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03-29-2008, 11:03 PM
Well I had my third trip to the vet in one week. Today was just routine shots for Casey since they didn't want to do them last week when she had her dental.

While I was there I noticed their microchip reader so I asked if they could try to find casey's chip. She was chipped when I rescued her from the shelter, Bubba I had done at my vet. They could not get the chip to show up, I asked them to chip her again. They do the chip with the old technology and the new in case she gets taken into a vet with only the old reader.

I had never watched the chip put in before, it took a lot of pressure, it was pretty gross. I watched when they read it and it did seem to take them a while, it makes me wonder how many dogs are chipped and it doesn't show up.

03-29-2008, 11:26 PM
I honestly think chips are pretty pointless. Not many people if they find your lost dog are going to take it to the vet and get it checked for a chip. I just keep tags with my phone number on my dogs 24/7 so they can always be returned to me and this has saved my dogs about 4 times...

03-29-2008, 11:31 PM
I honestly think chips are pretty pointless. Not many people if they find your lost dog are going to take it to the vet and get it checked for a chip. I just keep tags with my phone number on my dogs 24/7 so they can always be returned to me and this has saved my dogs about 4 times...

Thats what I figure too but my friend found a stray and she did take it in, there are good people. I don't leave their collars on when they are in the house though, maybe I should.

03-29-2008, 11:33 PM
Well I had my third trip to the vet in one week. Today was just routine shots for Casey since they didn't want to do them last week when she had her dental.

While I was there I noticed their microchip reader so I asked if they could try to find casey's chip. She was chipped when I rescued her from the shelter, Bubba I had done at my vet. They could not get the chip to show up, I asked them to chip her again. They do the chip with the old technology and the new in case she gets taken into a vet with only the old reader.

I had never watched the chip put in before, it took a lot of pressure, it was pretty gross. I watched when they read it and it did seem to take them a while, it makes me wonder how many dogs are chipped and it doesn't show up.

Wow, I've never seen a chip stop working before. Do you happen to recall which brand of chip Casey had originally? We only carry the Home Again brand where I work and last year got the newer ones and reader to go with it. We still have our older reader.

I'm a bit confused with your vet inserting two chips. I thought the old readers could still read the new chips. I thought that it just couldn't decipher the specific codes to give you the more detailed chip number, but would show there was a chip from another manufacturer there. That's how our old one workes with the new chips. Maybe that's just with the Home Again brand ones? :confused:

03-29-2008, 11:37 PM
I just went and got caseys collar...both dogs got excited for a walk :D Her original chip was home again. I am not sure why they gave both chips, I guess that is just their policy.

This is from their brochure "with both chips implanted, your pet has security as longs as the shelter is using either scanner to scan for microchips today, tomorrow, or 10 years from now"

03-29-2008, 11:38 PM
The chips don't necessarily stop working, but they can "float" around the body. Floating chips :D

But, yes, that does happen a lot, which is why I need to remind myself to get theirs checked every once in a while. It's always best to err on the side of caution, but it does worry me sometimes...

03-30-2008, 12:02 AM
Would a dog gaining weight affect the chip being able to be read? I'm just wondering if maybe there is more tissue above the chip than when it was inserted, if that could make it harder to read.

Nebo had a microchip put when he was neutered as a pup. I had them check it a while ago, I think last summer, and they were able to read it just fine, it beeped immediately. Keva has a microchip too, it was put in when she was spayed. I haven't had them check to see if they can read it yet.

I keep collars on them with tags too, I would think that most people would only look for tags...but if there's the chance they took the dog to a vet/shelter they'd scan for a microchip. I think its a good back-up.

I do worry about the different brands of micro-chip and if they had the right scanner though...mine are both Avid, not Home Again.

03-30-2008, 12:03 AM
The chips don't necessarily stop working, but they can "float" around the body. Floating chips :D

But, yes, that does happen a lot, which is why I need to remind myself to get theirs checked every once in a while. It's always best to err on the side of caution, but it does worry me sometimes...

They mentioned that but they did move the scanner all over, it is 4.5 years old or they said it could have come out the same hole that same day. I have never had it checked.

03-30-2008, 02:46 AM
I don't have my dogs microchipped. It's not very commonly used around where I live.

03-30-2008, 05:36 AM
My Layla and Jake are both microchipped. I had Layla done with Avid at my vets. Her's seems to have moved a bit when I had it checked. Jake was chipped at the shelter with Home Again and my vets were able to read it.
I had Layla chipped after Kay's Kiara went missing. What 'if' your dog was missing, three months later, you see her sitting on someones porch? How do you prove she's yours? Pictures, maybe, maybe not.
My dogs always wear collars with tags on also.

03-30-2008, 05:59 AM
Artica is chipped but not sure what the brand is. She was chipped at 8 weeks old and each time we go to the vet her chip is checked. It hasn't moved as of yet and there has never been a problem reading it.

If you want to travel outside of your country here and still within the EU or outside the EU it is mandatory to have your pet be it dog or cat microchipped. They also have a pet passport for travel within Europe. Vixen & Phoenix are both microchipped as well and when the other 3 kits go in for their annuals they will be getting theirs done. The vet felt they were too small to be microchipped when I had them in before.

03-30-2008, 08:33 AM
Both mine are micro chipped. Tucker had his AVID from having been at a shelter, so when I wanted Hannah done with the same brand (keep it simple), I had to go to a different vet to do it as our vets used Home Again. I never have had them checked. Maybe I'll ask the next time we are at the vet. At this stage in the game I would think that the vets would carry both brands of readers. When we move, I will have to remember to inform AVID.

03-30-2008, 08:51 AM
Sugar and Lacey both have AVID chips. Sugar had hers from way back, and I just had to switch the owner info. I had Lacey get one when I adopted her and had her spayed.

My vet carries both and will insert which ever you ask for. If you just ask for a microchip, he does Home Again.

My vet has 3 locations. At the clinic I use, they only have the Home Again reader. But it told us Sugar HAD a chip. I took her one of the other clinics to get it 'read' so I had the number.

I know for a fact that our city's dog pound does NOT have a reader. :eek: :( And with a state law that they only hold a dog 3 days with no tags before PTS, that is so sad.

I'm debating with myself getting Marlin chipped. I want to, but my vet will only do it with general anesthesia. I don't want that 'just' for a chip.

03-30-2008, 09:29 AM
No dogs here - but all 5 cats are chipped. I have the vet test/read the chip once a year to see if it is still registering.

Also, I have found many a wandering dog. The vet and shelter will scan them for free.

03-30-2008, 10:03 AM
I honestly think chips are pretty pointless. Not many people if they find your lost dog are going to take it to the vet and get it checked for a chip. I just keep tags with my phone number on my dogs 24/7 so they can always be returned to me and this has saved my dogs about 4 times...

The vet clinic where I used to work at, we had people stop by all the time with stray dogs they found to see if we recognized the dog or if it had a chip..

All of my dogs are microchipped with home again brand, but I buy them and do it do it myself, because its cheaper than going to a vet for it, and friends of mine have a AVID scanner, which does work with my home again chips... so I can scan to make sure the chip is there after I inject it under the skin.

03-30-2008, 10:05 AM
All four dogs were microchipped. Simba, Nala, and Kiara were chipped at the shelter we adopted them from. Mufasa was chipped as soon as the same shelter was having a $10 microchip clinic.

To possibly insure that your dog/s gets returned to you if they go missing, it is so worth $10.

03-30-2008, 10:18 AM
Well all my dogs but one are microchipped. I just keep their collars on though with tags. I think they are more practical.

03-30-2008, 10:29 AM
While we're on this subject, I was talking to my dog show mentor the other day and she was looking to microchip all her dogs. She said she only found one clinic to do it, but they put the dogs under anesthetic to do the implant. I find this completely unnecessary. Has anyone had to put a dog under for microchipping?

03-30-2008, 10:33 AM
I am sure people have had to put their dogs under to do the microchip, but I agree with you.. I think that is a bit much just to microchip!!.. .

Most breeders I know microchip their dogs themselves... I do my dogs myself and its much cheaper than going to a vet. When I chip my dogs, for the most part they don't even flentch.... they just stand there and let me do it.. just like I am doing vaccination...LOL

03-30-2008, 10:39 AM
All of our dogs are microchiped, and none were put under to have it done. All three wear collars/tages, but like Kay so fora few extra bucks, any extra ID is worth it.

There was a story on the local news this week about a Yorkie who was lost for 6 months. It turned up in a high school, and a girl called to brother to come get it and asked him to take it to see if it was microchipped. The Yorkie was returned to its owners. To me, if microchips help 1 more dog make it home, they are worth it!

03-30-2008, 10:52 AM
I honestly think chips are pretty pointless. Not many people if they find your lost dog are going to take it to the vet and get it checked for a chip. I just keep tags with my phone number on my dogs 24/7 so they can always be returned to me and this has saved my dogs about 4 times...

Thing is, if your dog gets picked up and lands in the shelter, the shelter would have a way of finding out who your dog is.

My dogs are also tattooed and wear tags and collars. But if the collars come off, or the tats are not seen, the chip is always there.

My Greyhound has her ears tattooed, which is what they do at the track. But I can't think of anyone in this area, outside of Greyhound people, who have any clue how to read them, or even know they are there. Even if they did know how to read them, I doubt they'd know what to do about it. And, the tats tend to fade over time, and become illegible. I know Naples' are not very easy to read anymore.

And the boys are tattooed on their inner thighs (National Dog Registry). Again, I don't know if many shelter workers or vet staff would even know to look, and my boys are so hairy that the tats are difficult to see, much less read.

So yes, I have all three IDs, but no one is failsafe, in my opinion.

03-30-2008, 10:54 AM
Well all my dogs but one are microchipped. I just keep their collars on though with tags. I think they are more practical.

Yep - mine wear collars, tags, and microchips at all times. Anything extra for ID is worth it to me. :)

Say a "bad" person finds your dog - plans to keep it. A collar can be taken off and thrown away. A microchip, generally, is forever. Unless they are a sick, sick person - there's no way they can hide the microchip.

Suki Wingy
03-30-2008, 11:15 AM
Niņo had a Home Again chip implanted when we adopted him. I don't think I'd ever have a dog, or even a horse for that matter without a chip. It's just not worth the extra few bucks NOT to do it.

A good family friend found a cat wandering and took him in, he had a chip and so she was able to contact the original owner of several years ago. Turns out he's given the cat up, and the newer "owners" didn't want him, so now she has Joque and doesn't have to worry weather there's a family missing him.

03-30-2008, 11:17 AM
I do plan on getting Zoee chipped. It's just very expensive at our vet, so I am going to take her where my brother took his dogs.

But yesterday I was at the dog park and a man was there with a chocolate lab puppy. I noticed her neck was shaved and asked him what happened. He said her microchip failed and had moved. They had to shave her (which is my greatest fear for Zoee to have to be shaved), make a small inch long incision to dig it out. Then they put a new one in. Now, reading this post, I'm wondering why they needed to dig the first one out?

I am very scared to get Zoee done, but I know it's very important and could mean everything if she were to get lost or snatched away.

03-30-2008, 11:19 AM
Would a dog gaining weight affect the chip being able to be read? I'm just wondering if maybe there is more tissue above the chip than when it was inserted, if that could make it harder to read.

Nebo had a microchip put when he was neutered as a pup. I had them check it a while ago, I think last summer, and they were able to read it just fine, it beeped immediately. Keva has a microchip too, it was put in when she was spayed. I haven't had them check to see if they can read it yet.

I keep collars on them with tags too, I would think that most people would only look for tags...but if there's the chance they took the dog to a vet/shelter they'd scan for a microchip. I think its a good back-up.

I do worry about the different brands of micro-chip and if they had the right scanner though...mine are both Avid, not Home Again.

Thats a good point she has gained some weight.

03-30-2008, 11:35 AM
Yep - mine wear collars, tags, and microchips at all times. Anything extra for ID is worth it to me. :)

Say a "bad" person finds your dog - plans to keep it. A collar can be taken off and thrown away. A microchip, generally, is forever. Unless they are a sick, sick person - there's no way they can hide the microchip.

I agree with you on that. I just know that Zoe my heart dog ran off one day when there were fireworks on the fourth of July and she had no collar on. She did have a microchip though. The person who found her didn't know about microchips. I was lucky to have been driving around and see Zoe on this person's front porch. I know if she had a collar/tag on she would have been returned to me sooner. She was gone for a whole week.

03-30-2008, 12:03 PM
Has anyone had to put a dog under for microchipping?

Not my two. I watched my vet microchip Layla, she was 4 months old then, and she didn't even flinch. Jake, they did in the back room at the shelter. I myself would have waited until he was bit older, but that's the shelter's rules.

03-30-2008, 12:14 PM
I do plan on getting Zoee chipped. It's just very expensive at our vet, so I am going to take her where my brother took his dogs.

But yesterday I was at the dog park and a man was there with a chocolate lab puppy. I noticed her neck was shaved and asked him what happened. He said her microchip failed and had moved. They had to shave her (which is my greatest fear for Zoee to have to be shaved), make a small inch long incision to dig it out. Then they put a new one in. Now, reading this post, I'm wondering why they needed to dig the first one out?

I am very scared to get Zoee done, but I know it's very important and could mean everything if she were to get lost or snatched away.

Any shelter would probably do it for you for cheap. My vet was 25 but it was for the two chips.

03-30-2008, 02:34 PM
Never heard of sedating a dog to do a chip, but you gotta give the dogs some credit. Those needles are HUGE.

Cindy, have you ever seen the mobile low-cost vaccination trucks around your petstores? I know they always hang around Pet Food Express's, and that's where I got both Giselle and Ivy done. Most clinics use ResQ now, because Home Again now charges some yearly fee or something...

And I know city shelters offer it for about $10 (usually).

03-30-2008, 05:05 PM
Never heard of sedating a dog to do a chip, but you gotta give the dogs some credit. Those needles are HUGE.

Cindy, have you ever seen the mobile low-cost vaccination trucks around your petstores? I know they always hang around Pet Food Express's, and that's where I got both Giselle and Ivy done. Most clinics use ResQ now, because Home Again now charges some yearly fee or something...

And I know city shelters offer it for about $10 (usually).

Home again took a 12 dollar one time fee from me, at least I thought it was one time.

03-30-2008, 05:41 PM
Rita was microchipped when she was spayed... it's a Home Again chip. She is the biggest escapee I've ever known, or heard of. I always worry that if she gets out, she could kill another dog/small animal. She's VERY dog agressive. :( :mad:

03-30-2008, 08:52 PM
They mentioned that but they did move the scanner all over, it is 4.5 years old or they said it could have come out the same hole that same day. I have never had it checked.

If it came out the same day it was put in, kinda makes you think it wasn't put in right. At work we put the chip in and immediately scan the pet to make sure the chip didn't get stuck in the needle. Then we scan again when the owners come pick up the pet (we tend to do alot of the chips during spay/neuter).

I wouldn't have my pet chipped without having been tranquilized first. That needle is HUGE! Our vets won't chip without tranquilizing first (even if done during the office visit). We don't put them all the way under though like during surgeries, just a tranquilizer.

03-30-2008, 08:57 PM
If it came out the same day it was put in, kinda makes you think it wasn't put in right. At work we put the chip in and immediately scan the pet to make sure the chip didn't get stuck in the needle. Then we scan again when the owners come pick up the pet (we tend to do alot of the chips during spay/neuter).

I wouldn't have my pet chipped without having been tranquilized first. That needle is HUGE! Our vets won't chip without tranquilizing first (even if done during the office visit). We don't put them all the way under though like during surgeries, just a tranquilizer.

Well our local animal control did it and they don't have a good reputation for anything, I call them death row, that is why I got her there they are terrible to the animals.

03-30-2008, 10:42 PM
I wouldn't have my pet chipped without having been tranquilized first. That needle is HUGE! Our vets won't chip without tranquilizing first (even if done during the office visit). We don't put them all the way under though like during surgeries, just a tranquilizer.

Yes, it is a huge needle, but I've done all of my dogs myself (and some of them were 12wks or so when it was done) without any sedation and they were fine, they acted like they didn't even notice it was being done.. didn't cry, didn't even move... and soon as they were done they went back to playing... and were perfectly fine. I don't know that I would want my dog sedated or tranquilized just for a microchip... that just sounds a bit much to me...

Like I said in an earlier post, friends of mine have a AVID chip scanner that works with home again, and I've scanned my dogs every once in a while to make sure the chips are still in place, so far no problems...

03-30-2008, 10:46 PM
Caseysmom and Giselle,
Yeah, my brother got his dogs done at the shelter up in Sac and it was $20 per dog. I, honestly, don't even know where our shelter is. And I emailed them once with no response. At my vet it would be a total of like $60 or $80!
I have never seen the mobile pet thing you are talking about Sophie. But we do not have a Pet Food Express here, just Petsmart and Petco.
I guess I'll have to stop being lazy :o and call or just go to the local shelter place. I'll have to see if they can do it on a Saturday.
That will be my task for the week, lol. :)

03-30-2008, 11:58 PM
Both of my dogs were done at the Vet... they charged about $30, total. I've seen booths doing it for under $20, at dog fairs and SPCAs.

Gonzo was chipped right in front of me, and he didn't even flinch. : )

03-31-2008, 12:50 PM
Bon & Simba have not been chipped but both the girls have (Home Again). They were done at the husky hike for a total of $20 for both. Roxey didn't flinch, but Huney cried. When we went last year I had them scanned to make sure their chips hadn't move and luckily they didn't.

03-31-2008, 03:25 PM
Both of mine were chipped when I picked Buddy up from his neuter.
They did Bud's while he was under for the neuter and they did Sierra's right in front of me. She almost didn't notice!
I don't know for sure, but I think I paid $12 per chip at the vet, then I mailed in money to AVID to register them.
I don't care how much it was to tell you the truth, piece of mind knowing that if someone stole my dog I'd get them back is priceless!!

They both wear collars with tags when we leave the yard.
(they've gotten their jaws stuck in one another's collars too many time Wrasslin' to leave them on all the time!)

04-01-2008, 01:51 AM
Mister is micro chipped with the Home again. The ONLY reason he was under was because when I had his down he was saying getting neutured and his baby teeth out so I said why not chip him too. :D
Unlike most of you Mister doesn't wear a collar cause he can squiggle his way out of them. So when I take him outside it's harness time. There is a tag on his harness but once he comes back inside I don't leave it on him. He has learned to get twisted and tangled in it and I am scarred that while at work he would seriously injury himself. I have him scanned every 6 months to make sure it doesn't slip and so far so good. I also have him registered with the AKC and have a tracking number from them. In which case I have provied that information along with the Home again chip to my local fire...PD...Er vet and our regular vet. Guess you could say "Momma is a little over protective" :rolleyes:

04-01-2008, 04:07 AM
Snowy was microcipped when she got her first vaccination.
She is registered with PetLog which is probably UK equivalent of Home Again.
Everytime I take her to the vet for annual booster, they scan for the chip to make sure it's still there.

She wears a collar with an identification tag when I take her out.
I believe it's the law here.

04-01-2008, 08:48 AM
I honestly think chips are pretty pointless. ....that's probably because you have never had one of yours wander off & get brought back because they could scan them! I have, & that chip is worth every penny!!!!! When Star was a small puppy, she squeezed through the back gate & ran down the alley. (my son had been out with her & came in just for a minute.) She had a collar but no ID tag yet. The local Animal Warden was in the area (there used to be quite a few roaming dogs around us), he picked her up & scanned her & brought her back home. We would have been heart broken if she had disappeared for good that day. Mine both are chipped & wear ID tags 24-7.

04-01-2008, 08:55 AM
....that's probably because you have never had one of yours wander off & get brought back because they could scan them! I have, & that chip is worth every penny!!!!! When Star was a small puppy, she squeezed through the back gate & ran down the alley. (my son had been out with her & came in just for a minute.) She had a collar but no ID tag yet. The local Animal Warden was in the area (there used to be quite a few roaming dogs around us), he picked her up & scanned her & brought her back home. We would have been heart broken if she had disappeared for good that day. Mine both are chipped & wear ID tags 24-7.

No but I have had one of my microchipped dogs not returned to me. :confused: Check out post number 26. That is why I keep tags on my dogs 24/7

04-01-2008, 08:58 AM
Check out post number 26. That is why I keep tags on my dogs 24/7 Scarey! I'm glad you got her back!

04-01-2008, 09:49 AM
3 out of 4 dogs are chipped for extra ID & because they dont wear collars when at home. Elvis & Tinny both carried on when being chipped, but so would i with that size needle :eek:. Harri was done with his first Vaccination, so he was 6 weeks old.

Clover will be done this week, or next week.. whenever i can get her in to get it done. I know she is going to hate it, but it's for her own good.

ETA: A couple of months back the dogs got out, Harri was clipped by a car and one of our neihbours took him to the vets (same vets that we use). The vet nurses thought they recognised Harri but were not quite sure who he belonged to. He was scanned for a chip and i was called strait away.

So yes they are worth it ;).

04-01-2008, 12:52 PM
because Home Again now charges some yearly fee or something...

The added yearly fee is optional for the extras in their new program. If you did not pay the added fees your pet would still be in the main database but you just couldn't take advantage of the added benefits they now have.

Ginger's Mom
04-01-2008, 01:10 PM
Ginger is chipped. I had her done as a puppy when she was getting her shots. They gave her her shots, then the doctor said she was going to take her in the back to chip her because it is a big needle and the dog may cry. :eek: I almost changed my mind about having it done, but I didn't.

04-02-2008, 04:41 PM
Sadie and Maggie are chipped. Grant still needs to get chipped. I had Maggie chipped at a fair with Kay. Maggie has very, very little extra skin so it was painful for me to watch. She had to be muzzled as she is not so nice to anyone poking and proding her. We got Grant from the shelter but they don't chip there, they probably should. I need to remember to have them checked when I take them to the vets next.

04-03-2008, 03:12 AM
Reilly is chipped with Avid, we had it done when he had his first eye surgery so he did not feel anything when they did it.
Cindy I can not imagine why that dog had to have it surgically removed, but Zoee would be fine with one.

04-03-2008, 06:20 AM
Duke and Champ have never been chipped and both listen very well so I have never bothered. My hubby has even accidently shut them out front after cutting the lawn and when you open the door there they are patiently waiting to come in. They don't leave the property PERIOD without permission even if a cat, another dog, kids, etc go by they just watch. Plus with Duke almost 8 and Champ almost 6, we just haven't done it.

Chopper I did have chipped when he was neutered because the vet did not want to do it while he was awake because of the size of the needle and he is so tiny. He is a momma's boy and I don't think it will ever come into use but I feel better knowing it is in there.

04-03-2008, 06:31 AM
I honestly think chips are pretty pointless. Not many people if they find your lost dog are going to take it to the vet and get it checked for a chip. I just keep tags with my phone number on my dogs 24/7 so they can always be returned to me and this has saved my dogs about 4 times...

I have to agree with this. Ripley and Bella are not chipped and I have no plans to do so. Should a "bad" person find one of my dogs they would just throw away their tags and keep them. If they did take the dogs to a vet for routine care they would certainly not suggest they scan for a chip. A "good" person would read the tags and make the phone call. I found a stray dog once and that is what I did and this was years ago.