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View Full Version : Signing Times

03-27-2008, 11:42 AM
Has anyone done this with their kids? it's called Signing Times and it teaches sign language. Apparently it can help kids communicate before they learn to talk. I just think it's really interesting to watch. it's on PBS here on Sundays at 7 am (I record them lol I am not up at that time)Hannah likes to watch the kids and likes when that lady sings.... I enjoy learning all the signs lol. it's a very interesting language that I have always been curious about.

Whether it teaches Hannah to communicate early or not I don't care... but I definitely think that is something we are going to keep watching. When she gets older she can learn a lot of sign language from it (and from me if I watch enough lol). Would be an interesting thing to learn for both of us.

Just wondered if anyone else has watched these.

03-27-2008, 11:54 AM
I did work experience at a daycare for children under three and they taught all the children basic signs for being hungry, thirsty, and enough. It was amazing to see 10 month old babies asking for more lunch and letting us know when they were full. I would recommend it to anyone.

03-27-2008, 01:59 PM
I've never watched the show, but we did use basic signs with Mary Joyce, and it worked well. She learned "more," "all done," "eat," and I think a couple of others, but I can't think right now. We'll do the same with Katherine. She's getting about to that age. Some people do a lot more than we did, but even our few signs were a big help.

Just remembered a couple of others we did--"please" and "thank you." We added those a little later.

03-27-2008, 02:46 PM
yeah I have the beginner DVD and then also watch the show. We watch them right now more so that hubby and I will know the signs to also use them and recognize them when Hannah starts using them :D

03-27-2008, 02:49 PM
I've never seen the program you are talking about. But in my child care days I also taught the babies some signs. The parents LOVED it. :D
Also, a long time family friend taught her children sign when they were babies. I believe they can both sign pretty well still and they are 7 and 10 (I think).

Sometime people do not want to teach the child sign language because they think it will hold them back from talking. But the trick is to use words WITH the sign. As the child gets to the talking age you would require the word and the sign. At least that's what I would do. But who knows, I do not have kids. LOL :)

Ginger's Mom
03-27-2008, 04:17 PM
I am pretty sure that Lobodeb did this with Hugito. I think it worked pretty well for them. I think it is a great idea.

03-27-2008, 08:19 PM
I am pretty sure that Lobodeb did this with Hugito. I think it worked pretty well for them. I think it is a great idea.

A friend of mine did it with her son that has Down Syndrome and he learned 350 signs... WOW.

And my cousin through marriage does it with her little boy. I didn't know they did it until we were there around Christmas and I saw him when he was eating doing things and she was responding and I was curious if it was sign or not.

03-27-2008, 08:20 PM
I didnīt used them... but wished I did..... at least some basics...

on the other hand Iīve heard that some kids (kids that were taught lotsa signs) were hesistant to learn to talk as they already communicate through signs.... so that could be a backfire... but i think just having some basics and the kid itself would depend on the outcome...

03-27-2008, 08:32 PM
A friend of mine did it with her son that has Down Syndrome and he learned 350 signs... WOW.

I volunteer at our local elementary school. There have been a couple of kids with Downs - and all of them learned Sign before speaking.

03-28-2008, 09:10 AM
I didn't do it with Jonah, but, had a friend that did it a fair amount with her children. I think it is kind of more work than necessary. I could usually tell Jonah's signs of hunger, thirst, more, down, up pretty easily. He was what I would call a late talker, too.

I have heard some people say signing helps with the frustration that comes with not being able to articulate. Fortunately, Jones has a pretty high frustration level.

03-28-2008, 04:35 PM
I never heard of teaching sign to toddlers, but I'm sure most would
learn quickly. Children aren't given enough credit for their learning abilities.

03-28-2008, 06:15 PM
I never heard of teaching sign to toddlers, but I'm sure most would
learn quickly. Children aren't given enough credit for their learning abilities.
Yeah they say that they can use sign earlier because they learn to master their hand movements and coordination before they learn to speak and master the use of their vocal chords I guess.

I just think it is a cool opportunity to start a second language that not a lot of people get the chance to learn in school or elsewhere :D both for her and I

03-28-2008, 08:49 PM
I've never seen the program you are talking about. But in my child care days I also taught the babies some signs. The parents LOVED it. :D
Also, a long time family friend taught her children sign when they were babies. I believe they can both sign pretty well still and they are 7 and 10 (I think).

Sometime people do not want to teach the child sign language because they think it will hold them back from talking. But the trick is to use words WITH the sign. As the child gets to the talking age you would require the word and the sign. At least that's what I would do. But who knows, I do not have kids. LOL :)

Really? Interesting. I'm deaf, and that never stopped me from talking.

03-29-2008, 12:10 AM
I am pretty sure that Lobodeb did this with Hugito. I think it worked pretty well for them. I think it is a great idea.

Yes, we did try this with Hugito. He learned the sign language quite well. Too well. Once he learned a sign for something, he stopped trying to say it! To this day, I can't get him to make a sound for "more." We had to stop with all sign language completely because of that and we also found that he was making up his own signs instead of talking. His pediatrician is now concerned that he may be a little speech delayed. Hugito is supposedly the exception, though. We have a friend who has 2 nieces, one of which is deaf therefore they are both fluent in sign language. Both of their babies learned sign natrually and didn't have any adverse affects. They also learned it in both English and Spanish!

I think it depends on the baby. Hugito can name sounds of 15+ animals, but I can't get him to say please. He says "zzz." :rolleyes:

03-29-2008, 12:05 PM
Really? Interesting. I'm deaf, and that never stopped me from talking.

If you don't mind me asking... how did you go about learning to speak? The little girl on the show had been deaf since birth and she speaks amazingly well. Just curious about how they teach that. It's very interesting to me :D

04-04-2008, 03:00 AM
I have Baby Signing Time dvd for Sam and I've been using basic signs with her all along. She understands eat milk but so far no signs from her (she's 9 months) except maybe "all done" but if she is signing that it's too soon and she's underweight so I can't accept that she is done even if she thinks she is. Signing is not supposed to interfere with spoken language and should actually help but each baby is different. In any case I will do what I can to start communicating with her as early as possible. So far I have found that I understand my dog better and she was easier to figure out!

I didn't know about the pbs program so thanks for the info I will definitely check that out!

04-04-2008, 01:10 PM
If you don't mind me asking... how did you go about learning to speak? The little girl on the show had been deaf since birth and she speaks amazingly well. Just curious about how they teach that. It's very interesting to me :D


Sorry for the late reply. But, my mom enrolled me in speech therapy as soon I became 4 years old. I was in that all the way up to Senior year of high school. It helped me A LOT and I am able to speak very well. I still do have problems pronouncing words with "J" and "Z", it's frustrating, but I try. I was not deaf at birth, but lost my hearing at 2 months due to steroids and medicine and I was also a premie. (2lbs 5oz) I had a lot to handle at that point of my life, but I made it. :)

04-04-2008, 02:20 PM

Sorry for the late reply. But, my mom enrolled me in speech therapy as soon I became 4 years old. I was in that all the way up to Senior year of high school. It helped me A LOT and I am able to speak very well. I still do have problems pronouncing words with "J" and "Z", it's frustrating, but I try. I was not deaf at birth, but lost my hearing at 2 months due to steroids and medicine and I was also a premie. (2lbs 5oz) I had a lot to handle at that point of my life, but I made it. :)

Oh my goodness... so tiny. That is very interesting :D Thank you for sharing

04-04-2008, 02:47 PM
Oh my goodness... so tiny. That is very interesting :D Thank you for sharing

You're welcome! :)
It's another reason why I'm petite, only at 4'10".