View Full Version : Lensbabies

03-09-2008, 05:05 PM
I know there are a few people here who are pretty into photography. Do any of you happen to have a lensbaby... or looked into them? I was thinking about getting a macro lens but I think I'm going to get a Lensbaby 2.0 instead! I'm pretty excited about it. I think the 2.0 is about $150, the newer version (3G) is more like 400 dollars.

For those of you who do not know what lensbabies are and you're interested... go to www.lensbabies.com.

Just curious! :)

03-09-2008, 05:13 PM
I have looked into the lensbaby and it is on my list. LOL I get most of my photography 'needs' from Adorama. You can get the lensbaby 3G for $269.95 from them with free shipping. Here is the link (http://www.adorama.com/Search-Results.tpl?page=searchresults&searchinfo=lens%20baby)

I just ordered some filters from them at a very good price and I'm quite impressed with them.

Next on my list is a wide angle and then the lensbaby 3G. We (hubby and I) have decided to try to pick up one thing a month or every couple of months depending on the price.

03-09-2008, 05:16 PM
Thank you for the reply. Good, thanks for the link that's the cheapest I've seen the 3G so far. Do you think it's worth getting a 3G compared to a 2.0 for the money?

03-09-2008, 05:25 PM
I guess that depends on what your needs are. If you want something that is quick and easy to use with no fuss then the 2.0 is probably more what you are looking for. But the 2.0 has a much smaller aperture range and there is no fine focus either. I think it is just the matter of what you prefer. I was going to get the 2.0 but while I was procrastinating the 3G came out and I will give that a go as it seems more suited to what I want.

03-09-2008, 05:32 PM
Yeah, I think I will go for the 3G. Thanks!

03-09-2008, 06:42 PM
I have never heard of that, but it looks really neat. I don't have DSLR camera though. Since I recently got a job I am going to buy myself a new regular digital one then go for the DSLR, as the digital one I have now just isn't cutting it. I HATE this camera I have with a burning passion. If I were you, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. That looks totally awesome.

03-09-2008, 09:14 PM
I don't have DSLR camera though. Since I recently got a job I am going to buy myself a new regular digital one then go for the DSLR, as the digital one I have now just isn't cutting it. I HATE this camera I have with a burning passion.

Dumb question here probably, but why get a regular p&s digital first? Trust me it's well worth the money and waiting to save up a bit longer for the DSLR. I couldn't believe the difference until I got one myself. Just a thought.

03-09-2008, 09:39 PM
Dumb question here probably, but why get a regular p&s digital first? Trust me it's well worth the money and waiting to save up a bit longer for the DSLR. I couldn't believe the difference until I got one myself. Just a thought.

Well, I don't really care about waiting, I can wait I just NEED a camera. But the thing is, DSLR's are too big to carry around. I take my camera everywhere and I want a thin P&S as well that I can take virtually anywhere, that is easy to carry around. I have a very old film DSLR that I cannot IMAGINE carrying around, and although the new DSLR cameras are smaller I can't carry them around either. Plus, if I got a DSLR my parents probably wouldn't let me take it kayaking, to the beach, or really any place I normally would take it just for fun. I wish I knew of a camera that was both, but I researched on amazon and many other sites and came up with nothing so I would rather get separate cameras. I would only use the DSLR for real photography.

03-09-2008, 10:38 PM
Your right Alyssa, I only use my DSLR for my photography. I do take it to many places it can get ruined, you just have to be careful and have a bag to carry it in when not shooting. To just take simple snapshots of friends and such, I use a point and shoot. Although, you can still do photography on a point and shoot. I've seen some pretty awesome pictures you would never guess came out of a P&S.

03-09-2008, 11:39 PM
Well, I don't really care about waiting, I can wait I just NEED a camera. But the thing is, DSLR's are too big to carry around. I take my camera everywhere and I want a thin P&S as well that I can take virtually anywhere, that is easy to carry around. I have a very old film DSLR that I cannot IMAGINE carrying around, and although the new DSLR cameras are smaller I can't carry them around either. Plus, if I got a DSLR my parents probably wouldn't let me take it kayaking, to the beach, or really any place I normally would take it just for fun. I wish I knew of a camera that was both, but I researched on amazon and many other sites and came up with nothing so I would rather get separate cameras. I would only use the DSLR for real photography.
That's exactly my "problem". My DSLR will definitely NOT fit in my purse and I can't just take it everywhere as it gets in the way... when we vacationed in Hawai'i, I used my point and shoot for everythin; kayacking, hiking, on the beach -- places and things I just didn't want to risk breaking my DSLR just because I wanted "good" pictures. But for photography when I can plan accordingly, I definitely bring it :)

03-10-2008, 08:10 PM
Well, I don't really care about waiting, I can wait I just NEED a camera. But the thing is, DSLR's are too big to carry around. I take my camera everywhere and I want a thin P&S as well that I can take virtually anywhere, that is easy to carry around. I have a very old film DSLR that I cannot IMAGINE carrying around, and although the new DSLR cameras are smaller I can't carry them around either. Plus, if I got a DSLR my parents probably wouldn't let me take it kayaking, to the beach, or really any place I normally would take it just for fun. I wish I knew of a camera that was both, but I researched on amazon and many other sites and came up with nothing so I would rather get separate cameras. I would only use the DSLR for real photography.

Yeah a DSLR is not exactly purse/pocket friendly that's for sure!

If you're looking for a new camera (P&S or DLSR) try www.stevesdigicam.com they have very thorough reviews with screenshots of menus and pix from every angle of the camera and buttons. Good luck with whatever you decide to get.

03-10-2008, 08:58 PM
That's exactly my "problem". My DSLR will definitely NOT fit in my purse and I can't just take it everywhere as it gets in the way... when we vacationed in Hawai'i, I used my point and shoot for everythin; kayacking, hiking, on the beach -- places and things I just didn't want to risk breaking my DSLR just because I wanted "good" pictures. But for photography when I can plan accordingly, I definitely bring it :)
That's exactly why I didn't buy one. But, I'm realising now that I'm going to want a DLSR also because my Powershot doesn't do all the things I'd like it to. I'm going to make that my goal for Christmas.