View Full Version : Who's the winner?

03-25-2008, 05:19 PM
Allen has declared war on the vet. He has been peeing where he's not supposed to pee..... so we went to the vet yesterday. He had a full bladder but refused to pee (now isn't that ironic, because he's been peeing everywhere at home! :rolleyes: ) They said "no problem, Allen can spend the night and we'll get pee when he can't hold it any longer".

Apparently, it was a long night for Allen AND the vet. He continued to refuse to pee. Refused to eat or drink (and at 23 pounds, Allen likes his food). they ended up giving up on the catheter. They ended up just taking the pee with a needle.

And before you ask... no he is NOT blocked, and he does NOT have crystals.

They told me that I have one ticked off orange giant kitty. He told me they were evil to him. So who was the winner? The vet who finally got the pee they wanted, or Allen for making them jump through hoops to get the pee?

PS: I got a major lecture on how heavy he is.... don't lecture ME, lecture hubby and the kids! and Allen has a bacterial infection. no biggie, but now he runs from me, so I can't even get the Baytril in his mouth! :rolleyes:

03-25-2008, 05:56 PM
O those sensitive ORANGE cats!!! Our Ralph Syracuse(RIP)had to be medicated, we needed an army!!! Hope Allen will take his meds and feel better soon!!! Take Care!!!!!

Laura's Babies
03-25-2008, 06:07 PM
Giving mine theirs is not a problem, open up a can of fishey smelling cat food, blens and GULP! It's gone! That is what they want now instead of the regular treats..

I had to laugh at your story. They can be SO determined when they want to be and that is HARD HEADED not peeing overnight!! Nothing is ever normal where your crew is concerned so why expect it now? Never forget "Murphy's Law!"

03-25-2008, 09:20 PM
If you wanted compliance, you could always get a dog . . . . .

I sympathize but I am smiling here as I've been through similar. They do have their OWN priorities, and theirs are definitely not OURS!

03-25-2008, 09:29 PM
Those big old orangies really do try your patience, don't they?! You sure you don't want Zachariah too?! :p

03-27-2008, 05:58 PM
Sadly By Holding It In So Long Big Allen May Be Aggrivating A Bladder Thats Already Weak. It A Shame That Our Vets Dont Have A Doctor Dolittle To Explain Things To Them.

03-27-2008, 07:07 PM
Well, I guess he sure showed THEM a thing or two. Is there any such thing as a kitty diaper???? I'm so glad my guys are okay with their harem. :D