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03-12-2008, 02:27 PM
I've noticed that a few of my cats have sores around their neck. Last night I seen Buttermilk had a spot behind his ear that has no fur, just a scab - I did put iodine on it. This morning, I could feel two sores or scabs on Monster on / around his neck. I just wonder what this is - if I should take them to the vet, or just treat it at home with neosporine. Any ideas?

03-12-2008, 02:33 PM
In my cat's case, that turned out to be allergies, but that's really a question for the vet. It could be from bugs, fighting, or any one of a number of things, especially if they go outdoors.

03-12-2008, 03:05 PM
This is what I call kitty acne. Taz has had it a few times. In Taz's case it was due to eating out of plastic bowls. Once I got rid of the plastic the sores went away. He still drinks water out of plastic, but that's because he shares with Zoee. But he hasn't developed them since I got rid of his plastic food dish.
I hope your issue is as easy as mine was. :)

03-12-2008, 03:36 PM
As Long As The Wounds Are Not Infected I Wouldnt Worry As They Are Probably Rough Housing A Bit.
Cats Will Be Cats.

03-12-2008, 04:52 PM
In my cat's case, she has severe allergies and, if left untreated, she would eventually lose all her hair. I'd have the vet check it out because, if it is an allergy, the itching is maddening for them. It compares to a human having poison ivy. It might be a food that's causing a reaction and, if so, you'll have to do a process of elimination. If it's environmental, then you'll have to figure out what s/he might be allergic to. Also, years ago, back in the dark ages, ;) I bought a flea collar for a cat of mine and it caused her to lose all her hair where the collar was. And, lastly, if your cats go outdoors, it could be from fleas or bugs or allergies or a host of other things. Play it safe and have your vet look at them.

03-12-2008, 05:37 PM
In my kitty's case, he likes playing ROUGH with the boys and has all sorts of battle wounds hehe

03-12-2008, 05:47 PM
Kitty acne is almost always on the chin not the neck.

03-12-2008, 05:52 PM
Kitty acne is almost always on the chin not the neck.
Taz had it on top of his head by his ears before, and all around his neck. Like I said, once I switched to non-plastic they went away. Now the second time it was only on his chin. I'm thinking the dish was too deep and that's why it got on his neck and top of his head.
Now I use shallow plate like dishes that say "hungry kitty" on them, I got at Target. :)

03-12-2008, 07:40 PM
You may want to check all around the neck and the area right before the tail. I call it the crunchies when my guys have gotten but it is an allergic dermatitis. A steroid shot usually takes care of it. I do feral colony care and last summer carried fleas in to my guys, who don't go outside, and 9 of the 11 had allergic reactions. Needless to say they were not happy with momma. :eek:

03-13-2008, 08:01 AM
Poor sweeties! This definitely sounds like a question for your vet. There are so many possibilities as others have mentioned. Hoping this is nothing serious. Please let us know how things work out?

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-13-2008, 01:30 PM
I would go and see a vet. This might also be ringworm! Better be sure, hey!

03-13-2008, 04:57 PM
Thanks everyone - I'm sure it isn't ringworm. I had to deal with that after I brought Maggie home (she was a stray). I'm sure it's nothing serious, because they do fight & play pretty rough, but am going to check with the vet. Yes, they do all eat out of plastic food dishes, so I will switch (never thought about that). I use a plastic rubbermaid type container for their food and empty margarine / butter containers for water.

03-13-2008, 06:06 PM
nancys - I found two stainless steel pet food bowls at my dollar store. They even had heavy rubber rims and bottom to keep them from flipping.

Been over a year and they are great - and easy to clean! Ditto with their water dish.

03-18-2008, 10:34 AM
nancys - I found two stainless steel pet food bowls at my dollar store. They even had heavy rubber rims and bottom to keep them from flipping.

Been over a year and they are great - and easy to clean! Ditto with their water dish.

REPLY to Catty1
I checked at our dollar store yesterday and brought a metal or stainless steel dish for the babies - hope it helps. Thanks