View Full Version : Animal Planet's Escape to Chimp Eden

03-10-2008, 07:13 PM
Has anyone watched it yet? I am fascinated with it!! There's this guy that rescues abandoned and abused chimps rom deporable conditions and rehabs them at his sanctuary. These rescues are done in the middle of the night. Chimps that haven't seen daylight in 12 years, another chimp was welded into her cage for 13 years. Another one was chained outside to a post for 12 years. Disgusting!! :mad: There's this one little chimp, Xena who he rescued. Her former owners held her down and shaved her entire body so she wouldn't shed on their furniture!!!! :mad: :mad: She has never forgotten it and won't allow anyone near her or to pick her up. She very hyper. She WANTS to be included in some of the things that the group does, but she won't let any human near her. In fact, she'll go up to the guy and start hitting him when he pays attention to the others, even as much as becoming aggressive towards him. This guy really knows his stuff when it come to socializing chimps.

What in the world would possess someone to completely SHAVE a chimp naked???

This program is on Animal Planet, Friday nights at 9 my time. Well worth watching.

03-10-2008, 07:55 PM
I saw a preview for this show and was very intrigued by what I saw but never actually stuck around to watch it. It sounds amazing what that guy does and I really admire him for it.
I have a feeling I'll be tuning in this Friday(despite the fact that monkeys scare me a bit). :)

03-10-2008, 07:57 PM
I have seen a couple episodes, and while there are scary parts, it is very interesting to watch. They do rerun it several times a week, so it's easy to catch the repeats if you look.

03-10-2008, 10:56 PM
hahahaha Funny I saw this, I been watching it tonight.. *Still am* And it is the first one I have seen. I am Intreged. I never thought I would be soooo Interested. LOL!

03-11-2008, 12:30 AM
What in the world would possess someone to completely SHAVE a chimp naked???


Sorry, I can't reply to your question on a G rated website. :mad: :mad:

03-11-2008, 06:29 AM
I've been wanting to watch it but somehow I haven't been able to bring myself to. The sadness in the eyes of those chimps just haunts me. And I can't stand thinking about the abuse they endured and how our own species can do that. I think I might give it a try, though, because it's important to watch and learn.

03-11-2008, 08:17 AM
I have been watching from the beginning. I love the show. It's on
Friday evening here, with reruns at times through the week.It's a very
interesting series. He had to actually teach one chimp to climb trees.
He was taken from his mother early on & never learned chimp behavior. :(