View Full Version : No need to be worried!! Update #33.

03-03-2008, 09:26 PM
For the past few weeks Taz has been an eating machine. He has been eating much more than normal. Is eating a LOT something to be worried about?

Now today Bruce fed him his dinner and he has not touched it. :confused: And he ate only his normal amount (before piggie stage) this morning. He is meowing at us to feed him, but he has a dish full of food!!!

Any ideas what could be the problem?

Oh, and I have a couple pictures I will post later too. My little guy doesn't get enough air time around here. Partly because he is not photogenic at all. :p

03-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Is h also drinking a lot? More than normal?

Does he feel hot to the touch?

Eating a lot and not gaining weight is one sign of hyperthryoidism. Or of diabetes. Or of a lot of other things. It is not really something you can determine, other than to decide if he needs a vet visit. Then they will do blood work to see what is happening.

My Mr. Amber Cat had over active thyroid, and along with eating like crazy, he was quite warm. I felt like I was next to a boiler when he snuggled up against me. Ruffles had overactive thyroid and hung out by the water bowl. Never noticed her being hot or eating a lot.

03-03-2008, 10:58 PM
He is not hot. And I can't tell if he is drinking more than normal, since he shares a water bowl with Zoee. I do not see him at the water bowl anymore than normal. But (and I don't know if I'm being over paranoid) I feel like his urine clumps in the box are super bigger for the past couple months.
I took him to the vet back in January, but I forgot to request the doctor I prefer. I talked to the other doc about some things and got prices for getting blood work and tests ran, since he is getting a bit older. He has his regular annual check up coming up in April, I think. And I plan on getting all the tests ran - thyroid, diabetes, kidneys, liver (even though they he had all these checked about 2 years ago). I will talk to my sister and get a list of what I should get tested (she is a vet tech).

With thyroid, would he pig out and then all of the sudden NOT eat at all? Or is he just being a picky eater? I guess I'll see how he eats in the morning.

I haven't weighed him since his vet visit, because that requires my butt getting on the scale, and I'd rather not see that number right now, lol. Maybe I'll see if Bruce will do it for me. :)

Thank you for the response Freedom. :D

03-03-2008, 11:12 PM
I would not worry too much. Just keep watching him and see if anything else changes...

In the winter, my kitties eat double to triple what they eat in the summer. Melissa(doolittleky) also says hers are complete pigs until the warmer weather. Might just be that.

I will pray either way! ;)

And please do share pictures, I would love to see them :D

03-04-2008, 12:37 AM
I'd also watch him and hopefully it isn't anything serious. Yes, I've also been told that cats eat more in the cooler months than in the warmer months. The lady that told me this works at an ER Vet Hospital. I've also noticed that my cats always seem hungry. I too would love to see some pictures of Taz.;)

03-04-2008, 04:22 AM
Jack ate like a pig and also had food that he wouldn't touch, and became very picky, almost like he was still hungry but was fed up of eating all the time.
If Taz starts to appear thinner get him to the vets.
Also feel around his neck and see if you can feel any lumps, as if the thyroid gland is up, then it's hyperthyroidism.

Hope he starts to feel better soon.

03-04-2008, 10:01 AM
Well I was happy to see he had eaten some of his dinner during the night. :) And he ate his breakfast well too. Whew!
I just went through him being sick and losing weight too quickly a couple years back. He is finally at a "good" weight and I want him to stay there. I don't even mind if he gains a couple pounds. He has weighed as high as 21lbs and was a very healthy kitty. When I took him to the vet back in Jan he weighed about 13lbs. Slightly less than his previous visit, but not too much to be worried about.
Ok, I'm going to upload some pics off my camera so I can post them here. :)
Thank you all for your concern and advice.
Pictures coming...........stay tuned.............

03-04-2008, 10:09 AM
I am looking forward to seeing pictures of Taz, he is so handsome :)

03-04-2008, 10:19 AM
Here are two pictures. They are just about the same. This seems to be the best way to get a picture of him......while he is sleeping. But I loved how he was all tucked in under the covers. :)
Wow! Sorry they are HUGE!! I don't understand, I sized them to smaller than I usually post. :confused: OH well, I don't have time to mess with it right now, lol.

03-04-2008, 05:58 PM
THE FOUND CATS DO THAT ALL THE TIME!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Laura's Babies
03-04-2008, 08:11 PM
He looks so comfy tucked in under those covers.

03-04-2008, 09:01 PM
That is so weird. I loaded these pictures while I was at work and they were HUGE, but now that I'm home, they are the right size. :confused:

Yeah, so apparently he's not eating his dinner again. But I think he's just being a picky boy. Because he eventually ate it at some point in the night and he ate his breakfast this morning. Little Stinker!!
I will definitely be keeping a close eye on his eating, pottying and just in general to make sure all is well.

Thanks again for everyone's responses. :)

03-05-2008, 03:44 PM
I think he was just making sure you were paying attention to him! ;)

He's such a cutie!

03-05-2008, 05:18 PM
Not to sound too concerned, but I'd make an appointment at the vet's. If Taz continues NOT to eat, he may develop hepatic lipidosis(a fatty liver). It can be fatal. We lost a cat in December to mild hepatic lipidosis. Nicholas stopped eating. We took him to the vet and his liver enzymes were thru the roof. He was jaundiced. And then he was gone, it all happened so fast. It is far better to err on the side of caution, I'd go to the vet.....

03-05-2008, 05:55 PM
Not to sound too concerned, but I'd make an appointment at the vet's. If Taz continues NOT to eat, he may develop hepatic lipidosis(a fatty liver). It can be fatal. We lost a cat in December to mild hepatic lipidosis. Nicholas stopped eating. We took him to the vet and his liver enzymes were thru the roof. He was jaundiced. And then he was gone, it all happened so fast. It is far better to err on the side of caution, I'd go to the vet.....
I was in a similar situation with Taz, as I think I stated before, about a couple years ago. He had stopped eating all together and lost 5 lbs QUICKLY. I really thought he wouldn't make it, but, thank god, he did.
This time I was more concerned and was asking about the fact that he was eating like a horse for a few weeks then one night just didn't want to eat. But he has been eating "enough" these past few days. It goes back and forth - he'll eat ALL his breakfast then only a bit of dinner. Or he'll eat dinner and only some of his breakfast.
So the fact that he is eating, just not as much as "normal", that's okay, right? For sure if he completely stopped, he'd be at the vets right away.
I guess I'll have to break down and weigh him tonight if I can't get Bruce to do it for me. That way I can keep track of his weight.
Thank you for your response though. I'm sorry you lost your Nicholas :(. I will definitely keep a close eye on him. Maybe I'll even move his appointment sooner if I can.

ETA: I just called and made an appointment for next Tuesday. He can get his shots at that time too. :)

03-05-2008, 11:53 PM
Taz, you are such a handsome boy! You stripes are VERY dark, way darker than I thought( I love darker striped kitties)! Just as Handsome as can be !

I am glad that he is gonna see a vet. If nothing is wrong, GREAT! If there is something, well atleast you caught it fast. I will continue to look for updates!

03-06-2008, 07:18 AM
Cindy, I reviewed my notes on Nicholas(we had 9 cats, and it was easier to keep track of things if I wrote about each cat. I use the composition notebooks(trust me, it is a nurse thing)). He was doing the same thing, eating a little then not eating. I know you will keep a close watch on your Taz! Sandra

03-06-2008, 10:53 AM
Thank you Katie!! :D :D

Sandra, please do not think I was brushing off what you told me. After I posted I sat here and thought about it and immediately picked up the phone and made him an appointment for next Tuesday. So I will have a bunch of tests done. I appreciate your information a LOT.

Can you (or anyone) tell me what I should have him tested for?
I know diabetes, thyroid, kidney and liver. Is there anything I'm missing?

I am not ready to lose my guy. He is not even 13 yet, and I want him to live to be 20 (or older!). So if I can prevent anything I want to do it. :)

03-06-2008, 05:32 PM
Your vet will know what tests to run, that's why they have a degree. lol

Seriously if you explain to them everything you've noticed (be sure to include the bigger size pee clumps in the litterbox) they will know which tests to run to find the problem.

Asking for a specific test which may or may not be the issue not only wastes your money, but takes extra time and manpower for the vet to run them just to make a client happy. Some will do it if it's a good paying client that absolutely insists but frequently it's not necessary.

Usually a minimum general screening would usually include:

CBC (counts blood cells, looks for infections etc)

Glucose (checks blood sugar)

BUN & Creatinine (checks kidney functions)

ALKP (alkiline phosphates) (checks liver bile function)

ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) (liver test)

TP (total protien) (checks liver and kidneys)

Additional tests may include:

T3 or T4 (thyroid checks)

There are many additional tests to check on pancreas, cortisol, etc the list of possible tests is quite extensive. The above ones are usually the standards for basic blood work with other tests added as the symptoms call for it.

Keep us posted as to what the vet says.

03-06-2008, 06:29 PM
There is a nice site that I found. It helps you understand what each of the tests mean. The site is: www.pets.ca/articels/article-labtests. If that does not work, try putting " lab tests for cats" into your search engine, you will see this site. Good luck and please keep us posted on how Taz does!!!

03-06-2008, 10:13 PM
Awesome! Thank you Catlady and Sandra for all the info. I will be studying up on this over the weekend. :)
You guys are awesome, and I mean anyone and everyone who even read my thread. LOL :D :D :D

03-06-2008, 11:02 PM
The pee clumps aside - could the erratic eating have anything to do with his teeth? Might as well get them checked while they're at it.

HUGS and I hope Taz gets well soon! :)

03-07-2008, 08:28 AM
That is a great thougth Catty1!!! A good physical exam by the vet is a good start to finding out what is going on with Taz!!! The more you learn the better!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

03-07-2008, 09:25 AM
I don't think it's his teeth, because when he does eat he seems to be okay. He did have one of his "fangs" pulled a few years back so he always eats a little weird. But I will definitely have the doc check out the teefies. :) It doesn't hurt to look. Well, not me anyway, lol.
Thanks Catty1.

03-10-2008, 06:32 AM
How did Taz do over the weekend??? Hope all is well....

03-10-2008, 01:29 PM
Thanks for asking about him Sandra. :)
He appears to be getting thin again. :( And Bruce said he didn't eat as much as normal over the weekend. I fed him dinner last night (much later than normal too) and he didn't eat but like a 1/4 of it. He did eat most of his breakfast this morning though.
So, I am very glad he will be going to the vet tomorrow night so I can see if anything is wrong. Oh, Bruce mentioned to me that maybe it's his teeth again. He said he was "smacking" at his food. I told Bruce that is actually normal since he had the one tooth removed. But I will definitely be having the doc take a look at the teeth.

03-10-2008, 01:30 PM
[[[[[hugs To Taz]]]]]

03-10-2008, 03:53 PM
Needles and pins until you post about Taz' vet visit!!!! Hang in there fellow and Mom, too!!!!

03-10-2008, 07:48 PM
I hope the vet finds a simple solution and gets Taz back to eating regular and normal again. Keep us posted, thanks for the updates.

03-10-2008, 08:10 PM
Max has had several toofies removed and he is missing fangs on one side of his mouth. He "smacks" at his food too!! At first I was afraid there was a problem but when I called the vet he said it was normal.

Still we all worry and getting it checked out is a wise thing to do. Prayers on the way for little Taz. I hope Taz doesn't get "stabbed" too many times. Ouch!

03-11-2008, 09:56 PM
Well, the vet said he looked good physically. His teeth look good. He got his two shots and they took blood and urine to do a full panel of testing.
Sooo, I will not find out anything until tomorrow. :(
Back in July/August of 2006 when he was VERY sick they did a full panel on him and his BUN and glucose levels were a teeny bit above normal. So she expects they will be higher now, but hopefully not too high and we can get a head start on anything if it shows up.
I will update tomorrow after she calls me.
Thank you all!! :D

03-12-2008, 03:53 AM
It is said Patience is a virtue!!! Hope you get the results soon!!

03-12-2008, 05:00 PM
Well, the vet called and his numbers have elevated a teeny tiny bit. Nothing to worry about though. WHEW!
His thyroid and glucose came back good too.
She said if his numbers go at the rate they are going, he'll be with me for a long time to come. WOO HOO!! :D :D
She told me to just keep an eye on him and if he does not eat for two days solid then bring him in and they will have to figure out what is up with him.
That is what happened back in 06 and we never did pinpoint what his problem was.
So it looks like my Tazmo is stuck with me for many years to come! :) I just wish it wasn't so expensive to find that out, lol.

Thank you all for your support.

03-12-2008, 05:08 PM
Yeay! Major hugs for Taz and some for Zoee too!

03-12-2008, 05:08 PM
Yay, that's great news. Well done Taz, what are you like worrying your meowmie like that! Grrrrr, naughty boy.

03-12-2008, 05:22 PM
That is good news about Taz!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!

03-12-2008, 10:26 PM
Glad the tests came back good. :)

Bummer they couldn't pinpoint anything though. Hopefully there will be no more strange eating habits anymore to have to worry about.

03-12-2008, 11:54 PM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I hope that he'll have many more happy and healthy years ahead of him. Maybe he's just becoming pickier with his food in his old age.;)

03-13-2008, 12:14 AM
Great news!

03-13-2008, 10:04 AM
Thank you everyone! :D :D
Well, he seems to be eating pretty good (at least last night and this morning).
Sometimes I think he is just being picky and wants some treats. But the other day he wouldn't even touch those. I hardly EVER give him treats either. So who knows?
As long as he is eating something, I guess I've got nothing to worry about. :)

03-13-2008, 11:57 AM
GREAT news!!!!!

03-13-2008, 02:17 PM
Glad to hear that there's nothing seriously wrong. They do like to worry us, though, don't they? I think it's a kitty gene of some type. :p

Laura's Babies
03-13-2008, 04:15 PM
"If I don't get what I want, the I simply will NOT eat!"

Typical cat!

Glad he is ok so you can stop worrying.

03-22-2008, 11:40 PM
Taz you look so comfy in your blankies.......You are such a beautiful kitty!!!! Cindy im so sorry i am horrible about looking in the cat section even though i have one...im so glad he is doing ok and nothing is wrong. Beijing gets like that every once in a while with her food.

03-22-2008, 11:52 PM
Taz you look so comfy in your blankies.......You are such a beautiful kitty!!!! Cindy im so sorry i am horrible about looking in the cat section even though i have one...im so glad he is doing ok and nothing is wrong. Beijing gets like that every once in a while with her food.
Yes, he is doing much better. He is eating like a horse again. So all is well with him. :)

03-24-2008, 12:24 PM
Grandma is glad her Valentine, Taz is feeling better!!!

We both send luvies to him. :)