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View Full Version : Little Bit is gaining weight!

03-10-2008, 07:48 AM
Ok, most of you know what my little gerbil looks like. Well, he's not that little anymore. With all the recent events we (my family) havent been home enough to let little bit get some exercise out of his cage. Now he feels like im holding a real fast alive apple. God he's heavy! Does anyone know of a way to get gerbils to lose weight because his little run about ball is colored red so he wont run in it.

03-10-2008, 08:48 AM
Does he have a wheel in his cage? Maybe that would help!

I bet he is an adorable bundle of fur, he hee. Very good of you to notice and want to help him get trim again!

03-10-2008, 08:54 AM
Does he have a wheel in his cage? Maybe that would help!

I bet he is an adorable bundle of fur, he hee. Very good of you to notice and want to help him get trim again!

He had a wheel but he literally chewed it all the way to the base lol. Im going to try another this friday though.

03-10-2008, 11:02 AM
Get a mesh wheel they can't chew those apart. My girl's love their mesh wheel.

03-10-2008, 11:28 AM
Get a mesh wheel they can't chew those apart. My girl's love their mesh wheel.

Is a mesh wheel a wheel with spokes? If so, Little Bit cant use one because his long tail would get caught in the spokes.

03-10-2008, 06:03 PM
Could you try a clear ball he can run about in? I know you said he doesn't take too well to his red one, so a clear one might be worth a try. I will be another one to suggest getting another wheel. If you lived closer, I have a few wheels big enough for a gerbil that I would be happy to part with. Gosh, I hate how I am always hours away from people I could easily help out.
Good luck with his weight loss program. :]

03-13-2008, 04:05 PM
Sorry it took me soo long to respond, ive been working on make-up work from when i was out of school almost a week from the flue. Chilli: Couldnt you send them freight? The nearest place that stocks clear balls and wheels is about 2 hours round-trip, and we are busy most of the week. I think the weight is starting to mess with his health, he has started to be alot more inactive than before, but it could just be that he is getting old.

03-15-2008, 02:59 PM