View Full Version : !@#$ hard water stains on my dishes !@#

03-14-2008, 01:42 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: ok, besided getting a water softener right now. what are some other Cheap easy fixes to get rid of ALOT of hard water deposits on my dishes??? i have tried the following:

putting tang in the dishwasher and running a few cycles. NOT WORKING :mad:

i have bought the "jet dry" sooo nt working... :mad:

so, anyone who has hard water, and has some advise please please let me know. thanks

Kari :D

03-14-2008, 01:49 PM
I've been in the exact same boat... Wash them by hand and scrub them with baking soda. They'll look like new.

03-14-2008, 02:05 PM
Vinegar too!

Or soak them in hot soapy water with bleach for 1/2 hr or so.

(PS - you can use vinegar - I'd say a cup or a bit less - for the next two washes and every so often after that. Helps de-scale the wee pipes too.)

03-14-2008, 02:11 PM
I too have that problem sometimes

Vinegar too!

Or soak them in hot soapy water with bleach for 1/2 hr or so.

(PS - you can use vinegar - I'd say a cup or a bit less - for the next two washes and every so often after that. Helps de-scale the wee pipes too.)

Do you put the vinegar in with the dishes, or run it empty for a cycle?

03-14-2008, 02:15 PM
i have not tried the vinegar yet.. however, the local dollar tree has it. so, i will go get some and try it. for now i will try soaking them in the bleach :D because i have some of that.

thanks for all the great advise... now if i could just get my pipes unclogged that would be a fine start to a new weekend.. :eek:

03-14-2008, 02:16 PM
I too have that problem sometimes

Do you put the vinegar in with the dishes, or run it empty for a cycle?

should i run it with just the vinegar or with dishes too???

03-14-2008, 02:35 PM
Winegar is great for removing chalk stains, the water here is hard too and I use winegar all the time. Fill a bowl with it and perhaps half water, put all your dishes in for an hour - you can reuse the winegar. While you're at it, unscrew the thingy's on the taps in your kitchen and bathroom sink and put them in too. ;)

Oh, and if you have an electric kettle, fill that half up with winegar too - it will be as good as new.

smokey the elder
03-14-2008, 02:57 PM
Vinegar works really well; dissolves all the nasty salts pretty well.

03-14-2008, 04:54 PM
You can run it empty with a good chunk of vinegar in the wash - then add it again next wash.

Clogged pipes? Or drains?

Try good old vinegar again....get about 1/2 c of baking soda down the drain.

toss about 1/2 c of vinegar after it and CLOSE THE DRAIN RIGHT AWAY. If it doesn't have a plug, have a wadded up washcloth nearby to block it as much as possible. Give it ten minutes or so - and chase it down with a kettleload of BOILING hot water.

03-14-2008, 04:55 PM
You can run it empty with a good chunk of vinegar in the wash - then add it again next wash.

Clogged pipes? Or drains?

Try good old vinegar again....get about 1/2 c of baking soda down the drain.

toss about 1/2 c of vinegar after it and CLOSE THE DRAIN RIGHT AWAY. If it doesn't have a plug, have a wadded up washcloth nearby to block it as much as possible. Give it ten minutes or so - and chase it down with a kettleload of BOILING hot water. (Putting boiling water down the drain every so often is a good preventive measure, I have heard).

If you need to, do this once more.

After a second try, if things aren't working out, I resort to the Drano stuff...my last resort.

03-14-2008, 08:24 PM
We don't have water, just liquid limestone coming from our sinks. But we hand wash our dishes so no problems. Vinegar works wonders.

03-14-2008, 08:38 PM
should i run it with just the vinegar or with dishes too???

Take a large pan, and soak the dishes in white vinegar for a while, that would be my recommendation. We don't have hard water here, but white vinegar is useful for cleaning bunny litter boxes, when normal cleaners don't work on the white residue at all. And best of all, it's cheap, and environmentally friendly!

03-22-2008, 05:49 PM
there is a new product out called the dishwaher filtration system. you can get it at dishwasherfilter.com and it is very affordable. it is like 50 bucks and actually filters the water going into your dishwasher. after i hooked it up(which took like 10 minutes) the first load i ran was crystal clear. i have very hard water and tried everything and my dishes still looked cloudy with white spots. there is a coupon code you can use to receive 10% off. it is DFMTEN and you will be amazed how clean your dishes look. it also come with a money back gurantee but i wont be returning it. hope this helps. thanks

01-11-2011, 01:35 PM
I've tried all sorts of home remedies such as lemon juice and vinegar, and none of them do the job quite like I hoped. Buying a whole water filtration system just for hard water seems to me like a waste of money.

A friend mentioned to me that he uses citric acid to clean his dishes of hard water and it worked for him great. I decided to try and found the same thing, it is cheap like vinegar, and environmentally safe, yet it's much more powerful.

All you do is run a load like you normally would, with the dishes you want to clean the hard water stains off of, but instead, you put an oz or 2 of citric acid in the container and wash.

I found a site that sells citric acid in the dishwasher quantities for cheap, and they had great service. I ordered from the site and it was shipped the same day, and it arrived a day later with priority shipping.

If you're interested, the site is called
www.dishwasherhardwater.com (http://www.dishwasherhardwater.com/)

01-11-2011, 05:16 PM
I had the same problem, I would have to wash the silverware (2 month old silverware) by hand. I tried these home remedies with vinegar and citric acid, nothing worked.

I tried these. The dishwasher cleaner.


I had to do it twice, as it advises in the directions. I then had to remove (wash by hand) the hard water deposits off first, before putting them back in the dishwasher

It works, and it's about $5.Cdn. and the directions advise to do this once a month.

So far, so good.

And I never had this problem with my previous dishwasher, which had the porcelain (or whatever it is) interior. Now I have stainless steel and it was a real problem..I dont know for sure if there is a connection..but that's the only difference.