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08-19-2002, 02:41 PM
Just a little story I thought of as I watched Fluffy snooze on my Little brothers bed.

I got Fluffy the summer before my 7th B-day and we were pretty much always together even while I slept. She was always curled up somewhere on the bed. Michael was born the fall before my 8th B-day (don't ask I have no idea why there is such a big gap between us). Suddenly Fluffy wasn't the "baby" anymore but she never really acted that jealous. In fact, she started sleeping in Mike's crib with him, never really on him but close, like at his feet or curled above his head. Well my Grandma being the animal hater that she was ( :( ) demanded that we get rid of "that filthy thing" cause it was trying to smother Michael (and Dad wonders why I never liked her). Now Mom is the kind of person that will do anything to keep people happy, especially her mother-in- law! I can still remember the day that Mom told her "If you don't like the way I run my house and the way I raise my kids then you can just stay away." Grandma gave in to the fact that her grandson was going to sleep with "a filthy cat" and Fluffy continues to this day to sleep with the now 12 year old. Grandma died 8 years ago and Grandpa the day after, so we moved in to their house. I'm sure Grandma is rolling in her grave to know that the cat is now sleeping in her old bed.

I don't mean to make my Grandma sound like a bad person because all in all she wasn't.

I just wanted to share my story about how Mom protected her furbaby with the same amount of venom that she would use to protect her human babies.

08-19-2002, 06:44 PM
Thats a really nice story. When my niece was just a baby, my grandmother had her aging fox poodle, Lady, put to sleep :( She was so afraid she would bite my niece

08-19-2002, 10:23 PM
What a nice story. Thanks for sharing. :) I'm so glad that your Mom stood up to your grandma about the cat. :)

08-20-2002, 05:39 AM
What a wonderful story. Thanks for letting us hear/see it. It made my day!

Bless you!


08-20-2002, 05:41 AM
wonder why lots of old people get hysterical about animals near babies? oh i know the old wives tales of cats lying on babies faces and suffocating them. no one actually saw this!

perhaps as the older generation dies out (oh god that sounds horrible - it's not meant to) some of these stupid beliefs will die out with them.
