View Full Version : Hermes Going To The Vets Today Please Say a Pray *Update Back from Vets*

03-25-2008, 08:42 AM
Hi All,

On March 19th I took Athena to the vets for her sneezing and the vet said that it's just a virus that needs to work it's way out. This is the previous thread about her.


Well since last week Hermes started sneezing and last night Hermes had some crusty up by his nose and I picked some of them away and then just a few minutes after that I found him in the bathroom and his nose was bleeding.

Well I got it to stop and I felt so bad for him but every time he was sneezing a little bit of blood comes out with it.

It seems like it's inside his nose bleeding not too much on the outside but I have a vet appt set for 3:30 p.m. today and I just hope it's not going to cost too much more. But I'll do what I have to of course for his good.

Please pray that his nose will heal just fine and nothing serious is wrong.


03-25-2008, 09:45 AM
A Huge Prayer For Hemes From All Of Us At The Found Paradise Cat Hotel , And We Are Sure That A Pet Visitors Angel Squad Will Be With Hermes Too To Comfort Him, And See Him Through His Ordeal.
We Pray That He Will Be Fine And Have Whiskas Temptations As His Reward.

03-25-2008, 10:48 AM
Aawe... look at that fluffy boy! I hope everything will be all right. Thoughts and prayers going out to you guys!

03-25-2008, 11:16 AM
Oh the poor thing!
I hope the white coats get him fixed up!

03-25-2008, 11:33 AM
Poor little guy...that is scary and I bet he hates all that sneezing. What a lovely coat Hermes has!

Prayers for both of you...........

03-25-2008, 11:39 AM
Thank you all for your prays, I'm just so worried about him, he wasn't very healthy as a baby and I rescued him from bellefonte so I'm hoping it's just the outside of his nose and not the inside bleeding.

03-26-2008, 02:45 AM
Well my little man has some ulcers in his nose which is why he was bleeding last night. The vet said he has an URI again and it's probably caused due to Athena coming in and then his Herpes virus acting up. So now he's on some meds and then she also told me about this med Lysine that I could purchase at a health store. She said that could control outbreaks since he seems to be have it every 2-3 months now.

She gave me a paste and said that she could start carrying it but it might be cheaper to go to a health store and just get the pill and give it to him.

He seemed to like the paste I gave him tonight so I might just try doing the paste since it's made for cats and he likes it for once.

She said that Hermes would need to take this for a full year to see the benefits of it so for about $12 a month I think I could do that. Especially since I won't have to force the meds on him.

Thank you all for your prays,

03-26-2008, 07:27 AM
I'm glad that it's nothing too serious. My Pidge had sneezing episodes not too long ago and blood flew onto the sliding glass door and scared me to death! Turns out her nose was just sore from sneezing so much. So I can sympathize w/you in that way. Lots of scritchies and belly rubs for Hermes.....

03-26-2008, 08:45 AM
Good-tasting medicine is such a blessing. I've heard of humans with herpes taking lysine to keep outbreaks to a minimum - it seems to be a popular and effective remedy.

Love, Columbine