View Full Version : FIL just had a Stroke (Good Thoughts Please) *Update post 7*

02-29-2008, 12:09 PM
As much as the man drives me and both Guido and Giulio nuts sometimes he is still a good man with a good heart. He is kind and giving just set in his ways like most older people. Well anyway, he just came out of his room and went into the bathroom. He didn't feel any different but when he looked in the mirror he seen his mouth was dropped on one side.

He called his doctor and the doctor told him to get to the emergency room right away. He didn't feel bad so he intended to go onto work tonight. I called him out of his room and as soon as I seen him I knew. I asked him to smile. He could not. He cannot speak well. Everything is slurred. Also his left eye and left side of his mouth his has no control over. His left eye is watering and he is salivating from the left side of his mouth. I called Giulio ( Guido's brother) immediately as he was due home soon and I had to stop my FIL from leaving. I told him and he came home to take him to the emergency room immediately. I have not contacted Guido to tell him yet.

Can we get some good thoughts please. I know the stroke was mild but he will not slow down. He needs to slow down some. If it wasn't for Giulio coming to take him immediately he would have left in the car (driving himself) and not gone to the hospital.

I will let you all know when I hear something. Thanks so much in advance.


02-29-2008, 12:29 PM
Prayers for your FIL. My great Aunt had a stroke. It took some time but she still lives on her own.

02-29-2008, 12:33 PM
Good thoughts and prayers for you and your family.


02-29-2008, 12:33 PM
Prayers are on their way for him.
I know all too well how hard headed men can be!

My dad had a mild heart attack during the night a long time ago (at the time he didn't know it was a heart attack) the next morning he told my mom about it and she called and made an appointment with his Dr. It had been snowing a lot so on his way to the Dr. he stopped and plowed my sister's driveway!!! He got to the Dr. he looked him over, ran a few tests and called for an ambulance to come get him and take him to the hospital.

It's sad that it takes things like this to slow people down.

My hubby's grandmother had a stroke 2 years ago this past November. At Christmas time she was in an assisted living facility. She was depressed that she had to spend the holiday's there and she wasn't even trying to get better or do things for herself. She was wheelchair bound and her vision was very bad. After the holiday's past we told he she needed to snap out of it and help herself so she didn't have the spend another Christmas there. She did and has made about a 90% recovery and we all were happy to have her at home with is this past Christmas!

Sorry for blabbering.... :o
I hope your FIL has a full recovery.

02-29-2008, 12:49 PM
Hope he makes a full recovery!

02-29-2008, 12:57 PM
:( Oh Michelle I am so sorry to hear this.. Sending Bigg Huggss & Lots of Prayers..

02-29-2008, 02:59 PM
UPDATE: Neurologist says it was NOT a stroke. Apparently it was a viral attack on the nerves causing inflammation in turn cause pressure on the brain giving the outward appearance and symptoms of a stroke. :confused:

Ok buddy you're the doctor. I was stunned when Giulio called me to tell me this. The neurologist said cortisone (sp?) shots for a few days and some other type of med (can't remember) for 10 days. Go about normal life. It is nothing serious. :eek:

This man is like a cat with 9 lives. He gets the worse symptoms. Everyone panics cause they fear and think the worse and it ends up being some strange occurrence and he is just fine. He must have a horseshoe tucked away somewhere.

Thank you all for sending prayers, hugs, good thoughts and everything else. It seems he is one lucky fella.


Ginger's Mom
02-29-2008, 03:05 PM
How very scary. I am glad to hear that it is something that can be cleared up in a few weeks with medication. I would say that I hope the scare would help to slow him down and get him to take better care of himself, but it doesn't sound like he will. I hope he is feeling well, strong, and back to normal soon.

02-29-2008, 03:09 PM
Wow! That's odd! But it's also great news!!

So the Dr. doesn't think they'll be any long term effects??

02-29-2008, 03:18 PM
How very scary. I am glad to hear that it is something that can be cleared up in a few weeks with medication. I would say that I hope the scare would help to slow him down and get him to take better care of himself, but it doesn't sound like he will. I hope he is feeling well, strong, and back to normal soon.

I can guarantee you it will not slow him down. He came home, went to the washroom, ate and then went to work. :eek: It will take something MAJOR to slow him down and I am afraid it won't slow him down but will stop him in his tracks.

02-29-2008, 03:21 PM
Wow! That's odd! But it's also great news!!

So the Dr. doesn't think they'll be any long term effects??

You're telling me it is odd. I was so confused when Giulio told me. I mean he had all but one of the symptoms and it was NOTHING MAJOR! :confused:

But the doctor said to go about everyday normal life. It is nothing and he mouth and everything will be back to normal in a couple of days, as soon as the inflammation goes down and released the pressure.

02-29-2008, 03:28 PM
Glad to hear it was nothing serious!

02-29-2008, 04:20 PM
It sounds like Bells Palsey. I've had several friends have that over the years. It is scary until the doctor tells you otherwise.

The good news it that it is NOT permanent and WILL clear up completely.

Sending prayers from RI!

02-29-2008, 04:38 PM
Good grief! That's scary! There sure are a lot of nasty viruses out there! I'm glad he's on the mend and will be ok.

Pawsitive Thinking
02-29-2008, 04:40 PM
Makes you appreciate what you've got doesn't it? Bless him

Felicia's Mom
02-29-2008, 04:45 PM
Sending vibes for a quick recovery.

02-29-2008, 07:00 PM
I'm so glad it wasn't a stroke! Wonder if anything will slow him down? Tell him if he wants to stick around he needs to take care of himself better.