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View Full Version : Molly & Ozzie Update

02-28-2008, 11:29 PM
Hi, Everybody! I've been really busy but wanted to stop in for a bit. :D

Ozzie is growing like a weed and eating like a horse! He was 2 pounds 6 oz. when he went in for his 8 week check up and at his 12 week check he was 4 lb. 2 oz. He still looks really skinny though but he is going to be a BIG BOY!

Molly is doing great and back to good health again. :) I am feeding her a lot less people food treats (she loves EVERYTHING!) and have switched her diet to some healthier foods.

Now, if I can just get Ozzie to stop attacking Molly, life will be grand! PLEASE tell me that he will outgrow this! RIGHT?!!!

Laura's Babies
02-29-2008, 07:39 AM
He is a kitten and that is just kitten play and he is just doing what kittens do. He is a kid, learning and exploring the world. Sad to say they grow up all to fast so enjoy his kitten antics while you can. I could tell when Chester was a kitten that he would one day be a big boy and is he ever a big'un so if you think Ozzie is going to be a big boy, he probably will be. Chesters ears and feet were so big that I told everybody when he grew into them, he was going to be hudge! He is long and tall and about 17 pounds now. Here is that handsome big boy! Wish I could find his baby pictures.

02-29-2008, 08:27 AM
Great to hear things have settled down at your place.

Let Ozzie do his kitten antics. Without Molly to attack, he could be . . .
- chasing your toes
- shredding your sofa
- climbing your curtains

He is also learning social skills, Molly is teaching him when enough MEANS enough. Just enjoy. You could always capture some of it on video and photos to share (hint!)

02-29-2008, 05:10 PM
Its Amazing To Me That A Kitten Will Take A Hard Shot From The Much Bigger Annoyed Cat And Will Come Back For More!!!
They Obviously Know That Its All In Fun.
Like Miquelito And Tubster Who Are Becoming Battling Buds.

03-02-2008, 01:44 PM
Glad to hear that your two cutie pies are doing well.

Lindy Lou also would attack the boys. Man she was one little hellion at first, but now that she is just over a year old and bigger, those attacks have become less and less, especially now that the boys attack back.

So yes, I'm guessing that Ozzie will outgrow this to a certain point, unless he enjoys attacking Molly too much. :D