View Full Version : Hannah tries rice cereal for the first time today ***updated with pics and video

03-06-2008, 12:24 PM
Well... today could be a fun day lol. We are going to try giving hannah some rice cereal today. She has become VERY interested in my food lately and is eager to get at it. So I figure we will try giving her something new :D

I am waiting until hubby gets home so one can feed her and one can take pictures and video it. Should be an interesting experience lol.

03-06-2008, 12:50 PM
I'm curious to hear how she reacts. Katherine wasn't really thrilled with it at first, but she likes it okay now since I can make it thicker for her. What she really likes are her fruit and veggie baby foods. Those have gone over a lot better. :D

03-06-2008, 01:33 PM
I'm curious to hear how she reacts. Katherine wasn't really thrilled with it at first, but she likes it okay now since I can make it thicker for her. What she really likes are her fruit and veggie baby foods. Those have gone over a lot better. :D

LOL yeah it should be interesting to see.

Did you just use water to mix yours? it says you can use water or formula/breastmilk. I think I will just use water to start

03-06-2008, 04:00 PM
I can't wait to see the pictures!!!!!

03-06-2008, 05:52 PM
LOL I will upload the pictures when I have a little more time... but the verdict... she doesn't like rice cereal at the moment lol.

I tried it with water and with formula and she made this gaggy face everytime it touched her tongue lol. BUT.. then I tried it... no wonder she hates it. it tastes like nothing... PAPER has more flavor lol.

This will definitely take time for her to get used to. We got some good shots of her and a little video so I will upload those tonight and post them ASAP.

03-06-2008, 09:15 PM
haha, her face must have been priceless, and i can't wait to see the pics. :D Lydia *hated* cereal....I couldn't even mix it into fruits or veggies. :rolleyes: But after she had the flu, I fed it to her because it was easy on her stomach, and now she loves it. :)

03-06-2008, 09:21 PM
I think I will try mixing it with some pedialyte or a little gripe water to give it a little sweet kick and maybe she will be more into it.

Anyway without further ado... PICS in sequence

waiting to start
are you ready YET?
EWWW this is what I was waiting for?
OH you want to give me MORE?
Alright I will try it again
Open wide
Nope... not better this time around either

03-06-2008, 09:22 PM
This stuff is GROSS
Oh thank GOD we are done

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b357/sparks1919/2nd%20set%20of%20pics/th_100_1179.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b357/sparks1919/2nd%20set%20of%20pics/?action=view&current=100_1179.flv)

And just a cute video of her and the dogs
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b357/sparks1919/2nd%20set%20of%20pics/th_100_1188.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b357/sparks1919/2nd%20set%20of%20pics/?action=view&current=100_1188.flv)

03-06-2008, 09:23 PM
Sorry--I didn't see the post until too late. I think I tried formula the first time and water the second time. Neither one went over well. Now I use warm water, but I make it really thick. It still isn't her favorite, but she will eat it. I don't know that I'll buy her another box when this is done, though.

03-06-2008, 09:28 PM
Looks like Belle likes to protect the baby! :)

03-06-2008, 09:36 PM
Sorry--I didn't see the post until too late. I think I tried formula the first time and water the second time. Neither one went over well. Now I use warm water, but I make it really thick. It still isn't her favorite, but she will eat it. I don't know that I'll buy her another box when this is done, though.

That's ok... I tried it with just warm water first and then formula after she didn't like the first one. The box I have will probably get her through until she starts on fruits and veggies... we got it at BJ's and it was $2.50 for an 8 oz box of rice and an 8 oz box of oatmeal. so I can't complain lol.

03-06-2008, 09:37 PM
Looks like Belle likes to protect the baby! :)

It looks that way lol but really that is A) her spot on the couch... and B) her hoping she might get leftovers (although I doubt she would want them lol) Belle is the playmate and Beezer is the protector :D

critter crazy
03-06-2008, 10:19 PM
OMG!! can she get any Cuter????? Loved the pics, especially the last one!!! Yeah Rice cereal never went well with my son either!! LOL!!!:D

03-07-2008, 08:01 AM
Oh I loved the videos! The one with the doggies is very cute :)

Last week-end we just tried the very first spoon of veggies (carrots) with Valentine, as she staterd being very interested in the food I was eating. She did not really eat something, it was more to test the consistency, taste, etc. It will go better next time I think.

03-07-2008, 12:03 PM
OMG!! can she get any Cuter????? Loved the pics, especially the last one!!! Yeah Rice cereal never went well with my son either!! LOL!!!:D

HAHA yeah that is probably my favourite too... she just looks like she's about to puke from the grossness hahaha.

I tried it today with some pedialyte and it wasn't anymore popular than it was yesterday. Still get the shudder everytime I put some in her mouth.

perhaps I will try some of the oatmeal stuff we have and see if that has a better flavor

03-07-2008, 12:38 PM
Oh how cute!!

03-07-2008, 12:44 PM
ahh what a doll! I love the little baby shivers that she does :) Austin has NEVER liked any kind of cereal ;) He's 9 months now and still doesn't like to take anything off of a spoon. Tyler on the other hand LOVED any sort of baby food as long as we used the rice cereal or oatmeal cereal to thicken it up to about the texture of mashed potatoes.

Ginger's Mom
03-07-2008, 12:47 PM
Aw, poor Hannah. Come to my house baby girlie, and I will make you whatever you like. ;) Can't watch the videos at work, but I will check them out tonight. :)

03-07-2008, 12:53 PM
The video and pics are adorable, by the way. I forgot to mention that last night. :)

03-07-2008, 12:59 PM
Thanks everyone....

You know how BAD the rice cereal is? Even the dogs won't go near it LOL

03-07-2008, 08:20 PM
Thanks everyone....

You know how BAD the rice cereal is? Even the dogs won't go near it LOL

One night when I was feeding Katherine, Mary Joyce was begging for the baby's cereal until I gave her a bite. Our 2 year old doesn't like it any more than your dogs do. :)

03-07-2008, 10:00 PM
One night when I was feeding Katherine, Mary Joyce was begging for the baby's cereal until I gave her a bite. Our 2 year old doesn't like it any more than your dogs do. :)

LOl that's so cute haha.

I added a touch of applesauce to her cereal and she seemed to like it much more. She has even already figured out that when the spoon comes to her mouth she has to open up :D

03-08-2008, 04:26 PM
Sam does not seem to like rice cereal but is ok with oat cereal - mixed with apples just as you did.

Everything I've tried gets the worst looks but if she sees mail/newspaper/remotes anything like that on the floor they are in her mouth faster than I thought she could move. If rice cereal tastes like paper shouldn't she like it? I don't understand babies! Perhaps if I spread her food on the floor and act like she should not eat it she will happily eat it all.

03-08-2008, 06:31 PM
I love to see the shudders she does. Can't mistake what she means. :)
I used to put a tiny bit of pure honey in the mix & my kids both loved it.

03-08-2008, 07:13 PM
What funny pics and videos. Like everyone else stated, the shudders are so funny :)

I tried Quinn on cereal when she was about 6 months old and she hated it, every type of baby cereal she hated. I always mixed it with breast milk and I tried fancying it up with fruit and she was never interested. I just waited until she was about 7 months old and just started her on baby foods slowly, and she was fine with baby foods, just not cereal.

Now I will make oatmeal from Quaker rolled oats and put walnuts, a little soymilk, vanilla extract, raisins, cinnamon, and a cut up apple and add just a little brown sugar and she LOOOVES that stuff! So it's not all cereal she hates, she just hates the baby cereal :)

03-08-2008, 08:49 PM
LOL Thanks everyone. yeah my little girl is NOT subtle hahaha.

She seems to be doing better now that I am adding in just a touch of applesauce though. She's even opening her mouth when the spoon comes to her.

She's not eating much but at least she is getting used to the process for when we do start fruits and veggies :D

03-08-2008, 09:22 PM
I still make that face if someone tries to feed me lima beans. ;) :D She's a cutie!

03-09-2008, 08:52 AM
Both Justin and I have been bit by the baby bug, we both want another one so badly. Seeing cute little Hannah isn't helping either, she's making me want another even more.

Nathan never liked rice cereal either, he liked oatmeal better, but still wasn't a huge fan. Now applesauce is his absolute favorite food, I often mix it in with other foods. Before long you can add some spices (http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/tipspices.htm) to Hannah's food, Nathan loves cinnamon! I love wholesomebabyfood.com (http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/), it has helped me out a lot with feeding Nathan.

Austin has NEVER liked any kind of cereal ;) He's 9 months now and still doesn't like to take anything off of a spoon.
Missy, Nathan went through a phase when he wouldn't eat from a spoon too. I ended up feeding him with a medicine dropper like this (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31SPgyzurlL._AA280_.jpg) for about a month, then he started eating from a spoon again.