View Full Version : Yodie is picking on Puddy!

02-27-2008, 06:42 PM
Yodie is on my list right now. :mad: For the first time ever, she went after Puddy! She's never been aggressive towards her; she wrestles w/Creamsicle and Coco Puff but they never fight. This wasn't playing; this was downright mean and going after Puddy w/everything she had. I chased her downstairs and she was right on Puddy's tail and Yodie's tail was as thick as could be! No amount of yelling at her would stop her until I finally yelled really loudly and she stopped. But only for a second. Then she went after Puddy again and chased her underneath a work table in the basement. I had to crawl under the table to get Puddy and calm her down. Back in the day, if another cat had gone after Puddy, they would've regretted it, believe me. But Puddy is so fragile right now and I sure didn't want her to get stressed. Now I'm wondering about Yodie and whether she's safe to be around Puddy. If I leave the house, I may have to put Puddy in her room while I'm gone. I hate to do that but if that's what will keep her safe, I will. I still can't believe this. It's never happened before. She doesn't have the "vet" smell, y'know what I mean, smelling like the vet's office, etc. Even when she's come home from the vet's, Yodie never acted that way. None of the other cats did. I'm just in shock.

02-27-2008, 07:38 PM
Ohhh noooo... if it's not one thing, it's another..

Prayers and loving wishes and calming energies continue to come from us for dear Puddy (and to calm down a certain other fur-mate) and you.. that March will be a better month for all of you.

Love, hugs, and purrs,
Pat and cats

02-27-2008, 07:55 PM
If someone has to be confined while you are gone, couldn't it be Yodie since that is the one causing the problems instead of poor Puddy?

02-27-2008, 08:00 PM
YODIE!!! Don't you be bad! You are gonna get in Trouble!!! Leave Puddy alone, you hear me??

02-27-2008, 08:36 PM
If someone has to be confined while you are gone, couldn't it be Yodie since that is the one causing the problems instead of poor Puddy?
Well, Puddy needs to be calm given all of her recent health issues. She has her own room w/her food and water dishes and litterbox. She actually likes being in there and she stays in there a lot. But I want it to be by her choice and not because she might feel she's being punished. Yodie is young and rambunctious and none of my other cats are allowed in any of the upstairs rooms at all. It's off limits except for Puddy because she has good manners. The other cats are too rowdy and they break things playing rough, etc. It really wouldn't be a problem for Puddy, I guess. It's just my human thinking.

I just wish I knew what brought his on. This has never happened before. Occasionally, Coco Puff will chase after Puddy but he's just being a rowdy male. I don't think he means any harm. He knows she can't stand him so he purposely irritates her. But Yodie. No. This is new. I still can't believe it.

02-27-2008, 10:17 PM
I used to have that problem with 3 cats going after Dusty. I just figured it was because she was older and had health issues and the other cats sensed it. The last couple weeks I did have to confine Dusty to a room of her own so she could have some peace.

I'm not sure my theory holds up with the weakness thing because now I've got 3 cats (two of which went after Dusty) going after Cami (who was also one that went after Dusty- paybacks?). I think in my house it's just the cats don't like the oldest females. I dunno.

I do sympathize with your situation though. If Puddy likes the room, has her stuff in there and needs the peace then I'd go ahead and shut her in when you're not home if it was me.

Good luck.

02-28-2008, 01:03 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( Hopefully things will settle down soon. Good luck.

02-28-2008, 01:21 AM
Goodness knows what goes on in those furry feline heads :rolleyes: Yodie you BEHAVE!! I find it sometimes helps to calm yourself and visualize the problem so Yodie might understand that Puddy isn't well and this is NOT his chance to bully her. Naughty Yodie!! Best wishes to you and your clan!

02-28-2008, 02:39 AM
I think cats feel when the other one is sick and fragile and this is what makes them aggressive. :(
It seems to be a good idea to leave Puddy in her room when you leave.

02-28-2008, 06:49 AM
Yes, I think I'll play it safe. Puddy cannot be stressed and I certainly don't want her to be hurt. To see her cringe w/fear made me so sad. Puddy was always the badass. You could almost hear the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly when she walked into a room. LOL Now she just cringed and when I picked her up, she trembled and held onto me for dear life. Right now Yodie is sitting in front of the door to Puddy's room, as though she's stalking her. This is such odd behavior for Yodie. She's always been so sweet. She's another one who likes to play rough but, as I mentioned, there have never been any problems between her and Puddy. They never played together, never bothered w/each other at all. I yelled so loudly at Yodie last night when she was chasing Puddy that I hurt my throat. I still can't get over how thick Yodie's tail was. She meant business! Well, Puddy is safe and I'll keep it that way.

02-28-2008, 02:40 PM
Yodie girl, please don't chase sister, okay?

02-28-2008, 03:43 PM
I Have The Same Thing With Miquelito And Tubster Panther, Its A Male Territorial Battle As They Have No Trouble Iwth The Other Angels. And They Arent Kidding As The Fur Flew The Other Day.
Sadly Some Cats Dont Get Along And You Have Have To Keep Puddy And Yodie Seperated Until You Can Appoint A Mediator!!!

02-28-2008, 11:24 PM
My SIL's cat used to do that when one of the other ones was sick with ANYTHING....a cold, UTI, ear infection, or whatever. Sas had NO tolerance for anybody being ill! How weird for Yodie to start this NOW though. Crazy cats!!!