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View Full Version : Please help me chose...

03-21-2008, 03:39 PM
Okay I need a name for ID...would you guys mind helping me chose which one. I like...
Choppersmom (not real creative)
EveryonelovesChopper (this was a suggestion from someone)

please feel free to give suggestions too, You guy know a lot about Chopper so maybe you will think of something I haven't.

I truly hope it was okay to ask this on here

03-21-2008, 04:38 PM
HEY! Duke and Champ really take OFFENSE and being ridden over by the little guy! Bad enough he chews on them, and sneaks their toys and treats. Now they are gonna be left OUT of the ID name???? :eek: Moms are ALLOWED to SHOW they have favorites among the kids, even though it is a well known 'secret' that they do.

I'm with Duke and Champ, these options don't work! I need some time to think up something else!

EDITTED: I's been corrected by Chopper hisself. Is for a chi forum, not for this forum. Is OK, da boxer boys won't be minding. They'll be glad cuz the wee one will be busy onna keyboaard and not bofering THEM.

I votes for: Harley Ridin' Chopper

Tracey, I really Think having Chopper's name in it is great! So I went with 'other' and modified one of your options. Anyone who 'meets' Chopper knows his name REALLY quickly, he just sticks in mind, he hee.

03-21-2008, 04:47 PM
I voted EveryonelovesChopper. But I think it should be like Everybody Loves Raymond. So, everybodyloveschopper. Wow, that's a long name. LOL

How bout KingChopper? If you guys had a Road King, that would be perfect! LOL

03-21-2008, 04:51 PM
Why are you getting a new name? Are you changing it or just signing up for a new account? Or is it even for here? lol

03-21-2008, 05:25 PM
Why are you getting a new name? Are you changing it or just signing up for a new account? Or is it even for here? lol

LOL...it for Chopper on a Chi only forum. I just had all these names I liked and the more I tried to narrow it down the more names I thought of.

I like Everybody Love Chopper too (that is what I meant to put Duh!!! LOL)
I also like Harley Ridin Chopper....great just great!! Now I am even more confused. LOL.

Well the winner on this poll will be the name so You guy better be sure you keep your choice on top LOL.

Ramble On Rose
03-21-2008, 06:06 PM
Harley Ridin Chopper is cool, it has sort of a double meaning with both of those words being bikes. :cool: I like just Harly Ridin Chi too. Chopper is one cool little dude-dog. He and Joey make me want a chi.

03-21-2008, 07:42 PM


Chihuopper (or as pronounced Chiwopper!)

03-21-2008, 08:03 PM
I can't decide just yet. I do like Karen's suggestion of ChopperChi.

All I know for sure is that I WANT TO BE CHOPPERSMOM! :D ;)

03-22-2008, 02:05 PM
I voited for everyoneloveschopper. Knowing that it's going to be changed to everybodyloveschopper!

03-22-2008, 02:16 PM
I voted for Harley Ridin Chi but I actually thought of EasyRidinChopper since he looks so comfortable on hubby's bike. ;)

I didn't vote for Everyone Loves Chopper because I think everyone else on the chi board would probably say it about their own chi (although we know our Chopper rules! ;) )

03-24-2008, 08:46 AM
Thanks everyone....I have chosen HarleyRidinChopper as this won hands down between this site and the other. Thanks for all the help and all the confusion...I mean suggestions LOL. They were all great!!