View Full Version : Sudilar, Update please!

08-21-2002, 06:41 AM
I was wondering how your parent's Bandit doing? Has he gotten used to his new family? Any Nawtee Dawg stories? Or even better, pictures!!

And have you hear anything about fostering a Leonberger?

08-21-2002, 12:14 PM
Souraya, thanks for asking!!

Leonberger rescue hasn't called yet for my assistance. Since there are so few in the country and they cost so much, there are probably not too many found in shelters to rescue. I am ready, though, if it should happen!! :) Killian isn't feeling too good at the moment, so maybe it's a good thing that I haven't been called yet. I should volunteer at GSD rescue, however I know I would not be able to give up my GSD foster. :(

The Bandit has settled in very well! He is turning into one pampered pooch. Boy, what a difference from his past life! The little devil goes everywhere with Mom and Dad. He is an obedience school star. The instructor uses him for demonstrating!!! Bandit now weighs 109. Good job, Mom and Dad!! He is such a love bug. He gives Pyr kisses all the time. He seems to really appreciate his new life. He follows Mom around everywhere and must know where she is at all times. When we visit, he pours on the Pyr kisses to us too. He is such an even mannered guy.

However, when M & D first got him, they were told by Pyr rescue that he should have a crate. M & D closed him in his crate when they went to church and low and behold, there was a breakout!! LOL Bandit broke the crate (a large one, mind you) and tore down the blinds and curtains in the back room. Needless to say that when M & D got home, The Bandit looked verrrry guilty. Ha! Mom said oh, well, she had new blinds that needed to be put up anyway and the curtains....well she did like them, but she'll be gettin new ones.......!! Hahaha That pup is one lucky dog, I must say! Since that one incident, though, he's been a perfect angel!

Bandit can be seen at http://pages.prodigy.net/sudilar/_wsn/page3.html

08-21-2002, 01:41 PM
Great to hear that Bandit is doing well. Loved the break out story. The fella lives up to his name!!

Sorry to hear Killi isn't feeling too well :( What's wrong? Hope all is well. He will be in my thoughts.

08-21-2002, 01:48 PM
Thanks Souraya. I'm not sure what's wrong with Killi, but there is something. He is not acting normal. I'm going to try to get him into the vet today or tomorrow when his lady vet is in. :( It may be his teeth again or maybe his liver (I hope not). I'll keep you posted.

08-21-2002, 02:23 PM

I'm so glad that Bandit is doing well. Rescue dogs are definitely the best!!

I'm sorry about Killi. I'll keep him in my prayers. Let us know what happens at the vet tomorrow.

08-21-2002, 06:03 PM
Thanks, mugsy.
Bandit really is a treasure!!

Killi is back from the vet. We're going to treat his mouth. It seems that his back gums are red (gingivitis) again. He just had a dental and teeth pulled two months ago. The vet doesn't want to put him under again to remove more teeth so soon because of his liver, so we're trying heavy duty antibiotics that don't affect his liver. Maybe he is getting immune to his monthly antibiotic treatment . Here's hoping that it works!

08-21-2002, 07:38 PM
We will keep the prayers coming. I hope that the antibiotics do the job. Let us know.

08-21-2002, 07:59 PM
Thanks so much for the update on Bandit, Sue! What a guy!;) Your family photos are so sweet:) All of us here will be saying lots of extra prayers tonight for our Killi and hoping for good news tomorrow. Love and hugs to you Killian from Star, Cody and Aunt Sandra.

08-22-2002, 09:43 AM
Thank you!! My parents are so happy that they adopted Bandit. I'm so glad that they rescued!!!!

Killi is sleeping a lot now. I don't know if the meds are working or not. He yelped today already. I'll give the meds a while to work and then take him back into the vet in a few days, if he's not better. He also had a very slight temperature. He is eating, though with a little coaxing.

08-22-2002, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the pictures, Sue.

Sorry to hear about Kiilian's gums. I hope he starts feeling better soon.

08-22-2002, 03:28 PM
Feel better soon, dear Killian. We hope your gums feel better real soon....Love, hugs and slurpy licks from Star***Shine, Cody Girl and Aunt Sandra:)

08-22-2002, 03:37 PM
We continue to have Killian in our prayers, Sue. What a great mom you are, always watching him, and seeing when something is wrong. Isn't it too bad that all furmoms don't do that? You are my hero!!

Bandit sounds like a Godsend!! And a rescue baby to boot!!! What a wonderful ending to his story!! :D Keep us posted with stories about him when you can.


Cinder & Smoke
08-22-2002, 04:17 PM
Hi God!

It'z us, Cinner an Smokey;
onna Prayer Line ~

We wunna say a BIG TANKz fur allua Help You wuz in gettin our lil Brudder, Boots, da Kat, back to duin hiz *peez* agin!
He duzint miss the part :rolleyes: he hadda gib back.

Now we needz a Lotta Your Help wiff our Buddie, Killian...
Kuld ya puLeeze put summa You're tyme back on hiz Case?

Meebee reech down wiffa GodsPaws an gib him a lil *skritch* unner the chinnybone ta spark up hiz appytite? Hiz Doc sez he needs ta keep eatin...

An a Bigg {{GodsHugg}} fur his Mom, Mz Sudilar, wuld be reel nice, too!

Thanks fur lissnin, God!

08-22-2002, 05:42 PM
Sue, Bandit is gorgeous. I'm so glad he has taking a liking to his new mom and dad and they to him.

Killian really has had a rough time, hasn't he? But on the other hand he is still with us, which is a blessing. Of course we will keep him and you in mind as he has another obstacle to overcome.

08-22-2002, 08:28 PM
Thank you everyone again and again. It just seems that Killian can't stay "healthy" for very long. Just two months ago he had teeth removed. The monthly antibiotics just aren't keeping the bacteria levels down. Right now he is stuffed under my computer desk (he does not fit). It's like he is hiding. He is taking his meds, but I just don't know if it is working. I had to convince him to eat his supper today. He still enjoys going for car rides and walks daily, but the rest of the day he just follows me everywhere and finds places to hide near me. Every day I cook for him , clean his lips twice a day and medicate him. If these meds don't work, I'd like the vet to pull all his back teeth (what's left of them), but she thinks it's too soon to stress his liver again. My poor Killian. I wish I could transfer his pain to me. Maybe he'll be better tomorrow. :(
Thanks for your concern and prayers all.

08-22-2002, 10:39 PM
Thanks for the update on Bandit.
Poor Killi,
I will be thinking many good thoughts for you.