View Full Version : Groomers: Need Your Opinions, Please.

03-11-2008, 12:16 AM
I'm getting ready to buy all new clippers for my grooming shop. I haven't bought any for a really long time, because my dad was really good at keeping them all running.

We are currently using Laube clippers, but we have had them so long and they have been repaired so many time. But when they run properly we LOVE them. We also have a bunch of old Oster A5's that we hate.

So, before I spend a lot of money, I want your opinions.

Please tell me what brand(s) of clippers you use in your shop, and how happy you are with them.


03-11-2008, 12:36 AM
Everyone in my shop uses Andis clippers. I like them but I have had to have a few pairs fixed. I've never used any other brand. I recently purchased this (http://www.petedge.com/Andis-AGP-Super-2-Speed-Clipper-AD27370.pro) pair, with the stupid theory that if they were more expensive they'd be better and last longer. :rolleyes: I purchased them at the beginning of December and I had to have them sent back to Andis and fixed a month ago. I'm really not impressed with that pair, they are heavy and vibrate worse than any other pair I've had. I wouldn't recommend them.

My boss has this (http://www.petedge.com/Andis-Light-Speed-Clipper-w-10-Blade-AD331.pro) pair and they have lasted a long time and worked well for her. I wish I would have purchased those instead. I also have a pair of the basic Andis 2-speed black and the Andis UltraEdge. I just received them both back from repairs, I had them sitting in my toolbox for months. They were both good clippers until they randomly decided to stop working...one died the day after the first. In their defense I purchased both 2nd hand from other groomers, and the black pair is at least 5 years old. Luckily the repairs for both and shipping was only $18 (there's no local place that does repairs, I had to mail them in). The Andis company was great to work with to get that done and my new pair fixed (under warranty).

This is a good Groomer forum to check out for advice too, just do a search for the different clippers you're thinking of buying. http://www.petgroomerforums.com/chat/

03-11-2008, 04:03 AM
I use an andis, I will be changing to laube very soon, My friend also has a laube and she only ever had it serviced once in 5 years. that was because of the lever drive because she didn't always have the correct blades for it.

My andis clipper has a mind of its own and doesn't leave a nice finish like the laube so thats why i'll be changing. I have tried oster and find them huge and bulky and they get hot so fast.

Are you using the laube blades? I know that keeps the lever drive working, My friend made that mistake when she first got hers. You can also buy a kit where you fit the drive yourself rather than sending it away.

03-11-2008, 06:59 AM
I posted a thread like this a long time ago because I was tired of my Oster getting hot so quickly. (I actually sit it in the refrigerator between dogs). :rolleyes: I researched and asked hubby and asked the folks here at PT and was ready to go out and get an Andis but never did (at least not yet). :o All I did was buy new blades but they are interchangeable with Andis so I am OK when I do finally make the switch. This thread might be just the push I need. I like the idea of the Andis with the light. You can never have too much light! I will definitely visit the forum that Amy posted. :)

I hope Jen Luckenbach sees this thread as she is a groomer.

03-11-2008, 07:49 AM
We use Andis here too.
They are really good, I've never heard of any of the clippers breaking for as long ad I've been at my shop.

03-11-2008, 08:02 AM
I've never used Andis. They look big and bulky though. I like Laube... and incidentally Laube blades are my fovorite blades...

I have a pair of the Laube mini micro clippers. I have also used the Laube Litening clippers. Both are great.

I also have a set of Wahl Switchblade clippers. They were weird to get used to holding them, but I like them. And they are a lot cheaper than most other clippers. I've heard that the cord tends to go on them though... so *shrugs* Good luck in your decision! :)

03-11-2008, 02:41 PM
For many, many years I used Oster A5 and was very happy with them. You can service parts of them yourself. But of course, they don't make things like they used to. :rolleyes: (the OLD Oster A2 was a work-horse that never broke, but of course they are discontinued a long time now) I have 3 pairs of Osters.

My one co-worker prefers the regular Andis. She likes the shape and the weight. But she grooms a LOT of dogs, and they give out within a year many times.

I also have an Andis AGC (not with a light) and I do like it. It is quieter. But I have not had it long enought to know how it will last.....but I would buy another one.

Never tried a Laube.

I prefer single speed. Dual speed clippers heat up faster.