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View Full Version : Argh! Maggie won't eat

03-09-2008, 10:45 PM
I just bought Maggie a food stand and she's absolutely terrified of it! She won't get near her food or water dish at all. I tried baiting her but that won't work, currently there are 2 chicken nuggets in her food dish and she's just sitting across the room staring sadly at it. Any ideas on how to show her she's suppose to eat out of it and it's not going to eat her?

03-09-2008, 10:54 PM
Maybe try putting the regular food/water bowls nearby but not next to the new bowls. If that goes well gradually move the old bowls closer until Maggie uses the new ones.

I had a similar problem with Dusty not wanting to use the pet fountain at first and that's how I got her used to it.

Good luck.

03-10-2008, 08:52 AM
I agree with the above post.

I'd put the food stand in the room near where she normally eats but leave her normal food and water bowls as they normally are.

Leave the new stand in the room with treats in it for a day or two, letting her get used to it on her own terms.
After a few days add water and a little food, but still use her old bowls as well then slowly move it closer to her old bowls.