View Full Version : Wrestling a wild bear

03-10-2008, 11:28 AM
This morning when Ginger and I went outside to play she immediately ran across the yard and found a mud puddle that I didn't know about. By the time I crossed the yard to get to her she was covered head to toe in mud, dirt, and grass :D I thought back to her first bath and remembered how well she did so I figured that it couldn't be THAT hard to do it by myself... See where this is going? :D I got her in the bath and at first she was having fun playing in the water and ducking her head under the running water... Then she decided that she didn't want to be in the bath anymore.. That is when I realized that she may have done so well last itme because she weighed half as much and was just easier to control :D By the time I had her all clean I was wet from my neck to my ankles ;)

That is the last time I attempt to do that by myself for a while!!

Lori Jordan
03-10-2008, 11:57 AM
Lol that is funny,I have been there with Molly,she is 100+.So i do not do her anymore she goes to the groomers.

This summer i attempted to bathe them with the hose,Maggy was great although you had to keep at her to stay still,Lacy had the look is this almost over with.

Storm wanted nothing to do with it,He started screaming like i was hurting him,My neighbor came over to see what was a matter he was screaming that loud and i did not even do anything.

In the winter my guys are great,Lacy lays on her back in the bathtub so i can wash her belly.Storm usually jumps in the shower with my daughter,He is her shadow,If she was to shut the door on him when she is in having a shower he takes a fit.So he jumps in the shower with her,Kinda odd but he just dont like the hose i guess.
And maggy is pretty good in the bathtub although she sometimes lets out grumbles lol.

Im not looking forward to everything melting,Lacy is the mud dog so ill be in your shoes in a few weeks lol.

03-10-2008, 04:52 PM
I would have loved to see that! :D

03-10-2008, 08:47 PM
Hahaha! I would have loved to see it as well! :D

Any chance we could get some new Ginger pics? Pretty pleaaase? :cool:

Cinder & Smoke
03-10-2008, 09:00 PM
... Then she decided that she didn't want to be in the bath anymore.

That is when I realized that she may have done so well last time because she
weighed half as much and was just easier to control.

That is the last time I attempt to do that by myself for a while!!

Why didn't you invite The Boys to hop in and "Help" ??


03-10-2008, 09:21 PM
Tyler came in just long enough to giggle and say "Mommy, Ginger got you alllll wet!" :D Little stinker :)