View Full Version : Beezer had a vet appt today... poor beeze

03-07-2008, 12:58 PM
Well Beezer has still been itching a lot lately. We thought it was allergies and gave him benedryl. It worked a bit at first but then he started really itching again so off he went to the vets this morning.

They think he has MITES poor guy. he must have gotten them at the kennel or something although Belle didn't get them. They said Belle must be pretty resistent to them because she didn't get them at the kennel and she hasn't gotten them from him either but they gave use some "revolution" to put on her JUST IN CASE.

Anyway they did a scraping to make sure they weren't the type of mites that were under the skin. And then they gave him a cortisone shot for immediate relief and then gave us an antibiotic (cephalexin) and then gave us these drops... we are to give them only once a week 1 1/2 ml for 6 weeks. it's called ivomec. They said there is a chance he could have a neurological reaction to it but that is mainly just in collies and is very rare even then... but since we don't know for sure his mix we have to keep an eye on him... BUT they said it is not fatal so that's why we agreed to try it lol. But it should help get rid of the mites rather quickly once we start using it.

Poor boy. I can tell he is a little drowsy from the cortisone shot. And Belle was absolutely beside herself when Brian and Beezer left her behind lol. She cried for the whole hour they were gone and paced.

critter crazy
03-07-2008, 01:56 PM
Awwww....poor Beezer!!! I hope you get over them awful itchies soon! ((((HUGS)))):)

03-07-2008, 03:22 PM
Oh the poor baby!
I hope he feels better quickly!!

Ginger's Mom
03-07-2008, 03:50 PM
Feel better soon, Beezer boy.

03-07-2008, 04:09 PM
Hope the new meds help Beezer!

03-07-2008, 04:16 PM
Well he hasn't been scratching too much so the shot must be helping... but he is VERY sleepy.

now my only problem is getting him to take the antibiotics.

They are freaking huge so it's hard to hide them in food because he chews it and then breaks open the pill and then he freaks lol. So far the only thing I can do to get the pill down is open his mouth and put the pill way at the back and then hold his mouth shut until he swallows.

I hate doing that to him but it's the only way I can get the pill into him and he needs to get better.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for the well wishes.

03-07-2008, 04:21 PM
I dog/house sat for a three legged German Shepherd years ago. He had to take medicine every day, due to the accident when he lost his leg. The way he was pilled was I'd hold open his mouth with one hand and with the other I'd stuff the pill (basically) down his throat right at the side of his mouth. It took me a while to learn the best technique. By the time I was done (three weeks) I had it down. Of course, this dog was used to getting meds.
Don't they have pillers? Like plastic things you can use to stick it down his throat? Ugh, that just sounds awful though. :(
Too bad they couldn't give you liquid form meds.
Good luck and I hope Beezer is feeling better soon! :)

03-07-2008, 04:39 PM
yeah the stuffing it down his throat method works... I just don't like doing it lol I feel like a meanie lol.

I am going to try wrapping it in a piece of a cheese slice next time and see if that works. maybe he won't feel the urge to chew that.

the other stuff he has is liquid lol but the vet said it tastes REALLY bad so make sure we get it way back in his throat before we squirt it.

03-07-2008, 05:16 PM
Would a pill cutter help? I mean, he gets the same dose, just in 2 or 3 pieces, which are smaller and easier to 'hide' in something? You can get a pill cutter at the pharmacy, at Walmart, they are about $2 I think.

Get well, Beezer!

03-07-2008, 05:53 PM
Would a pill cutter help? I mean, he gets the same dose, just in 2 or 3 pieces, which are smaller and easier to 'hide' in something? You can get a pill cutter at the pharmacy, at Walmart, they are about $2 I think.

Get well, Beezer!

no because its a capsule so once it's cut the powder comes out... Beezer found that out the hard way lol

03-07-2008, 05:53 PM
I know the pills you are talking about. Frankie was on those too before they gave him atopica for his allergies. I used to wrap the whole pill in a piece of roast beef, ham or cheese. Give him a small taster (so he knows you aren't trying to pull a fast one) before he gets the pill and then give him the bundle. It'll go down so smooth, he'll never know there was a pill in there. ;)

Frankie used to vomit initially because they were irritating his tummy.

Good luck.

03-13-2008, 11:24 AM
Beezer, how are you?