View Full Version : Patrick Swayze

Pawsitive Thinking
03-06-2008, 05:54 AM
Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer :(

Getting conflicting reports as to his true condition - some say he has only weeks to live and others say he is responding to treatment.

Let's send a few PT prayers his way

03-06-2008, 06:14 AM
This is so very sad. I, too, have heard the conflicting statements. I have known two people who were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and they were gone very quickly. I hope he will have time to say his goodbyes. :(

Scooter's Mom
03-06-2008, 06:34 AM
Pancreatic cancer is what took my brother in law from us last summer. He was diagnosed July 6th and gone 2 months later.


finn's mom
03-06-2008, 07:07 AM

03-06-2008, 07:28 AM

"Nobody puts baby in the corner"

03-06-2008, 07:32 AM
Mike's dad passed away from the same disease.


03-06-2008, 07:55 AM
A good friend of mine was diagnosed w/pancreatic cancer in September. The drs. are amazed that he's made it this long although now he's probably in his last days. He has a port in his body to receive the chemo treatments because his veins are so bad now and he eats only cole slaw and jello; that's all he seems to want. His daughter said that he may have a week or a month left, drs. just don't know. So while you're praying for Patrick (I certainly will, too. I've seen the devastation this disease can wreak) please pray for friend Roger and his peaceful transition.

Laura's Babies
03-06-2008, 09:26 AM
I hadn't heard this.. :(

critter crazy
03-06-2008, 10:25 AM
What is going on??? all the good actors and Musicians seem to be dropping like flies lately!!:( Patrick Swayze has my many Prayers!!!

03-06-2008, 10:28 AM
My local radio station reported this morning that he was diagnosed in January and now it has spread to other parts. "It's not looking good" they said.

Ever since "Ghost" he's been one of my eye candies. Hang in there Patrick.


03-06-2008, 01:10 PM
This story made me sick and sad.

PC is the worst.

But, I always wanted to have PS next to me in a tussle. He kicked arse in all his movies.

Get better, dude.