When they get to be old enough they will go outside in a chain link dog pen with their coop. They will get to free range in the daytime though and get penned up at night.

critter crazy
04-07-2008, 06:05 PM
The larger white chicks could be Leghorns. If there legs get exceptionaly fat fast, then they could be a meat cross, which means they wont live long. But hopefully they are leghorns. The chicks look fabulous!

04-07-2008, 06:46 PM
The white ones could be white orpingtons or white rocks. They look too heavy to be leghorns and too light to be meat crosses. Adorable chicks!