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View Full Version : He drives me crazy, but.. I still smile.

03-02-2008, 11:28 AM
I swear Mike drives me crazy just for the way he is and I want to shake him and go, stop being on a moody roller coaster ride. Sometimes I don't know how I fell for him, but I'm sure glad I did. He's a good man, always has good intentions.

This morning, while I was sleeping, he woke up early at 7-8, and while he was up, he fixed my bedroom doorknob that was loose. While we were at Lowe's picking up picture framing stuff, he asked me to give him my keys and so I did, and he went ahead and made a copy, and he goes "Just in case if you get locked out of your bedroom and your keys are in there, you have a extra one lying around the house so you won't get stuck. Just an idea."

Isn't that sweet? :)

03-02-2008, 04:24 PM
I can't imagine anyone getting locked out of their own bedroom but,
it was a nice idea. :)

03-02-2008, 04:26 PM
I can't imagine anyone getting locked out of their own bedroom but,
it was a nice idea. :)

My roommates have done it.. many times, haha. :) It's just a good idea. I have locked myself out of my dorm room once or twice last year. Not fun at all! Think of it as a house key. He just considers the little things.

03-02-2008, 06:57 PM
Men can drive you nuts sometimes, lol.

As for locking yourself out... been there, done that, MANY times!! That was a smart idea on his part! :D

The last time I locked myself out, it was during a snowstorm, I was in my pjs and barefoot!!! My front doors are really old, and they have the push in buttons on the side of the door to lock the knob from turning at all. I bumped it with my big butt, and went to get the mail and not let the cats out.... sigh.... I ended up with my neighbor's boyfriend (a cop) breaking one of the panes of my door to unlock the door. Took a long time to get it all done, before we decided to break the window, and I was frozen!!! I've been super careful since then!

03-03-2008, 07:22 AM
Men can drive ya bonkers for sure. I call it "the penis factor" but that's another discussion for another day. Sounds like you have a helpful one (man, that is :p )so ya dun good!

03-03-2008, 07:50 AM
I can't imagine anyone getting locked out of their own bedroom but,
it was a nice idea. :)

You wouldn't believe how many times I've pulled that one. :D When I was staying at my dad's I just started hiding a key in the house plants so I could get back into my bedroom. (didn't have a trustworthy sister)

That is so sweet of Mike to make sure you could get back into your room.

03-03-2008, 02:33 PM
Men can drive you nuts sometimes, lol.

No truer words were spoken! I love my hubby to death, but sometimes.... :rolleyes: LOL!

Cinder & Smoke
03-03-2008, 03:33 PM
"Men can drive you nuts sometimes, lol."

No truer words were spoken!
I love my hubby to death, but sometimes ... :rolleyes: LOL!

Now let's hear Mark's slant on WHO drive WHO NUTZ!


03-06-2008, 07:45 PM
Mike has been pushing me away all week.... because he's sick with the flu.. so I'm not sure how to handle that. sad.gif I haven't really talked to him much since Sunday... and this sucks. I hate when he puts a wall up. I drove home today from Ohio State, and I called to see if I could stop by so I could say hello and see how he's doing and he said "I'm sick, I'm sleeping." and I said "I haven't talked to you all week." and he said "I know, I'm going back to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Sorry."

Talk about me being bummed. :(

03-06-2008, 08:25 PM
He knows you're there for him if he needs you and that's what counts. He's like a lot of men; they like to be left alone when they're sick. My father was a real tough guy. When he got sick, he'd say "I'm going into the bedroom. Don't come in. I'll come out when I'm better". And he meant it. I'm the same way. When I had jaw surgery years ago, I was in so much pain that I just wanted to lie in bed in agony and not talk. My (then) husband, God love him, checked on me every half hour. He was only concerned about me but it drove me nuts. Don't take it personally w/Mike. That's just his way and you have your way. It'll be ok.