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02-29-2008, 01:26 PM

Talking about health insurance! :eek: :rolleyes:

This happens more often than the public realizes.

02-29-2008, 03:27 PM
Never events simply should not take place. What managed care has done to health care :rolleyes:

02-29-2008, 06:57 PM
Actually this happened to me back in 1988.

It was the day after Thanksgiving and I went in for another :rolleyes: right hip revision (my first right hip replacement was in 1979, and this one was the 3rd. There were 3 more to followed this one, along with several left hip replacements & revisions)

When I came out of surgery I noticed that my left hip was also bandaged up. Apparently the doctor opened the wrong hip first, then frustrated he opened and operated on the right one.......which he did wrong (very long story).

At the time I couldn;t find a lawyer in the entire Phoenix area that would take my case. Nobody, nobody would even think of sueing a doctor back then.

Several years later I ran into a nurse that worked for that doctor. Apparently he was an alcholic and just passed away from liver problems. Jeez.......if I only knew that way back when!!! Do you realize HOW many surgeries I could have saved myself ??!! :mad: :rolleyes: :mad:

It is too bad things like this are not known ahead of time.

03-02-2008, 01:34 PM
It is too bad things like this are not known ahead of time.

Now you can go on line and see if a doc has had any problems with patient care.


I remember a man who was in the hopital for months at a time.

Spread your arms out as far as they go. Now think of manila folders filled with paper work, multipy that by three and that was the extent of his hospital files.

He would eat and get sick. The did so many tests on him and COULD NOT FIGURE OUT WHY.

When he passed away an autopsy showed he had a hole in his esophagus (the tube that goes into your stomach) that was covered by a flap of skin-when they stuck a scope down to see that the problem was down his throat, the tip would press the skin over the hole and cover it up.

The food he ate would get into his chest cavity and poison him...

Half arsed med care isn't for TV programs like "House".... :rolleyes:

03-03-2008, 09:09 PM
Now you can go on line and see if a doc has had any problems with patient care.



Yeah, now...............but it's too late now!!

Oh well, you live & you learn.....................

03-25-2008, 10:57 AM
Bit of a bummer

A German pensioner is suing a hospital after she checked in for an operation on her leg - and woke up to find she had been given a new anus.

The clinic in Hochfranken in Bavaria has suspended the surgical team concerned after they apparently mixed up the notes for two patients.

The woman complainant was expecting an operation on her leg, while another patient, suffering from incontinence, was scheduled for surgery on her sphincter.

The woman, who still needs to have the leg operation, is planning to sue the hospital and is looking around for another hospital to carry out the work.