View Full Version : Bruises

03-12-2008, 02:27 PM
UGH... my legs bruise SO easily. I used to have seriously low iron but for some reason when I was pregnant my irons levels went way up so they are at a very good level now... yet I STILL bruise so easily on my legs. I really don't bruise that easily anywhere else.

anyway today Aunt Margie came to visit the puppers and they always freak when she comes lol and get very excited (they don't get to see her much anymore) well in the midst of B&B running around and playing with each other... somehow Beezer poked me in the leg with his nails lol... at the back of my calf. Now I have this big ugly BRIGHT blue bruise with a red spot in the center. it hurts like a humdinger too lol

Anyone know of anything that gets rids of bruises faster or makes the soreness go away? and anyway I can decrease the amount I bruise on my legs? Seriously one time Belle put her paw on my leg and was just standing there and I ended up with a paw shape bruise... it's crazy.

03-12-2008, 06:34 PM
I bruise so easily that my doctor once asked me if there was a history of abuse in my family! :eek: He ran some tests and told me I had thin blood. He just advised me to not take anything to make it worse like asprin. I did have an accident once and had a huge bruise on my leg. A Chinese friend of mine gave me something from a Chinese herbalist to rub on it and it worked. Of course the label is all in chinese so I have no clue what it's called! It smelled like Eucalyptus and was in a bottle with a sponge top that you just rubbed on. I'll see if I can get anymore info from her.

03-12-2008, 10:38 PM
Thanks Kitten... I would love to try it :D

03-12-2008, 11:17 PM
Okay I'm home now...the bottle says Zheng Gu Shui External Analgesic Lotionhttp://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e198/missmeow645/IMG_2750.jpg

Maybe you can find it online? Good luck!

03-12-2008, 11:20 PM
Bruise remedy (http://www.amazon.com/Zheng-Gu-Shui-applicator-3-0/dp/B000QV8N8O/ref=pd_sim_hpc_title_2)

03-12-2008, 11:31 PM
Awesome thank you so much. :D

03-12-2008, 11:46 PM
sparks19 - do you get your iron levels checked regularly?

I'm sure you do...just suggest that if your doc doesn't ask the lab for it, get a ferritin done too. I just found this out last year...ferritin is the part of the red blood cell that actually GRABS the iron and uses it.

From what I remember, that means your blood can be high in iron - but your body isn't getting any if the ferritin is a tad out of whack!

Just a thought. I hope these bruise treatments help you soon!

03-13-2008, 12:01 AM
sparks19 - do you get your iron levels checked regularly?

I'm sure you do...just suggest that if your doc doesn't ask the lab for it, get a ferritin done too. I just found this out last year...ferritin is the part of the red blood cell that actually GRABS the iron and uses it.

From what I remember, that means your blood can be high in iron - but your body isn't getting any if the ferritin is a tad out of whack!

Just a thought. I hope these bruise treatments help you soon!

Well I only know they tested me a lot while I was pregnant because of my history with low iron and they were surprised that my levels were so good during pregnancy.

I haven't had them tested since but I bruised a lot during pregnancy too.

So I'm not sure what's up

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-13-2008, 06:01 AM
Same problem here!! Now that I am taking bloodthinners, it is even worse!! I use an cream which makes the bruise go away. It is called "Hirudoid". If this is not available in the US, please tell me, I can send you some!

I googled it for you: http://www.strandarcadepharmacy.ashop.com.au/c/118880/1/hirudoid-cream.html

03-13-2008, 01:25 PM
Same problem here!! Now that I am taking bloodthinners, it is even worse!! I use an cream which makes the bruise go away. It is called "Hirudoid". If this is not available in the US, please tell me, I can send you some!

I googled it for you: http://www.strandarcadepharmacy.ashop.com.au/c/118880/1/hirudoid-cream.html

Very interesting. Thanks for looking that up.

I will have to look around for it here and see if it's available :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-13-2008, 01:53 PM
Very interesting. Thanks for looking that up.

I will have to look around for it here and see if it's available :)
You're welcome!! I hope you can find or order it, it is VERY good stuff!! :)