View Full Version : My dog has a 'peeing problem'

08-20-2002, 06:02 PM
I have a beagle-shepard mix dog, who is (what we think) about 4-5 years old. When we first got him (February of 2001) he had a problem... that is whenever we went out he would poo and pee on the floor. It would be in the same spot each time, and we tried to displine him (put him in his cage) and after a while, we would walk in and he would just get into his cage. This lasted about a year, until we had come back to the house a few times and noticed he had done nothing on the floor. He was so proud of himself, so his reward was to take him right out when we got home. Recently he had gone back to his old ways - but not as often. When we are asleep he will sometimes pee on the floor, or poo..... does anyone else have this problem? or know how to fix it? :confused:

08-21-2002, 12:18 AM
Don't think I can help you much but others here will. I think they will need more information first. If you didn't see your dog pee/poo he won't understand why you are upset and why he is put in his crate. Has he been checked out with the vet for a bladder infection? Is he taken outside right after he has eaten and after playing? Have you tried to crate him at night as he won't soil in his sleeping quarters?
Welcome to Pet talk !!

08-21-2002, 09:25 AM
We never see my dog pee or poo in the house because he only does it when we are out or asleep. And the vet said it might be separation anxiety and that he didnt have a bladder infection. He goes outside whenever he wants because he lets you know he has to go by jumping up and scratching your arm, or sitting and barking in your face lol. And we've tried crating him at night, and when we leave, but he howls until he is let out, and we have tried putting a pillow in there, or a bowl of water or food, but he nocks over the bowls, and he tore up the pillow. I don't know what it could be, because he really hasn't pooed or peed on the floor (that we know of) sence he did it last week. We figure he might have just really had to go? I don't know.... Thanks for the reply! :p

08-21-2002, 11:41 AM
The training signals are mixed up here.

Lets clean up problem #1, the scent marked area. If you can get some NATURES MIRACLE ENZYME CLEANER get some. Place pup in his crate or in a room where he can't see you. Take water and baking soda to the marked spot. Soak the area with water, then add the baking soda to soak it up. Repeat about 3 times. Spray area with Natures Miracle. Let area dry about 24 hours. DO NOT ALLOW PUP IN THIS AREA AT ALL.

Problem #2 - Authorized potty area. When you take him out of his crate, take him directly outside on a leash and walk him to the area you prefer. Command "GO Potty". DO NOT BRING HIM INSIDE UNTIL HE DOES. This may take some time, but it is necessary. When he does go potty outside, LOTS OF GOOFY PRAISE. GOOD BOY, GOOD POTTY. Do this everytime you take him outside and be consistant.

Problem #3 - Punishment: Do not use his crate as punishment only. This is a valuable tool in training and should be related to more good things than bad. Play with him inside his crate (if you have one that you fit in), or put him in it and play with him in it. Make him relate good things are in the crates. If he requires a time out, do not mix signals. Command Kennel UP, then followed by goofy Good Kennel ups. Never state "BAD DOGGY" or use disgruntled tones after they accomplished the initial command of KENNEL UP. This is where signals get crossed. One minute your telling him to do something, so he does it, then you're telling him how bad he is for doing it.

He'll catch on. Also, take him to the vets to make sure he isn't coming down with an infection first.

good luck.

08-21-2002, 04:34 PM
Thanks ChrisAK but we've tried that...... we've cleaned the area several times, and he doesnt always do it in the same place. And we always take him out until he goes.... we always wait outside for him to be done, and then we praise him... we give him a dog treat for going. And he always tells us when he has to go. Also, we always take him out at about 10:30pm, right before we all go to bed. As for the crate; we don't only use it for punishment, in fact he sleeps in there all the time... we leave the door open for him. Thanks :cool:

Adge Gibbs
08-22-2002, 07:45 AM
Hi Kathy. It sounds as if your dog is dealing with separation anxiety or a change in your lifestyle that he may not be used to. Has anything changed recently (new child, new home, different work schedules, activities that have you out of the house when you would normally have been home)?

My dog Seven went through this when I had to have surgery and couldn't do all of the things we normally did (hiking and boating were out of the question for many months). The dog realized that something was wrong and was acting out.

Everyone recommended leaving the radio on, but it did nothing. I actually found, of all things, that leaving Animal Planet on for him has made him stop barking and whining while I was at work (so the neighbors told me). My dog was a rescue and I did find out a lot of his history. Part of his history was his owners abandoning him. It was frustrating because I love this dog to death, but didn't have a real way to show him that I was always coming back.

Does your dog mostly do this while you are at work, or after you come home for the day and then go back out?


08-22-2002, 06:35 PM
We are pretty sure he does have separation anxiety because it is only when we are out or asleep, when we won't catch him in the act. Now that I think about it, he hasn't done it since the kids were out of school because they were home most of the time. Maybe in the back of his mind he is thinking someone could come home at any minute and catch me. It used to be we would go out and come back 3 mins. later and he would have already done soemthing. We too have tried leaving the tv on for him, but it didn't really do anything for him. Thanks! :-D