View Full Version : Duh!

03-07-2008, 03:15 PM
I'm supposed to be getting a nice bonus this month from work. Part will go to my dental bill, part to my car (only 5 more payments!!!) and the other part to new clothes. I admit to be overly excited about the clothes part, so I went out shopping yesterday afternoon. Spent $150 on new clothes that fit.

I went to write a check for the dentist this morning and decided to check my bank account. Here's the DUH part: I'm not getting my bonus THIS week. I'm getting it NEXT week. :rolleyes: :o

Thankfully I have the $150 in the bank to cover my new clothes. I have exactly $12 left after the clothes clear. $12 for a whole week worth of gas and incidentals. I guess I could be worse - I could have bounced a few checks. You can bet I'll be looking for loose change all over the house! I'm fairly sure my piggy bank contains $20 in quarters, nickels, and dimes :p

PS: Don't even think I'm going to return any of the clothes I bought yesterday. I might be robbing the piggy bank throughout the week but I'm gonna look darn nice while doing it! :D

03-07-2008, 03:29 PM
Hey, it's the little things, right? That's what piggy banks are for!

Laura's Babies
03-07-2008, 06:43 PM
LOL! I never spend money until it is IN MY HANDS! Things happen, plans change, people forget....

03-07-2008, 08:40 PM
Congratulations on getting a bonus! That is always exciting, and quite welcome, as well.

Now make sure you put aside $2.99 to buy a gold tone marker so you can mark the calendar next time around!!!! ;)

03-08-2008, 06:37 AM
Now make sure you put aside $2.99 to buy a gold tone marker so you can mark the calendar next time around!!!! ;)
LOL! I have no idea how I made such a stupid mistake. I know very well when I get paid

Oh well.... hopefully I'll be making bonuses like this one more often. I signed a new contract at work last week that will hopefully mean some serious bonuses every other month. :)