View Full Version : Pet friendly housing in Austin.

03-09-2008, 03:57 PM
Can anyone in the Austin area recommend any pet friendly apartment complexes? Alexa was accepted in UT Law School and will be moving there this summer. So she's looking for an apartment close to campus. She's going out there in two weeks to check out the school and make sure that is where she wants to go. Then in late June we will both head over there to find an apartment. She's found a few places online, but any additional suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I think the plan is for her to move with Tuna and Payson, then hopefully in another year I'll be moving out there with the rest of the kitties.

03-09-2008, 04:07 PM
In Calgary the Humane Society/SPCA has a list of pet friendly apartments.

Also, try typing 'pet friendly apartments Austin TX' into your search engine - things will turn up there as well.

Good luck!

Gee...will you be close to Helene? :)

03-09-2008, 05:03 PM
I googled "pet friendly housing in Austin, texas" and this result was #1:


Along with a few others...


This site though seems geared specifically toward housing people with pets:

Good reference for anyone to have I guess!

finn's mom
03-12-2008, 01:09 AM
I was just thinking about you, Laura, and realized we hadn't chatted in a LONG time! Soooo...I did a search on threads posted by you, and look at that. You're moving to Austin. That's got to be one of my favorite places ever! How exciting, but that stinks that you won't be with Alexa for a year, but super cool that she got accepted to UT!

03-13-2008, 11:54 AM
I was just thinking about you, Laura, and realized we hadn't chatted in a LONG time! Soooo...I did a search on threads posted by you, and look at that. You're moving to Austin. That's got to be one of my favorite places ever! How exciting, but that stinks that you won't be with Alexa for a year, but super cool that she got accepted to UT!

I feel like i haven't talked to anyone in ages! Even my friends complain that they never see me. I've been working full time and going to school full time so I feel like I'm always busy!

I love Austin as well, it's been a few years since I've visited but I always remember it being fun. Alexa thought about staying here and going to the Univeristy of Arizona, but UT has a much better law school that we decided she needed to do what was best for her. So hopefully things will work out and I'll be there next year. At least this year it will give me some time to work on myself and maybe make more time for my friends.