View Full Version : Happy Tehya Day....by Tehya.....

03-05-2008, 11:50 AM

Today is a happy day! It's one whole year that I have lived with my family!
This is the first picture my Mom ever took of me. This was just after my Auntie Debbie got me out of that awful jail place where they were gonna kill me! I was a repeat offender and my owners wouldn't post my bail--they are the dummies who tied me up with a little rope, like that was gonna work! I woulda got sent to the bridge later that day if Auntie Debbie hadn't been all confused! She thought I was a border collie when she saw my picture on the jail website. She rescues border collies, but it turns out that I ain't all border collie and I ain't all husky so I couldn't get into a rescue. and the shelter was full to the rafters! Fortunately, I am kinda irresistable and Auntie Debbie decided to help me anyway.

At first my Mom said, "NO! We can't have that dog. That dog is a girl and a puppy! We can't have that! NO!". Like I said before I am irresistable though and after a week or so, Mom said "ok, we will see if she fits in". Auntie Debbie's old border collies(they are ancient) were greatly relieved to see me go! My Mom says life ain't been the same since that day and it certainly ain't been dull!
I thought I was in doggy heaven! I was outta jail, not tied up and there were dogs everywhere for me to play with!
Especially this one! My Anvik! My bestest buddy and my most favorite toy! I loved him at first sight and I still love him best of all!
Mom says I am lucky Anvik is such a gentle, patient boy. I say he's lucky to have me! What did he do with himself before me!?

My adventures started right away--I spent my second day here at the vet!
That's why you don't see pictures like this anymore! Heyoka bonked me on the head and broke my head bone! I still have a dent from that! Heyoka isn't allowed to play with me anymore. I would play with him, but Mom freaks out!
I love her, so I try to keep the Mom freaking out to a minimum! It doesn't always work out though!

.............more coming...........................................

03-05-2008, 11:59 AM
I've had lots of adventures in the past year!
At first I had to stay on a leash for them!
Then I learned my new name and to come when Mom calls me, especially when she uses the "I MEAN IT" voice! So I get to run around off my leash sometimes.
I have been partying at Miss Michelle's cabin!
Her dogger, Popeye, is one of my buddies! We go running sometimes!
I have helped Mom split wood!
I have taken care of a couple of stray doggers until their people tracked them down! I am the hostess with the mostest!
I went swimming in a raging river!
I taught Pacer how to play, cuz I'm nice that way!

still more coming!

03-05-2008, 12:09 PM
I've done lots of wrassling!
I've learned how to be a sled dog and I'm gonna be a lead dog someday!
I love to run! It's heaps of fun! That's me in the middle beside Sundin.
It's exhausting being me! Good thing I'm allowed on the couch!

I've had some calamaties too! There was that broken head thing; then I got stuck trying to go under a gate; then I got my head stuck in the ropes on the sled(when it was summer!) and almost strangled myself; then I ate all those foxtails and hadda have surgery to get them out of my throat; just a few days ago, I got a bone stuck on my teeth and freaked out! Yup, never a dull moment. Mom says sometimes I am too curious for my own good and for her sanity!
Mom says she is very glad she ignored her better judgement(whatever that means) and brought me home. I am glad too! I have good friends, a nice warm house, yummy foodies, I don't have to be tied up, I can run around lots, I have lots of adventures and fun. Even when I'm rotten, my people are nice to me! Yup, I'm glad I got to live here.

Happy Tehya Day everyone!

Killearn Kitties
03-05-2008, 12:11 PM
A whole year, Tehya? You know sweetie, in many ways it seems more. :D

What a year you have had! I don't think a doggy has ever had a better time. I hope that this year is every bit as good for you, and that we get to enjoy in with you.

Have a great day Tehya.


03-05-2008, 12:18 PM
Happy Tehya Day to you too you lucky girl!

Ginger's Mom
03-05-2008, 12:19 PM
You have had a very exciting year, little lady. And I am very glad you got to live there, too. Not many people could keep up with you on all of your exciting adventures, but you found yourself a special Mom who can. I have a feeling you are in for a lot more adventures in the years to come, and I just hope Mom's camera holds up. :)
Hmm...Teyha Day, I wonder if we can get the day off for that. ;)

03-05-2008, 12:24 PM
Happy Tehya day to you too! Hehe, i love this pic:

03-05-2008, 12:25 PM
well happy 1st year!! the first year of the rest of your life in a great home!!

congrats sweetie... we also are happy mommy gave in ;) we love your adventures and are always looking forward to what would be your next move....

Happy Tehya Day!!

03-05-2008, 01:11 PM
1 year already, that's hard to believe. Tehya if you have done all of this in just 1 year I can't imagine what all the years ahead will be like. Happy Tehya Day! I love your adventures. :)

03-05-2008, 01:28 PM
Tehya... you and your doggie buddies know what heaven on earth cuz you're there now!!!

Those pictures your mom posted are PRICELESS!!!!

Bless you little sweetie for making is safely through your first year!
How's about you not make the rest of you years as "exciting" I don't think your mom's heart could take it! ;)

03-05-2008, 01:46 PM
Happy Tehya Day! Already? :eek: Tehya, you're such a beauty and I can see you keep you mom on her toes! ;) I love reading your threads. :D

03-05-2008, 01:47 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tehya!! I am one of your fans cutie. I am so glad mommy ignored her judgement and brought you home. What a heaven you live in. We love reading about your adventures and the fun you have each and everyday!!

I hope you have many many more years with mom and us hear at PT!

I've always loved that picture of her, the last one. Her eyes are amazing.

03-05-2008, 03:02 PM
Happy Tehya Day!

Wow, I can't believe it has been a whole year. Tehya, I am head over heels in love with you. Please always share your adventures with us and please no more troubled ones ;)

03-05-2008, 03:17 PM
Happy Gotcha Day Tehya! We sure are glad your mom brought you home so we get to share in all your adventures!! And if she gest tired of you...tell her to ship you on down to Ohio. You match our color scheme!!!

03-05-2008, 04:01 PM
Happy Tehya Day, precious Tehya! I'm so happy that I get the stories of all your adventures! You always make me :D SMILE! Hug, hug, hug! This photo makes my eyes all leaky, but in a happy way.

Scooter's Mom
03-05-2008, 04:02 PM
Happy Tehya Day! I have loved watching you this past year, and am so looking forward to the next!

03-05-2008, 04:29 PM
A whole year!? Wow! :)

03-05-2008, 08:12 PM
Happy Tehya day to you! Ever since I saw this pic, I have loved you. You sure are a character. Your persoanality shines through on your face. You live life to it's fullest. How we all wish we could live it. I hope your day today is extra special.

03-05-2008, 08:25 PM
Happy First Year to you Tehya :D Despite "her better judgement (whatever that means :p )" I'll bet your mommy thanks the day she found you Baby Dog :D . You are like a breath of fresh air always happy and always endearing. Thanks for sharing all your special days with us at PT :)

03-05-2008, 08:39 PM
A year???? It's really been a year????

How many more grey hairs did you get Tamara??? :-)

It has been an absolute pleasure sharing your lovely new life with you Tehya. {{{hugs}}} to you. :D

03-05-2008, 09:25 PM
How many more grey hairs did you get Tamara??? :-)

Only my stylist knows for sure! I tip well so she'll never tell! :p

03-05-2008, 09:35 PM
Great post! Tehya you sure are one CUTE doggy! And boy do you get to go on all kinds of great adventures! My pups are jealous. And all those dogs just standing around waiting for you to play with them.. lucky dog you! (Great Pictures!!)

Happy Tehya Day!

Cinder & Smoke
03-05-2008, 10:04 PM

Yup, never a dull moment.
Mom says sometimes I am too curious for my own good and for her sanity!

Mom says she is very glad she ignored her better judgement
(whatever that means) and brought me home.

Good Golly ... "ONLY" one year?

Seems like we've had a Lifetime of Tails from "The Baby Dog" ...
but some of us (MOM included, for sure) would prolly like a few more of the
Knee-Slappin :D Funnie ones - rather than the :eek: Nail-Biters!

Tehya - see if you can work on that for Year Two.


03-05-2008, 10:10 PM
Happy gotcha day Tehya! I'm also glad your mom went against her better judgement and brought you home, I've enjoyed watching you grow up and hearing your tales. You are such a beautiful dog!

03-05-2008, 10:49 PM
Happy Gottya Day to you Tehya! It's been quite the adventure reading about your antics and I've enjoyed them all. I'm sure there are many more stories to be written and I'm looking forward to them.

03-06-2008, 12:16 AM
oh Happy Tehya Day! :D
I'm so glad mom found you too! :D
enjoy your gotcha day! :D

03-06-2008, 12:49 AM
Happy gotcha day Tehya! You are one lucky little lady! :D

03-06-2008, 01:11 AM
Happy Tehya day! I am so glad your mommie decided you were a keeper! You are Def. a very beautiful doggie!

Hope you get lots of treats and playtime today! :D

Pawsitive Thinking
03-06-2008, 06:02 AM
I am all for celebrating Tehya Day!!! Have fun gorgeous girl

03-06-2008, 08:05 AM
Happy belated Tehya day!!!!! :D I can't believe it's been a year! Time flies when you're having fun! :D

03-06-2008, 11:14 AM
Has it been a year?! WOW! Happy Birthday Tehya! You know, I've never really noticed your white mane before. :D I love it! :D

03-06-2008, 05:07 PM
Oh Tehya, I'm so glad you and your mom kept a diary of your last year. How enjoyable it has been today catching up with your life. What an adventure you have had in the short time of one year and it looks like you've done a job keeping your mom on *high alert* status. Have I told you yet how
B E A U T I F U L you are? I love all your pictures, especially the one of you loving on your mom and the one with you *wrassling.* From now on I'm going to be watching for any posts about you because I don't want to miss one more minute of your life.

03-06-2008, 09:07 PM
I cant believe it's been a year either. Happy Tehya day to you too, Tehya. :D What a lucky, lucky girl you are! :D very pretty too. :)

03-06-2008, 10:59 PM
Happy Tehya Day! A year? Boy, you packed about 5 years into it! ;)

Beautiful girl, enjoy your days, and may they be long and happy! You are in the perfect home, so how could it be otherwise?


03-07-2008, 12:32 PM
I thought I was in doggy heaven! :D You are, sweetie, you are!

Happy Gotcha day, Tehya! Sure have been enjoying your adventures this past year, Babydog! You are indeed the hostess with the mostest!

03-07-2008, 10:31 PM
Sorry I missed the big day, but I'm very sure you were busy doing something and didn't miss it;)

Your stories of all your adventures/misadventures have brought many smiles to my face. I'm glad your mommy ignored her better judgement too!

Lots of hugs to your princess!

03-08-2008, 11:21 PM
Thanks everyone. I had a fun day on Tehya Day! Well, I try to have fun everyday!
Here's a picture of me with my new stuffie. Teehee, it doesn't really look like this anymore! I like to rip the parts off my toys! Wooooheeeee


03-09-2008, 09:42 AM
That's a precious picture of you, sweetie girl!

03-09-2008, 12:10 PM
It's exhausting being me! . . . . . . Yup, never a dull moment. Mom says sometimes I am too curious for my own good and for her sanity

I'm with Phred: only ONE year? You've filled it with a LIFETIME of adventures!

What a lovely photo this one is. Tehya, you bring so much to so many people, we all love you greatly Babydog! Happy Tehya Day, indeed!!!

(PS Did I actually see a photo of Tehya 'tired,' tongue hanging out? Nah, must have been my imagination, he hee.)

03-09-2008, 01:26 PM
(PS Did I actually see a photo of Tehya 'tired,' tongue hanging out? Nah, must have been my imagination, he hee.)

It must have been a warm day! I don't get tired very often. When I do, it don't last long! Unless I am snuggling with Mom. Mom has the flu and yesterday we had a nap together for like an hour! I love to snuggle!
