View Full Version : Thursdays #258 (Is it safe?)

Lady's Human
03-27-2008, 06:57 AM
(Checks to see if my key to the bar still works.....)

The anniversary of Viagra and Xrays? Whodathunkit?

Lady, can you see where OK is? It's been a while since anyone's seen hide or hair of it. Why don't you look around? Remember, like Trillian only a different color.

Let's get the COFFEE!!!! going.....do we have enough irish?(Is there EVER enough Irish?)

Orc, durn, where's that remote.......Here it is. Get the firewood in and let's get the fire going.

Omelettes and home fries on the stove, coffee in the pot, we're good for a while.

HEY! Who gave Orc a union contract?

03-27-2008, 07:11 AM
"just when you thought it was safe to back in water......" :eek: Home fries and eggs, OH BOY! I'll just whip up some SOS as long as we're making comfy food. Viagra, Xrays and Union contracts... hmmmm two out of three ain't bad :rolleyes: Xrays are quite good and some of us wish we had a Union, so ~ Hi LH, good morning :)

03-27-2008, 07:15 AM
Hidy-ho from the West Coast. Only 5:15 here and I can't sleep. I'll take a shot of something and head back to bed. **yawn**

Then again......breakfast smells fantastic.
**grabs napkin and puts around neck**
I'm waitin'. :D

Say TS, want to play some jacks while we're waitin' for brekkie???:D :D

Lady's Human
03-27-2008, 07:22 AM
Breakfast is served..... omelettes and home fries all around. I'll take you up on that offer of SOS, Lbaker.

I don't mind a unionized orc, I am after all a union official, but I WANTED TO START A FIRE, And ORC pulls out his contract and shows me he's on BREAK! Then tells me I'm a supervisor and I can't pile the @!*()& Wood!

Ah well, time for a cup of spiked coffee.

smokey the elder
03-27-2008, 07:43 AM
I have an audit with QA coming up, so I could use some coffee spiked with a little...internal standard! :D :p

Lady's Human
03-27-2008, 08:33 AM
One WELL spiked coffee one the way, Smokey. (Fort drum special, just for you!)

smokey the elder
03-27-2008, 09:45 AM
QA audit went well! Thanks for the Fort Drum special. :)

Edwina's Secretary
03-27-2008, 10:11 AM
HEY! Who gave Orc a union contract?

:) :p :)

Just wait til you see the vacation clause.... ;) ;) ;)

Cinder & Smoke
03-27-2008, 10:17 AM
New Yawk's back!
Finally shoveled your way down the drive and found the main road? :)

Slip me the next available O'let ... and maybe a FtDS ... I like a good *mystery drink*!

As for the Fire Problem ... do we hafta hire an Assistant Orc to fill in for when the
Primary Orc is on break or vacation? That's gonna hurt our Cost / Fire productivity figure -
Management will wanna make *cuts* somewhere else!

Maybe change the Job Description from "Fire Starter" to "Combustion Process BUILDER" -
and upgrade it to an exempt/professional position? Orc might like a promotion -
wonder how much more $$$ he'll want ... he'd also hafta start wearin a White Shirt anna Tie.
Is there gonna be a Grievance over this?


Lady's Human
03-27-2008, 11:17 AM
We CAN hire a supplemental Orc to fill in for the primary, but only on a part time basis, with no benefits, on a lower salary, and with limited hours per week, so we don't threaten Orc's job. The temporc can also fill in for vacations, but no overtime is involved. By contract, the temporc can work no more than 30% of permorc's hours perannum.........


One omelette and a FD Special for Phred and the smokemutts. No, guys, the cup isn't for you, just da hoomins.

Oatmeal cookies anyone?

Edwina's Secretary
03-27-2008, 11:40 AM

Get out the pickets signs...... :) The contract specifies CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES ONLY!!!

03-27-2008, 12:19 PM
Hi TS, jacks would be fun this afternoon but let's not let Gini play, you know how she cheats at jacks :rolleyes: :D Oh look, I'm all messy from painting picket signs - better go wash off before I get paint all over the Orc. Not a pretty sight to have a painted Orc tromping around.

03-27-2008, 01:11 PM
The contract specifies CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES ONLY!!! Darn! I have this special blue cake in honor of today's special anniversary. I know, it's a funny shape but ..... I'm sure it tastes good .... :D

03-27-2008, 02:09 PM
Hey, I'll cross the line for an oatmeal cookie any day, especially as I know who helped make 'em (that would be Axel, Lady's littlest Human, age 3). Never did believe in coloring within the lines anyway!

smokey the elder
03-27-2008, 02:19 PM
The "special blue cake" reminds me of a promo my company had when they launched a new drug. They gave out candy bars with the logo, and in big letters on the candy bar, it said "Does Not Contain <Drug X>"(!) :eek:

03-27-2008, 02:35 PM
Coffee's good for me. Might it be de-caf?

03-27-2008, 02:45 PM
Hey everyone.

Union contracts?

Oh, oh......Now if a union shop could run as well as the Bar....

I was going to start spring cleaning thread......but to quote and add to a patron's wishes, "screwit" and FIDO!

let's party. :)

03-27-2008, 04:45 PM
I'll have some of everything, I'm hungry. Pua will have some cider and fruity flavored apple sauce, once she's done swinging on the curtains. Oh she just noticed the orc. Queen Pua respectfully requests he bring in a big log full of ants for her.

03-27-2008, 04:56 PM
Call me AR-NOLD!!!

The new med I got made me worse so off to the dr again today. He said my arthritis inflammation is causing my sinus problems sooooo

They gave me a steroid shot in me bum!!!!!! :eek:

Plus new meds to start tomorrow. No wonder my tummy is upset.

Goodnews though: My cherry tree is starting to open tiny flower buds!!! :D

03-27-2008, 05:27 PM
(Checks to see if my key to the bar still works.....)

The anniversary of Viagra and Xrays? Whodathunkit?

Lady, can you see where OK is? It's been a while since anyone's seen hide or hair of it. Why don't you look around? Remember, like Trillian only a different color.

Let's get the COFFEE!!!! going.....do we have enough irish?(Is there EVER enough Irish?)

Orc, durn, where's that remote.......Here it is. Get the firewood in and let's get the fire going.

Omelettes and home fries on the stove, coffee in the pot, we're good for a while.

HEY! Who gave Orc a union contract?
LH, didn't you know that Orc is now a member of the A.O.U? amalgamated ogres union. I think HE runs the remote now!

03-27-2008, 09:12 PM
Hey guys,
I don't know much about any of that union stuff, I'm just here for the food. Somebody pass me a cup of spiked joe, a mushroom and cheddah omelet and a couple of oatmeal cookies please and thank you! :D

03-27-2008, 10:14 PM
Hey guys,
I don't know much about any of that union stuff, I'm just here for the food. Somebody pass me a cup of spiked joe, a mushroom and cheddah omelet and a couple of oatmeal cookies please and thank you! :D

Joe, omelet, two cookies?

Yon may have to negotiate that in the next contract!

DONE? ;)


You ain't in the Opening Day line up then! :(

Cider, apple sauce and ANTS?

We may have to call that Zimmern guy in from the travel channel!


One Decaf!



LOL, that's funny.....Blue cake?



LOL, Oatmeal cookies? I have eaten them since...oh, never mind!

And the lines are there for reference only!



More blue cakes?



It camoflauge on an Orc!

OH that reminded me.

One of my friends from long ago left our block after some spirited drinking.
He rode his bike home and came back a few days later covered in scabs from a fall that night. He earned the nickname, Scab, and some of the guys told him that he might think about selling them to a store as beef jerky...

True story!

Dang, we'll need to make new copies of the contract.



You are going to have to pick up all the "dropped R's" if you keep that up! ;)

Lady's Human
03-27-2008, 10:45 PM
Just wait til you see the vacation clause....

Sara, I wrote the vacation clause......they voted on the contract before that part of the contract language was completed. (Long story short......they (USPS and APWU) actually did that to us this year.....sent us a contract to vote on before the language in the contract was finalised)

Orc can take three weeks vacation this year, at any time of his choosing. HOWEVER, the fine print they didn't read states that the vacations have to fall in week swith two Tuesdays in them....

LH, didn't you know that Orc is now a member of the A.O.U? amalgamated ogres union.

That would explain why the picket line has Shrek and half the cast of Monsters Inc. in it.

Okay, Here's your chocolate chip cookies. <sigh> (Never argue with an Ogre union rep....)

Cinder & Smoke
03-27-2008, 11:00 PM

You are going to have to pick up all the "dropped R's" if you keep that up! ;)

Dunno WHERE those darn "R's" go ... my "U" doesn't seem to like 'em.


03-27-2008, 11:21 PM
That would explain why the picket line has Shrek and half the cast of Monsters Inc. in it.

Okay, Here's your chocolate chip cookies. <sigh> (Never argue with an Ogre union rep....)


Can I ask which two movies are loaded in your DVD player? ;)


Alright, I'll just put then in the L&F for later!

03-28-2008, 09:57 AM
Hi TS, jacks would be fun this afternoon but let's not let Gini play, you know how she cheats at jacks :rolleyes: :D Oh look, I'm all messy from painting picket signs - better go wash off before I get paint all over the Orc. Not a pretty sight to have a painted Orc tromping around.

O.K. - TURKEY LIPS!! I cheat at jacks huh? Pfff, see if I invite you back to my house after school!

Edwina's Secretary
03-28-2008, 05:04 PM
Sara, I wrote the vacation clause......they voted on the contract before that part of the contract language was completed. (Long story short......they (USPS and APWU) actually did that to us this year.....sent us a contract to vote on before the language in the contract was finalised)

Orc can take three weeks vacation this year, at any time of his choosing. HOWEVER, the fine print they didn't read states that the vacations have to fall in week swith two Tuesdays in them....

That would explain why the picket line has Shrek and half the cast of Monsters Inc. in it.

Okay, Here's your chocolate chip cookies. <sigh> (Never argue with an Ogre union rep....)

There is nothing more trustworthy...with vacation clauses...that a Union Bargaining Agent!

But I don't see the bug on these cookies!

03-28-2008, 05:19 PM
But I don't see the bug on these cookies!

Pua ate the bugs

Edwina's Secretary
03-28-2008, 07:09 PM
Pua ate the bugs

Oh dear! If she starts singing....look for the union label.... well...you know where to look! :D :D ;) ;) :D

03-29-2008, 12:49 AM
Somehow unionized anteaters sounds like a bad idea. I believe she's thinking bigger, like a revolution. It's only a matter of time before anteaters rule the world.

If your going to put bugs on cookies they really should be made from frosting or ants depending on your preference.

03-29-2008, 01:09 PM
Somehow unionized anteaters sounds like a bad idea. I believe she's thinking bigger, like a revolution. It's only a matter of time before anteaters rule the world.

If your going to put bugs on cookies they really should be made from frosting or ants depending on your preference.


I just took out some Tilapia from the oven.....Fish and chips anyone? :D

03-29-2008, 04:19 PM
Count me in for the food, RICHARD! I just saw Orc and found his remote, but I can't find the batteries! I think he was humming "look for the Union label", too.

03-30-2008, 06:36 PM
Dude, I'm into the L&F to look for batteries....

Here's a blast from the past....Do you remember "M" sized batteries?

Prop the door..I'm going in!

Lady's Human
03-30-2008, 09:51 PM
Lady, get ready, we might have to go on a search and rescue........ :eek:

04-01-2008, 12:05 PM

Lady, get ready, we might have to go on a search and rescue........ :eek:

"Send the dog in with a string tied to her collar!" :eek:

04-01-2008, 12:15 PM
some Tilapia from the oven
What is Tilapia?? It sounds like some remote island in the South Pacific.....:confused: ;)

M size batteries???? You don't want to know where my mind is wandering to.....:D

Could I please have something very strong?? I need to get psyched up for my Performance Evaluation this afternoon. It's my first one with the new boss who's only known me for 8 months so who knows which way the axe will swing.

OK, Richard you can come out now. Richard???? Hello Richard????? Lady, get in there and see if you can sniff him out and beware of the cob**cough cough** cobwebs.

04-01-2008, 01:11 PM
What is Tilapia?? It sounds like some remote island in the South Pacific.....:confused: ;)

M size batteries???? You don't want to know where my mind is wandering to.....:D

Could I please have something very strong?? I need to get psyched up for my Performance Evaluation this afternoon. It's my first one with the new boss who's only known me for 8 months so who knows which way the axe will swing.

Whew, Thanks Lady and LH. That was close!

Tilapia is a fish....It's farm raised and kinda spiny, but really delicious!
The meat is very sweet. I baked a few the other day with just salt and pepper and the best part was the broth at the bottom of the foil packet.

M batteries, I think I know where you are headed with THAT one.


How's about a double BM....I haven't had one in a coon's age!


04-01-2008, 01:45 PM
Richard, since you're my local Anglophile ... what is beef tea? A co-worker who spent a semester in England in college said today is a good day for drinking beef tea. Is it like broth?

04-01-2008, 02:03 PM
tilapia is rumored to be raised in ponds of raw sewage

Were M batteries those square batteries with the springs on top?

04-01-2008, 02:11 PM
Tilapia is a good white-fleshed fish, and is often raised as an aquaculture product. I first saw them at the Museum of Science in Boston, but they are a common kind of fish for farms to raise.

04-01-2008, 03:10 PM
Richard, since you're my local Anglophile ... what is beef tea? A co-worker who spent a semester in England in college said today is a good day for drinking beef tea. Is it like broth?

Don't you dislike those snooty people who do not let you in on the secret? ;)

From a recipe dated 18th February 1863.
Beef tea makes a good nourishing drink, especially for invalids.

1/2 lb. Lean Beef
3/4 Pint of Water
Pinch of Salt

Shred the meat and remove all the fat. Pour the water into a jar and add the salt. Place the meat in the water and let it stand for an hour if possible.

Then put the jar into the pan of boiling water and keep the water bubbling for two hours. Remove the jar from the pan. Strain the beef liquid to remove remaining fat.

Before serving, add more salt if necessary.


LOL, I saw that on Dirty Jobs.....I was trying to keep that under wraps. ;)

Ah, you are thinking of the 'square' lantern batteries. I don't know if there is a letter designation for them...the M batteries were about 8x 1.5x 1.5 inches - They were mostly used in transistor radios... Giant ipods. :rolleyes:


If you can. try one! The meat is wonderful, that was the first time I had ever tried to cook that type of fish in the oven, and I was really surprised at the result.

Slice it along the skin diagonally, salt, pepper and wrap it in foil. 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Watch out for the dorsal spines!

There is a small chain of seafood stores here in So Cal called El Pescado Mojado- The Wet Fish.

They deep fry the fish and serve it with rice, beans, salad and tortillas.
They call the fish "mojarra" (Moh Har rah). Deep fried it's tastier....if you can believe that!