View Full Version : pet sitting

08-20-2002, 05:02 PM
Hi everyone! I haven't posted in Pet Talk for a lonnnnngggg time, but I hope to get back to being a regular...

I wanted to tell you about my new part-time job on weekends -- pet sitting! I work for a woman who owns an established company, and she keeps me pretty busy. I usually have 8 to 10 visits each weekend day, mostly kitties, but I also walk a dog or two. I have also cared for a turtle, bunnies, birds, and fish so far.

This has been absolutely the most fun part-time job I've ever had (heck, most fun *any* job ever)! Seeing the animals is the best part. Most of them are so glad to see me, and I love giving them attention -- after taking care of their needs, of course!

If I ever have any funny pet sitting stories, I'll post 'em here (if you care to read them, that is!).

Any other pet sitters out there? :)

08-20-2002, 05:39 PM
Well, welcome back! I look forward to hearing your stories! What a great job!! :)

Miss Meow
08-20-2002, 05:53 PM
Hi Margaret. Welcome back, I look forward to hearing all about your babies!

That sounds like a terrific job!

I don't have any funny pet sitting stories myself, but a friend was retiring one of her horses, so she had Cindy trucked down to my parent's place where they're on a few acres and are happy to look after horses.

One day Cindy disappeared. Mum and dad spent hours looking for her in the neighbours' paddocks and she was nowhere to be found. Then the penny dropped that another horse on their land was due to be transported out who fitted a similar description. The truck driver turned up early and in the dark, didn't want to disturb anybody so he just picked up the first horse that looked about right and drove off with her - and forgot to advise that he'd been by! Mum finally got hold of him and quietly arranged to have the horses switched over. My friend has a slightly overactive temper so we haven't been brave enough to tell her!

08-20-2002, 07:29 PM
That was a good story Miss Meow.

I used to petsit and babysit around my neighborhood when I was a teenager, my dad was allergic to cats and dogs so we never had one of our own so I would do whatever I could to be around animals as much as possible. Once I got my first place after college I got my own cat Sam right away and I named her after my old neighbors cat I used to sit for!

Currently our next-door neighbors are away on vacation and they have a pet-sitter staying overnight at their house. I think she is doing a better job than they do of taking care of the pets. The dog doesn't bark for attention or get loose all the time and the cat has stopped roaming too. If only she could be there permanently!:rolleyes: ;)

Aspen and Misty
08-20-2002, 07:43 PM
Part of my buisness, "All For the Dogs" is pet sitting. We also are a dog walking/pupper scooper :rolleyes: company. We charge 15 per week for 5 half hour walks and 1 yard cleaning and then 10 per week to walk a dog 5 times and 5 per week for yard cleaning. It is alot of fun. I love it alot and since I don't have to dicipline the dogs or anyting they love alot. When I come to the door to get Sadie May for her walk she wont stop barking till the leash is on and we are otu the door, she gets so exited its so cute! I bet pet sitting is fun. Haveing all these animals for a weekend!


08-20-2002, 08:58 PM
Welcome back Margaret. Your part time pet sitting job sounds like a lot of fun. I'd also love to hear about your pet sitting stories. :)

08-20-2002, 09:51 PM
Hi all! Thanks for your "welcome back"s! I always thought the Pet Talk people were great, although I think all animal lovers are good people! :D

popcornbird -- The birds I cared for didn't seem too sad, although maybe it depends on the breed? These were parakeets, three of one kind and then one of another. The one other kind, Raji, was in his own cage. All of the birds were quite chatty throughout the time I was with them. The owners only allowed Raji out of his cage--he's very special. They rescued him off the street! He gets lots of attention. I had actually never handled birds before, so it was such a thrill to meet Raji. He hopped right onto my hand (I felt like Snow White walking around talking to him!). He bobbed his head and gave me kisses (love bites?). I let him ride on my shoulder while I was tending to the birds' food/water (Raji's wings are clipped). He's a darling, and he only pooped on me a little bit. ;) I hope I get to see him again this weekend. :cool: I also hope to be able to pet sit a cockatiel some day. They are gorgeous birds! I would love to hear one talk to me. I'm glad that the 4-yr-old cockatiel that you are caring for is doing better and not so sad. I can understand how he misses his folks, though. I've caught myself telling the animals I pet sit for, "Don't worry, your mom and dad will be home soon!"

Everyone's stories are great! Yes, that's a hilarious story about the mix-up with Cindy!! LOL!

Yes, Ash, it's so cute when the dogs get so excited to see you!

Vermontcat -- That's cool to hear that your neighbor's pet-sitter has a calming effect on the dog and cat! It's funny, I almost want the pets I sit for to see me as their favorite.

Yeah, I'd probably pet sit for free if given the opportunity. But it's nice getting paid for it, too! ;) If I weren't doing this part-time, maybe I'd like to work in a vet's office or something...

Sorry this was long!


08-21-2002, 07:13 AM
popcornbird -- Bonnie is a really beautiful cockatiel! She sure knows how to pose for the camera, too!!! :D It's amazing how attached animals can be to their owners/"parents". It proves they have hearts deserving of love.

I haven't really been posting on PT since early this year. I was heavily into it when I first started in 2000, but I was spending way too much time on the computer *period* and I needed to cut back. I'm going to try and get back into PT because it's so much fun reading all the discussions and postings here, but I'll try not to go overboard with my time! :rolleyes:

08-21-2002, 08:10 AM
Not only are you having fun, Margaret, but you are doing such a good service too! I have to tell you that my petsitter has become a good friend, and I know she loves my animals. I found her through a website, www.petsit.com . And now she is working for many of my friends, as well. My animals (dogs, cats, birds, hamster) are all much happier getting to stay home and having someone come to check on them several times per day. It isn't cheap, but very worth it for my peace of mind. :)

It is nice to have you back here, and I DO want to hear your stories!! :D


08-21-2002, 10:03 AM
Thanks, Logan!! It's nice to be back!

I'm glad to hear you have a good pet sitter for your bunch and that you've become friends! :) That's cool. It's better when you get to know the sitter, I think, so that a greater level of trust and understanding develops. It's different in my case, however, because I never meet the clients, who deal directly with the owner of the pet sitting company I work for. I'm one of many sitters on staff, and we only have face time with the pets, not the pet owners.

Part of my job entails leaving a note for the owners so that they know how their pet is doing and what I did for the cat/dog/bird/etc. Hopefully they can sense from my notes (I try to make them detailed) that I love their pets and want them to be happy. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-21-2002, 12:40 PM
Welcome back, Margaret. :) When we leave for a few days we have a pet-sitter come in for Tubby & Peanut. She does a great job and I know they appreciate her company, although they are still always real happy to see us when we get back home. :)

Hope to hear some great stories! :)

08-21-2002, 04:32 PM
Oh! I'm so embarrassed! :o It was a case of mistaken identity... Yes, I must have completely misread that entire thread. I'm sorry popcornbird!

Well, now I have looked at your birdies and I will say they are just as beautiful as Bonnie! Your birds look so sweet and so full of character. They must be a lot of fun. I loved the photos of them snacking off the plate, and trying to play with the necklace! Hee hee!!! GREAT pics!!

:o :o :o :o :o