View Full Version : New to the Cat Forum...Introducing Spooky

03-28-2008, 08:36 PM
I'm Stephanie, from Richmond VA. Awhile ago, I used to be on Pet Talk. I used to only post to the Dog Forums, as I never ever considered myself a cat person.

It's been an odd couple of years, went through seperation & soon to be divorce with my ex, and have met & settled down with a wonderful new person, Raven. He was always a cat person since childhood and only has had two dogs his whole life, the two he has now.

But my life has changed too, cause I am a dog person who has grown to become a cat person as well. I always thought, "Cats are nice, but not for me." That's not the case anymore.

Spooky is an absolute sweetheart. She lives to cuddle and get head scritchies. Actually, she just hopped up in my lap while I'm typing, which she never does to him. Funny, she's just content to sit on my lap and watch me type, so long as I kiss her on the head occasionally.

She sleeps in bed with he and I. She was very jealous when we first started living together, as she used to sleep on top of him. She clawed my feet every night for a month until she and I came to an understanding. He gets kinda jealous of how she dotes on me, but then, I get jealous sometimes when my pit bull Elisabeth dotes on him. Oh, and by the way, she and the pit bull are best buds...Spooky rubs on Elisabeth all the time, sometimes sleeps on her!

He actually walked in on me one time while I was cuddling with her and singing to her. I have a habit of giving silly names to the pets and he walked in on that.

"Did you just call my cat "Pooka Louka?"
"Yes, yes I did...."
"Her name is Spooky! For God's sake woman, Pooka Louka sounds like the name of some demented Hawaiin Goddess or something!"
"So what? See, she likes it!"

And so it goes.. anyway, here are the pics






And sorry about the super-huge pictures. I really need to go school myself on how to resize these darn things.

Have a great night! :cool:


03-29-2008, 01:17 AM
She's a beautiful cat! More pixs, please! :)

03-29-2008, 05:58 AM
Spooky is gorgeous, and welcomt to PT, and also the trials and tribulations of being a cat owner! But it's alllllways worth it :)

03-29-2008, 06:26 AM
:D Another cat person convert.

Conquering the world...one person at a time.

Spooky is adorable.

03-29-2008, 07:04 AM
Welcome! Glad you're here, we love cat-converts!!

Spooky is gorgeous. And, don't worry, I "sing" to my cats, too (but no one has heard me yet).

03-29-2008, 07:31 AM
Oh what a beautiful little Torti girl!

If my hubby ever heard me talking to my dogs like I do when he's not around, he'd put me in a nut house!! :D

03-29-2008, 07:54 AM
Welcome to PT! Spooky is so cute! Tell your man that that's what cat people do; they give their cats so many names that it's a wonder that they know what their real names are. My calico is named Puddy but I call her Shnorky Doodle, Red, Queenie, Jane Wayne, Arnold, the Pudilator....you get the picture. Looking forward to lots more pix of Pooka Louka. ;)

03-29-2008, 08:49 AM
Oh my...Spook is so pretty! :eek: I think I read somewhere that torti's are fond of men mostly..at least that's the case in my sister's house. Their tortie just looks adoringly at my BIL and glares at my sister! LOL! You are lucky to have "converted" Spook. Torties are "ONE person" cats. Welcome to PT.

03-29-2008, 09:37 AM
A wonderful little Cat with lots of tortitude , and an attitude to go with it, I bet. Torties are known for being very independant and wanting things on thier terms, but are very loving Cat Companions.
You will have so many interesting years with Sensational Spooky!!!!

03-29-2008, 05:30 PM
Hi and welcome to the cat side of PT! As you soon will see, we have a lot of fun here. Spooky is absolutely beautiful, what a face! Looking forward to hearing from you often and seeing many more pictures of your gorgeous kitty girl. Could I ask you to give her lots of scritchies and lovies from me?

03-29-2008, 05:34 PM
OOOH! What a gorgeous girl she is!! We definitely need to see more pics of her (and with the dogger as well!).

03-29-2008, 07:16 PM
Welcome to PT as a "converted cat person". Spooky is absolutely beautiful torti girl and they can have the funniest personalities. It is great to sing songs and have extra names for your fur baby. Heck my guys had their own Christmas song!!

Felicia's Mom
03-29-2008, 07:28 PM
Welcome to the Cat Side! Spooky is beautiful!

03-29-2008, 08:41 PM
Oh, Spooky Pooka Looka ... I bet that's not the only silly name you'll ever have! My kitty has several and she just gives me the "Mom, don't ever use that name on me again" look when I talk to her with them. You are beautiful! Welcome to PT!

03-30-2008, 07:43 AM
Welcome to the kitty side!!! Spooky is beautiful!! I have a tortie as well. Her name is Mollie Rose and she's 16 with the spunk of a kitten!

03-30-2008, 09:12 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome. I told my guy (Raven) about all the nice comments y'all made about his kitty and he was all smiles. :)

03-30-2008, 09:42 AM
Spooky is so pretty! I love her colors.
I hope you come around the cat side more often to post more photos of your pretty kitty. :)

03-30-2008, 11:42 PM
Welcome to PT.:) Spooky sure is a beauty. I look forward to hearing much more about her and hopefully seeing many more pictures of her too.:)

If you upload your pictures to photobucket then you can resize them there before you post them.;)