View Full Version : Memorial for a friend

Laura's Babies
03-13-2008, 09:29 AM
Back in the early 80's, I met Peggy. We were both recently divorced and had joined a group for single parents. Peggy was a people magnet. She had a personality that just drew people to her and made everyone fall in love with her. She was always quick with a hug and she had a laugh that would cheer up the most depressed. She was one of those that brightened a room when she walked in and just the simple act of her walking in would draw a crowd around her. EVERYBODY loved Peggy. The men always wanted to marry her and she had many men surprise her with an engagement ring that she always refused. (They could only dream of making her their wife, she wanted no part of marriage again.)

She was a fantastic cajun cook. She and I went to work out on the river at the same time and her crews never wanted her to get off and leave them. They would call her on her days off and beg her to come back and she usually gave in and went back. She was the only person I know that gave 200% to whatever job she had. Over the years I knew her, she had the largest network of friends of anybody I know and I was SO proud for her to call me "friend".

When our boats would pass out on the river, the Captain or pilots on watch would let us know we were going to pass and we would go outside so excited to see each other, we would be out there, so excited we would jump up and down and do the tow boat wave to each other. I lived for those far away glimpses of her and was always looking out the window to see if her boat was out there.

In April around 2002 (it was a Sunday), our pilot came down for breakfast one morning and told me we had passed her boat during the night. I got so excited and asked if she was on or off, he said she had got off Wednesday.. I got real excited because we were getting off that Wednesday and thinking we could do something together while we were off. What he told me changed my life forever. She had got off Wednesday and after a long drive home from upriver, to go home to celebrate her birthday, she was murdered upon arriving home. The light in a lot of peoples lives went out that day, our sunshine being gone. I have never fully recovered from that. I still have to sleep with a light on at night and I think of her often.

She had always warned us, she wouldn't always be around, somewhere deep in her, she knew her life would be cut short. What she didn't know was how, when or by who. Her killer was in jail by Friday.... Her own son killed her, a boy that I watched grow up and loved as much as I loved her. That news distroyed me. I lost 2 very dear friends that night and I was very confused. He adored his mother! He was her best friend and she was his!

Peggy, I still miss you so! I am so mad you were taken from us suddenly ... yea, I know you kept warning us but that didn't make it any easier. Happy Birthday girlfriend. I plant my flowers every April in your memory but the last several years, they haven't done to good... are you telling me it is time to get over it and move on? Just show me how.....

03-13-2008, 09:38 AM
What an awful tragedy. I read something once that may encourage you somewhat to move on, as you've expressed that you may be ready to do: "When you take the "u" out of "mourning", it becomes "morning" - a new morning for your loved one in another phase of life, and a new morning for you in your present life experiences. Grief must give way to the new dawn." ~ Catherine Ponder

03-13-2008, 10:56 AM

What could have possessed her son to do such a thing? :(

Can you imagine Peggy brightening up Heaven? ;) From what you say, she'd do a great job.

How about treating yourself to a Cajun dinner in her honour? Any of her friends nearby you could invite?

My condolences to you and everyone else for losing such a wonderful wonderful person...how blessed the world was to have her.

03-13-2008, 12:29 PM
What a horrible loss :(

I'm so sorry to you and all who loved Peggy. She sounded amazing. I wonder what could possess someone to do such a thing. There is much about the human race that I will never understand.

03-13-2008, 12:35 PM
Oh that is so sad and how double sad that her son took her life. Have you spoken to him? Most likely drugs were involved to cause him to do something like that.

Laura's Babies
03-13-2008, 04:38 PM
I was on the boat when this happened and he was in jail by the time I got off so I have not talked to him. The newspaper said accorning to his statement, he said they had a arguement and he pushed her, she hit her head on a table on the way down and was dead. According to the autopsy, she was strangles to death and testemony stated he had scratches on him from her fighting for her life.

I assumed it was drugs too, that he was maybe dealing and she caught him, she was very against them. He had nothing but a little pot in him or in the house. It wasn't drugs. I just don't understand it at all, he adored his Mama! He brought her to see me just several months before that happened and they both were happy as could be.

Me move on? I think I have until I look out the galley window and see her boat, then I cry... :(