View Full Version : I finally feel validated!

Laura's Babies
02-29-2008, 10:47 AM
Some time back I posted about my experience on the cholesterol lowering drug Lipitor. Theses are the threads.



What a differance a few years makes! They are now coming out with the stories on the news of everything I have suffered with because of this drug, even now admitting that only people who have had heart attacks should be taking these drugs.Doctors do not listen when you complain about the side effects and brush you off and mine sure thought I was crazy when I took myself off of it and brushed me off yet again when I reminded him of complaining about these sudden ailments I started having to him. They all say "talk to your doctor" and then they brush you off when you try.

CBS Early Show link, scroll down tot he video's and find the one "Statins may weaken tendons"

To update on my own situation. Upon quitting the drug. I had what I called a "Honeymoon" period. The head fog cleared up right away and so did the memory problems, the energy I had was unbelievable after hardly being able to drag myself out of bed for so long. Life was GREAT! Then the assult started. Each morning I woke up I had a joint that hurt so bad it was useless. It moved from one joint to another, none were spared. Then it landed in my right shoulder where it has stayed. Treatment with medication was no good because I have suddenly turned into Miss Side Effect Queen and I could not take their drugs. Mri showed that overnight I had come down with arthritis, tendonitis, burscitis and have a bone supr in that shoulder where there has never been a hint of any problem before. They all asked what I did to injure that shoulder and looked at me like I was absoultely crazy when I told them "I took Lipitor!". Tendon damage is a well hidden side effect of statin drugs.

I am also having female problems due to a lack of blood flow to my female parts inside. Treatment? Another drug... :rolleyes:

Today, on CBS Early Show, they had the story about a study that was done in France of 96 people on statin drugs that had tendon damage. It HAS come out also that it does cause memory loss, joint pain and just about all the side effects I complained about. I am still waiting for the one about that odd lumpy, painful swelling on both of my feet in the same spots on both feets that I saw 4 doctors about that couldn't explaine it or treat it.

WHEN are those doctors going to quit believeing the people who profit from the sale of those drugs and believe the people who are experiencing the effects of these drugs.

I feel like I have been cheated out of growing old the way nature intended and have to question every new ailment as natural or drug damage. We have no way of knowing exactly what damage is permenant except waiting it out as we age. The truth is finally coming out so maybe others can be spared so that is a good thing.

02-29-2008, 01:11 PM
Laura - I had an email for you but did not know you could access email from where you were.

Will send it to you after work today.

BTW - it has been in the news that the large pharma companies spend more on marketing than they do on R&D!

My good friend who emailed you has been off Lipitor for a year without telling her doc (yet) - and her cholesterol levels are great. :rolleyes: :)

02-29-2008, 02:56 PM
LB, I have to agree with you about feeling validated when I heard about this study. I reread my post in that last thread you referenced. Since that time I had tried several other statins. The joint and muscle pains would start up again after being on the medication for 2 - 3 months and get so bad I would have to stop. I couldn't even tolerate the red yeast rice when I took a dosage enough to make a difference in my readings.

At one point I also had vision problems which (though it took quite a while) eventually also went away. I certainly didn't make the connection with statins until I got better and remembered telling the eye doctor about recently having had to quit Lipitor because of the pains.

I've recently read that tomoto products are supposed to be helpful in bring down cholesterol and also barley. Of course we all know about oatmeal.

Laura's Babies
02-29-2008, 04:23 PM
Catty1, I am home in my living room. Got off yesterday! Send it on!

Rachel- I knew better than taking another one. I did my homework when researching what was wrong with me.. Others who tried a different brand had the same problems, some had them come back a lot worse! Big Pharma has made fools out of the doctors and made them look like idiots. I am waiting for the day that happens and hoping they will learn their lessons about believing those who profit from selling those new drugs. They better start listening to the ones who are actually taking those drugs!

02-29-2008, 09:09 PM
Laura, I am still searching my email for it....yaargh! :p

But here is a link that might interest everyone here:


Letters to the Editor on statins, etc - some not published.

Laura's Babies
02-29-2008, 09:41 PM
Catty, that last PFD thing wouldn't work for me.. SHUCKS! Letters to the editor published or unpublished would be very interesting to read.

They have kept this quiet for a long time somehow and nobody would touch anything negative about statin drugs. CBS is the first one to break these stories, or at least the ones I have seen so I tip my hat to CBS! It will save a lot of misery for a lot of people!

I remembered when they first came out and it was for old people with heart problems. No long term studies had been done on them... suddenly, they want everybody on them and were working on getting children on them. CHILDREN! ARRRRG! :mad:

03-01-2008, 12:02 AM
Laura - the link in my post is to the page with links to ALL the letters to the editor.

The PDF one - do you have Adobe Reader? It's free. The latest version available is 8 or so.

Maybe you need to upgrade yours - head over to www.adobe.com.

Anyone else having trouble with the PDF?

Laura's Babies
03-01-2008, 06:39 AM
I have Adobe Reader and have never had any trouble with it before.. Puzzeler! I will keep trying.

03-01-2008, 11:48 AM
Laura - save the PDF to your computer, then try to open it.

I can send it by email if that doesn't work. :)

03-01-2008, 12:47 PM
I've been intending to participate in this but as of yet haven't gotten around to it.


Laura's Babies
03-01-2008, 02:01 PM
Rachel- I did that a long time ago and it is very detailed and I think it will and has helped a lot of people. They had me do it several more times after doing the first one to make sure the answers were consistant and wanted me to do it again but I was on the boat and the time expired before I got home. I wish they would do a follow up for the problems to see how they get..better/worse or any new problems that you have now. They need to follow us for at least 5 to 10 years and see what happens to us.

Time before last, before Lipitor and all the other prior times that I had my colonscopy done, there were never a polyup or a sign of one. 5 years on statins and I had FIVE precancerous polyups. At first I thought my doctor had mislabled the bottles and sent someone elses off in my name and I kept asking myself, "WHAT changed? How come I even have polyups now?".... Then it hit me.. STATIN DRUGS! No folks, I am not grasping at straws, there has been some mentions of cancer to statin drugs. I will never know for sure will I?

Catty1, that did not work either...

03-01-2008, 04:39 PM
Laura (and others) - I found the link I was looking for. It wasn't an email after all.


And Laura, I'll email you that PDF.

Laura's Babies
03-01-2008, 11:35 PM
WHOA! Now that was really something to read and a lot to think about. I have to say, it was one of the most interesting I have read yet.. Wonder how come I have missed seeing that in all the researching I have done? How/where did you find this?

We have been called crazy and people like him have been bashed and bashed for speaking out.. Lordy, I am so glad to see all this coming out after having people think I am crazy (my own doctor for one) for believing as I have over all this. It is going to take a long time to unbrainwash everybody on this snake oil that was called "a miracle"..

03-02-2008, 07:54 AM
WHOA! Now that was really something to read and a lot to think about. I have to say, it was one of the most interesting I have read yet.. Wonder how come I have missed seeing that in all the researching I have done? How/where did you find this?

We have been called crazy and people like him have been bashed and bashed for speaking out.. Lordy, I am so glad to see all this coming out after having people think I am crazy (my own doctor for one) for believing as I have over all this. It is going to take a long time to unbrainwash everybody on this snake oil that was called "a miracle"..

Please - it is not snake oil for everyone. I have taken Lipitor for 10 years - with not a single side effect. I also have Diabetes T2, and it is imperative that my LDL be under 100. The only way I have been able to ds this, short of starvation, is with Lipitor.

As a nurse, I am well aware of the side effects of all drugs. And I also know that many people react badly to drugs that cause no ill effects to others. For instance, I can take ASA - if my husband takes it, he goes into anaphylactic shock.

I'm happy that your symptoms have been explained, and your doctor should certainly have suspected the cause long ago. But don't label all statins evil - 'cause they aren't.

Laura's Babies
03-02-2008, 12:23 PM
My grudge with them are that they have hidden and ignored the side effects and doctor after doctor brushes us off when we complain about the new mysteriuos ailments we suddenly have out of the blue. Then when you take yourself off of them they tell you "if you have quit taking it and still have that pain, then it was not the drug causing it". I saw 4 different doctors for the odd painful swelling on my feet and not a one of them offered and explanation on what it was or how to stop it from spreading. One just brushed me off with 'OH, that is a old injury!". I asked him "Don't you think I would remember injuring myself on both feet in the same places?"... :rolleyes: You should see the look they give me when they ask me how I hurt my shoulder and I tell them " I took statin drugs!". They have been so brainwashed that they will not believe anything negative about these so called miracle drugs.

My grudge is that they were trying to put the whole world on them and even wanting to put children on them. The were putting people who's numbers were not that much higher than this "one size fits all" numbers on them. They were telling people "If you don't take this you are going to have a heart attack and DIE!". The makers of the drug admit that these drugs will NOT prevent heart attack or strokes. Crestor had that on their own TV commercials and Lipitor had it on their own web sight for awhile.

PLEASE go watch this that was on the CBS news in Jan 2007.

03-02-2008, 06:36 PM
Doctors do not listen when you complain about the side effects and brush you off and mine sure thought I was crazy when I took myself off of it and brushed me off yet again when I reminded him of complaining about these sudden ailments I started having to him. They all say "talk to your doctor" and then they brush you off when you try.

WHEN are those doctors going to quit believeing the people who profit from the sale of those drugs and believe the people who are experiencing the effects of these drugs.

It strikes me that your big complaint is with the doctors, more than the drug itself. Yes, statins may have caused some/all of your physical troubles, but it was your doctor who refused to listen to you.

I’m not sure how many meds you are on, nor whether you began taking others around the same time as the statin. The best way to have handled this would have been to take you off all your meds; then start you back on them one at a time – over months – to see which was the culprit.

If we were to cancel/stop producing every drug that has caused problems, there would be no drugs out there for anyone to take. Every med has the potential for side effects.

As for the statins, I was never promised a rose garden – never told it would prevent an MI. It was prescribed only to lower my cholesterol, which it has done, and done well.

As it said in the article for which you provided the link (Thanks!), Statins do one thing extremely well. They lower cholesterol - especially bad cholesterol - and the science tells us there's one group of people who definitely should be taking it.

"In people with known heart disease, this has become a standard of care, that you really need to be on a statin," said Chris Cannon.

03-02-2008, 06:51 PM
Grace, I recall that part of the letter, and of course that is correct.

In reading much of the other material (eg the PDF), it is plain that this drug, so essential for some, has been wrongly prescribed by many doctors to MANY people - and the manufacturer has not been forthcoming about side effects.

If several individuals tell their doctors, that is great - but it won't cause anyone to confront, address and correct the situation.

03-02-2008, 07:04 PM
Grace, I recall that part of the letter, and of course that is correct.

In reading much of the other material (eg the PDF), it is plain that this drug, so essential for some, has been wrongly prescribed by many doctors to MANY people - and the manufacturer has not been forthcoming about side effects.

If several individuals tell their doctors, that is great - but it won't cause anyone to confront, address and correct the situation.

Okay then, what is your solution - take it out of circulation? I can name you, off the top of my head, at least 10 other drugs that should then be removed from the marketplace - because of their adverse reactions.

The Family Practice Clinic we use does not allow drug reps to talk to the docs. Perhaps if more clinics and individual docs would refuse to be courted with lunches and the like by these drug reps, some of these problems would disappear. Until then, all we, as consumers, can do is raise our voices if we see mismanagement.

Laura's Babies
03-02-2008, 09:06 PM
Grace, when I started on statin drugs, I was not taking any other medications and I only took OTC stuff for the side effects since every Rx's he gave me (for the side effects of the statin) had even worse side effects listed than what the problem was(They were thrown away without taking a one of them). Let me make it clear that most of the statin drug side effects went away when I quit the drug.

My complaint is that the side effects were NOT admitted to, by anybody The many, many side effects some of us have had, they were not and are not listed on the inserts... if they had been, it would have saved me and a lot of others many years of misery. I am talking about crippleling pain that effects your life and livelyhood.

Grace, I really have to thank you here! Without knowing what you were doing, you have helped me figure out exactly what it is that I am the maddest about.. I knew it was the side effect thing they hid and lied about and now I know why.. That is MY choice to make about taking a drug and making my own choice about the benifits and risks, not someone elses to make for me. That is what has been sticking in my craw but I couldn't put my fingers on it. There are to many lies so how in the world can a person even make an informed decision.

Health wise Grace, I have always been a healthy person and when I was put on the drug, I was healthy and only saw the doctor for yearly check ups. Since being on them (and off) I am constantly seeing some doctor about something, always something related to the statin drugs.

03-02-2008, 10:08 PM
Grace, I really have to thank you here! Without knowing what you were doing, you have helped me figure out exactly what it is that I am the maddest about.. I knew it was the side effect thing they hid and lied about and now I know why.. That is MY choice to make about taking a drug and making my own choice about the benifits and risks, not someone elses to make for me. That is what has been sticking in my craw but I couldn't put my fingers on it. There are to many lies so how in the world can a person even make an informed decision.

I'm really glad I was able to help you - without even realizing it. You're so right - ultimately, it is our choice, and only ours, to take or reject treatment or meds. And we should be told all the risks and/or benefits - without prejudice. There are doctors out there who think they are God, that they alone know all the answers. Fortunately I don't have one of them.

I'll keep you in my prayers - that all the side effects subside with time - and you get back to your original state of good health.

03-03-2008, 12:01 AM
And yes, there are drugs out there that are needed by people, so no, they don't go out of circulation.

But as Laura mentioned, the side effects are not even listed in the med insert at the pharmacies.

Some folks like Laura and others here, are proactive and say "It is my choice to take that or not," and act accordingly.

I am concerned about the thousands of people who would never question their doctors, and believe the drug companies - all well and good. However, as has been noted by CBC and other networks, pharma companies are spending a large percentage more on marketing the drugs than on research and development. And the one that manufactures Lipitor is under fire for not advising of side effects.

I think a 'public' outcry would do much to help those who need to take a stand...those who are less proactive than others.

HUGS and good health to all. :)

Laura's Babies
03-03-2008, 09:20 AM
Chantix, their other drug also have hidden side effects that they haven't mentioned. Those side effects are a lot like the statin drugs and those message boards are full of more complaints than praise. One poster said she would rather be a pack a day smoker for the rest of her life than feel like she is feeling.... if only she had known!

How I came to research that was Mike was acting so strange. I won't go into details but his personality changed to MEAN! He had not told me he was taking it so one day he came over complaining about a conversation with his doctors nurse and it was like they both were talking another language.. Anyway I asked him if he was on any medication and he said Chantix. I asked him "any side effects yet?" "Nope!" so I then told him how mean he has become, even to the point that he had screamed at me several times.. so we went to researching it on my computer. That was the last day he took any. He had been having horriable shoulder pain that kept him awake at night and guess what, that was one of the side effects. Joint pain is not listed as a side effect on that one either.

I know a lot of people who have used Chantix to quit with no side effects or problems, but I also know people who had problems and quit taking it. But here again, they have taken that choice out of our hands by hiding the side effects so people can not make and informed decision and make a choice that is right for them.

Grace, there are medicines I have refused to take after researching the side effects that have been disclosed with the insert. One drug I threw away after taking only 2 of them.

The scareist part is we do not know if we will ever get over thses effects and question every sudden ailment we have from now on and natural or statin induced.

Any NOW we find out that most of our drugs are made in CHINA and not here in the USA? The clock is ticking and it is only a matter of time before that has tragic consequences.

03-03-2008, 09:35 AM
I was put on Lipitor and had a bad reaction...pain in joints, achiness, abdominal pain. It was awful.

Speaking of doctors not listening...I had problems with my anti-depressant so my Nurse Practitioner changed it. I started having vertigo so I called him. He NEVER called me back. I was furious and going into panic modes. Not only did he take me off the new anti-depressant, but didn't prescribe anything else for a week!! What a friggin nightmare. I was walking into walls, walking around feeling like I was drunk.

I don't trust doctors. Especially after what they did to my daughter.

03-03-2008, 10:36 AM
For those of you who have been on statins in the past, and for any still taking the drug, a question.

After you started taking the med, did your doctor order lab tests to be done in 2 months, 4 months and 6 months?

I had the initial series, and now get checked every year.

The tests are to check for the presence of chemicals released into the body if the statin is causing muscle breakdown.

Some of the tests are ALT, AST, CK. I can give you the long names if you want.

03-03-2008, 10:40 AM
He did an initial blood test. But I wasn't on it long enough for other ones.

03-03-2008, 10:43 AM
So you were one of those that react badly from the beginning. My levels rose a bit, but never out of the normal range, and then went back down after my body got used to it.

Laura's Babies
03-03-2008, 05:11 PM
My doc would only give me a 3 month supply and I had to see him to get another Rx and order for blood work. He'd walk in the room and ask what I was there for, I'd say blood work and another Rx. He'd say OK and leave... Cost? $100! The nurse would call the next day with the results.

My first doctor in Florida that put me on them gave me a years supply Rx, knowing I would show up for the blood work. I was to scared not to have that blood work done.