View Full Version : Gunie pigs

08-20-2002, 05:30 PM
I am geting a new pet. can anyone give mesome tips on Gunie Pigs? R females better then males? R males more aggressev in mateing season? And i have a two story cage for the Pig. Should i put the water on the bottom or top orthe cage ith it likit more on which story? :confused:

08-22-2002, 08:38 AM
This is the best site for info on Guinea Pigs. I am an owner of 3 and have aqcuired most of my knowledge from the wise people of caviesgalore :)

Good luck! :D


08-22-2002, 07:11 PM
I have two piggies and I think you will have great fun with one! It is important to learn about proper care and feeding though. I have a lot of links to great cavy (guinea pig) websites. This one is excellent, and covers all areas of care. Let me know if it is helpful. Also, check out the topic "Guinea Pig Problem" in Pets Behavior, started by Dababy. We had a long discussion about guinea pig care there not long ago. Good Luck!


Here's a clip from a previous post..

Hi Sami, Buster and Brutus!

First, poor little Buster! Yes, it is possible for piggies to injure their legs; sprains, breaks, etc. If he is walking around easily, I doubt that he was broken anything. But try to keep him quiet, without too much running around for a few days. Keep a close eye on him. If he seems to be in pain (without you touching his leg) I think you should take him to your vet to have him checked. Sounds like he may have sprained or strained his leg If this is the case, it should heal on it's own with a little rest.

As for his diet!! Squeekers LOVES apples (with the skin) baby carrots, peppers, bananas, blueberries and especially parsley!! You may know this, but piggies cannot make their own vit. C like humans can. They need to get it from their diet and it is very important for them to get a daily supply. This is given best in the form of fresh fruits and veggies. Dark leafy greens, like parsley, spinach, and ONLY romainne lettuce (no other kind of lettuce) are good sources. Of course, oranges, apples and carrots are very high in vit. C. There is a commercial vit. C solution you can buy at the pet store. You add 1 teaspoon per water bottle per day. It is a good backup. But you shouldn't rely just on THAT! It breaks down easily, especially if the bottle is near sunlight. Piggies are very prone to colds that can kill them very easily. So be sure and give him plenty of food with vit. C. I have never heard of the reaction to apples, apple skins and fruits you mentioned. But do keep a check for mouth sores.

For a daily diet, Squeekers gets 2 or 3 feedings a day. He gets about 1 cup total of fresh fruits and veggies, 1/2-1 cup of pellets that he "free feeds" from, and 1-2 handfuls of timothy hay or meadow hay daily. This is very important for their digestion; a good source of fiber. All pets stores and many grocery stores carry it. If they don't eat it, they like to use it for bedding! And even if he doesn't seem to like it now, leave the wood chew stick in his cage anyway. All piggies love to chew wood, and he will probably give it a try eventually. It is important for them to be able to "file down" their teeth as they grow continuously! If Buster doesn't like the pellets you use now, try another brand. But be careful of ones containing sunflower seeds. Piggies can choke on them! Kaytee makes a good pellet formlula for wheekers.

Anyway this is Squeekers diet for today:
A.M. 2 baby carrots
small handful of parsley
1/4 cup pellet
handful of hay

Noon: About Tbsp.of chopped pepper
1/2" slice of banana

P.M. Large spinach leaf
small slice of apple
1/4 cup of pellets
Handful of hay

You get the idea! You can vary the fruits and veggies. Just make sure you don't overdo the fruit (lots of sugar!) and give him dark greens daily. A small piece of orange every other day is good; but not too much! That does have a lot of acid in it!

Change his water every day! And be careful to watch if algae starts forming on the sides of the bottle. You have to wash it with hot water and a drop of bleach, then rinse VERY well. The algae forms a bacteria that can kill him!! And they love cold, cold water! Not ice water, but fresh, cold tap water.

AND! NEVER use cedar bedding! The chemicals in it are deadly! Only pine or aspen beddiing.

I hope I haven't overwhelmed you with info. When I got Squeekers, he was my first piggie and I was clueless! Just thought I would pass along some info. I researched. I'm also going to post some links to great cavy (guinea pig) pages. They have great info. on all aspects of guinea pig care from health, to nutrition, to grooming (they need to be brushed and have nails clipped) to bedding, games, etc. And great chat rooms. They also have pre-recorded wheekers noises! Squeekers loves to sit on my lap and listen to thme!

Don't be overwhelmed. I'm sure in a short time you'll get into an easy routine and love caring for him. And let me know when you want to give him a bath! Squeekers loves them! Fondly, Sandra

Try these:
www.caviesareus.tripod.com www.beanmakers.com www.aracnet.com www.cavyseek.com

08-22-2002, 08:37 PM
I have 3 guinea pigs and they are great pets! All together I have owned 5. My first guinea pig was so sweet, she would curl up on you and it was great. My second guinea pig was an albino shorthair. (When getting a guinea-pig, its almost better to get a short haired guinea-pig because there isn't much brushing you need to do with it and it can't really get matted.) He was the sweetest guinea-pig you could ever have!! When getting a guinea-pig SHOP AROUND! It's better not to just get the first cute one you see, and ask questions! Because we were new to the guinea-pig thing, our first guinea-pig we brought home had g/p lice. In which case you get a dust bath to give them. Another thing, about the bedding. There is this bedding called 'Care Fresh'. It works well, and it absorbs so their cage doesn't stink. It's in a green bag, and the contents look as though they are ground up egg cartons. It soft and I feel it is better than the other beddings. Well... thats about all the advice I have... good luck! :-)

08-23-2002, 06:09 PM
I know you asked for advice but I just wanted to show you my sister`s guinea pig,Herbert.


08-23-2002, 10:22 PM
hi, basically the subject said what i want to say. i was told it gives piggies kidney stones so give it to pigs very small amount (and not too frequent). is that for read?

anyway, here is my brownie in my rain boot. he was also a pet a pet of the day before.


08-23-2002, 10:47 PM
I think I remember seeing Brownie! He`s cute!

Aspen and Misty
08-24-2002, 02:32 AM
I am getting a Guinie Pig too! I am rescueing mine from a group around here. My mom said as long as it is within 3 hours (one way) of driving we can go there and look at them. I am going to wiat till Chewy (my puppy) gets to be 1 or so so that I don't have a new guinie pig and a puppy at the same time. Also that way I can use Chewy's pen as a fun place for him to roam outside (supervised) in! My friend is also letting beuy a 3 story cat cage from her for real cheap (20.00). She made it to fit a bunny I just need to do some remodling! I would put a water bottle on both floors if you can. That way which ever floor they are on they can get a drink! When you get the piggie take pictures so we can see him or her!