View Full Version : A Few New Photos *12* in total

03-15-2008, 07:25 AM
They are not great by any means but thought I would share some considering it has been so long since I have. I have been taking photos recently only and exclusively in manual. This first photo was my attempt at a fast flowing creek. I set the shutter at 3 second but I didn't have my tripod with me so it is somewhat out of focus. (Sorry)


The is the same creek at the base where it is virtually motionless.

Another experimental photo. Bracket fungus. I love the colors of this stuff. It is growing on a tree stump in the park across from our house.

We went for a drive a little while ago and I spotted this little 'house' in a field. It is falling apart but I thought it just looked so tranquil.

An old bike that was across the street near the park.

Sunset through the apricot tree in the backyard.

more coming

03-15-2008, 07:26 AM
Looking up through the palm tree in the garden. It is laden with little berries as you can see and the blackbirds go mad for them.

More little berries on a bush near the back of our step. It is quite common to see lizards grabbing these and scurrying off.

I believe these are little violets just started to come up.

I have no idea what kind of flower this is but it is growing under the edge of the terrace.

I went to take a picture through the branches of our magnolia tree and came face to face with Mrs. Locust.

When I moved the leave to get a better shot this is what I found.
Not sure if they were mating but I couldn't pass on the photo. We have seen several pairs mating and the female is always much larger than the male. So it could be possible that is just what these guys were doing.

That's all for now. Thanks for looking.

03-15-2008, 08:00 AM
Every single pic is just beautiful! What talent you have! I take the worst pix ever. You really have a good eye, too.

03-15-2008, 08:20 AM
These pictures are terrific, Michelle!

I too was fascinated looking at (your photo of) the bracket fungus. I don't think we have anything so colorful locally. Love the fast flowing creek photo, as well. Great job!

03-15-2008, 09:37 AM
Thanks for sharing! Fantastic photos and I really enjoyed looking at them. You do great work. :)

03-15-2008, 09:51 AM
;) WoW Michelle All the Pics were so Breathtaken of Beauty.. many thanks

03-15-2008, 04:44 PM
Very nice.:) Thanks for sharing these with us.:)

Laura's Babies
03-16-2008, 09:06 AM
You have a talent there, a GREAT talent! Thanks for sharing those with us, I enjoyed every one of them!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-16-2008, 12:16 PM
Awwwwww, gorgeous pics, Michelle!!
I adore that palmtree!! I wish we could have one like that too, but the winters are to cold for it :(

We call these flowers "PRIMULA"

03-17-2008, 08:40 AM
I wanted to thank everyone that looked and everyone that took a moment to reply. Thank you all for the lovely remarks. I appreciate it so very much. I am so glad you enjoyed the pictures. :)


03-17-2008, 03:05 PM
Wow, Michelle, these are beautiful!

Felicia's Mom
03-18-2008, 09:30 AM
All your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.:)

03-18-2008, 09:59 AM
Back to take another look ;)

I love photography.

03-18-2008, 11:03 AM
Wow great shots, I really love that bike shot... nice setting.

Your area looks so interesting and unique... like kinda old setting ish, can't explain lol.

Thanks for sharing! :)

03-18-2008, 02:37 PM
Thanks again you guys. :)

Argranade...I live in Italy so we have a lot of that old world charm. :)


Ginger's Mom
03-18-2008, 02:50 PM
This is pretty cool. I think I would like to see this in person.


03-18-2008, 04:21 PM
Wow, I love the picture of that old bicycle. You have a GREAT eye, Michelle! :D