View Full Version : Hi, Friends! :0)

03-23-2008, 12:00 AM
Hello everyone! I just thought I'd stop in for a quick update on Molly & Ozzie and I promise to post some pics soon, too!

Do you remember how MOlly got so sick shortly after I brought Ozzie home and I was really wondering if I had made a horrible mistake by bringing in a 2nd kitty? Well, Molly has recovered fully and she and Ozzie are now a hoot together! :) He is a typical, annoying little brother but she loves him dearly and keeps a close watch on him. She's also learned that if he is being too wild and won't stop jumping on her that running away and hissing at him does nothing more than provoke him. Now she'll flip him on his back and pin him down for a good 10 seconds until he wimpers and THEN he knows she's had enough. Most of the time she's really good with him though and will engage in his antics of chasing each other and rolling around like a couple of mud wrestlers! :) My husband was the one that REALLY didn't want a 2nd cat and it has turned out to be quite funny....Ozzie follows him everywhere, cuddles with him when he watches TV, and sleeps in the crook of his neck at night. LOL NOW I think if we ever got divorced, he'd fight me for custody of Ozzie!

Promise to post some new pics soon! Happy Easter!!!

03-23-2008, 07:41 AM
Now, that's what I call a good report! :D

03-23-2008, 07:53 AM
Oh so NOW you aer seeing the FUN involved of multiple kitties! Isn't it great? I love how the personalities develop and show up so much more when there is a second kitty around

I am glad to read Molly is fine, that was worrying. AND she has figured out how to get her POINT across, he hee.

Just keep enjoying them, and share the stories and photos!

Laura's Babies
03-23-2008, 08:28 AM
Two kitties are twice the fun! They are so much fun and they do have a lot more fun and stay out of trouble. Sounds like they are showing you that and that you did the right thing in getting Ozzie.

03-23-2008, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the update. It sure sounds like everything has worked out well.:) I look forward to seeing some new pictures of them.:)