View Full Version : Pig's Gut Saves Dog's Eye

08-20-2002, 03:01 PM
Vets have saved the sight of a German shepherd dog using material made from a pig's gut.

A small section of collagen membrane was implanted in eight-year-old Gemma's eye, to fill the wound where a tumour had been removed.

The material acted as a framework around which the animal's own tissues could grow. As new cells and blood vessels grew across the area, the engineered membrane dissolved away.

The pig-derived material has been used before in dogs, to replace bladder and abdominal walls. But this is a first for eye surgery affecting the cornea, the eye's transparent "front window".

It is yet another example of how engineered tissues are starting to revolutionise surgical techniques in both human and animal medicine.

Indeed, the US Food and Drug Administration have approved this new pig-derived tissue for clinical evaluation in certain human operations.

It is made from the sub-muscosa of pig intestines. The purified product actually comes in sheets that the vet can cut to size. Developed in the US and sold under the trade name Vet Biosist, the membrane is also proving its potential as a treatment for traumatic injuries to the eye, such as those caused by cat scratches and bites.

It has even been used on the shell of a turtle and in a defect in a dog's skull after palliative surgery for cancer.

08-21-2002, 12:35 PM
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story !!!


08-21-2002, 03:05 PM
I thought so too! :)