View Full Version : Meow Meow at the vet

03-03-2008, 07:39 PM
So this sounds a little strange and I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen with one of their cats before? For several weeks now Meow Meow has been limping. He's not hurt. He's just limping. It is not painful when palpated or anything, but it obviously must be bugging him if he's limping. One week it will be one leg, the next another leg. He will do this with all four legs, limping on each one for a couple of days and then stop. The Dr. suspects an auto immune disorder. I took him to work with me today but we didn't have time to do the rads, so he is staying tonight and hopefully we can take them first thing tomorrow. I really hope it's nothing bad. This is just very strange and has my mind thinking all sorts of crazy ideas, lol. Good thoughts are welcome. :)

03-03-2008, 07:49 PM
Hey Cass! :)

My RB Tier did that for a little bit. It got progressively worse though (he was hurt) and he ended up having to go to the bridge. :( The vet had asked me if he was an outside cat. I told him no, never a day in his life. I guess he had "broken his back without actually breaking it" and it basically boiled down to some disorder he'd had his whole life, apparently.

*HUGS* Lots of FANTASTIC thoughts your and Meow Meows way! He's a good widdle boy! :D

03-03-2008, 08:39 PM
You should come visit him again! :D If you come over you will be amazed at how much Kai has grown. You haven't seen him since he was an itty bitty. lol. :p

Felicia's Mom
03-03-2008, 10:19 PM
Good vibes being sent to Meow Meow. Hoping he improves.

03-04-2008, 07:39 AM
My first thought was perhaps arthritis but I don't like to speculate. Have your vet check him out and let us know. Prayers going out.....

03-04-2008, 07:35 PM
He's not arthritic. He shows no signs of having arthritis...this cat can move a mile a minute and is very agile! We weren't able to do the rads today because guess what? Our stupid x ray machine broke. We just got a new digital film taker thingy and hopefully Merlin Digital can come out soon to fix it.

He actually didn't pee in the car on the way home though! :D