View Full Version : SO... now that hannah is rolling over I need to know....

02-26-2008, 04:22 PM
Well Hannah has just learned to roll over onto her tummy (and she HATES it BTW lol) A couple of days before she rolled over for the first time I took the bumpers out of her crib.

last night i put her to bed and she was in ther babbling away like usual. Suddenly she started wailing so I went into check on her and sure enough she was rolled onto her tummy and did not like it.

But now that the bumpers are gone... all her wiggling about at night is pushing her binky out and since we have hardwood floors it makes this awful racket and scares me half to death in the middle of the night. Plus since she moves around so much I worry about her leg or arm getting caught in the slats.

SO... is there anything I can use to block the slats but that she will not get her face muffled in if she rolls over?

02-26-2008, 04:25 PM
Can you put the bumpers back?

02-26-2008, 04:27 PM
You can try something like this. I've never used one but I have friends who swear by it :D


02-26-2008, 04:40 PM
the breathable bumper seems nice....

I never removed my bumpers nor had a problem with them... but the one in the link seems very very nice and reasonably priced for that matter

02-26-2008, 04:45 PM
Can you put the bumpers back?

"They" say that you shouldn't use bumpers in a crib because a baby could smother in it. :) It seems unlikely but I sure wouldn't want to find out the hard way that it is good advice!

02-26-2008, 04:59 PM
You can try something like this. I've never used one but I have friends who swear by it :D


Wow, I've never seen one like that before, but it looks great. The only
reason I ever used the the bumper pads was so that the baby wouldn't
get an arm or leg tangled up in the bars. This would do the the job. :)

Sparks, do you place her on her tummy at other times where you could
steady Hannah when she rolls?( let her get used to rolling)

02-26-2008, 05:05 PM
Wow, I've never seen one like that before, but it looks great. The only
reason I ever used the the bumper pads was so that the baby wouldn't
get an arm or leg tangled up in the bars. This would do the the job. :)

Sparks, do you place her on her tummy at other times where you could
steady Hannah when she rolls?( let her get used to rolling)

Well she has been rolling from her tummy to her back since she was 6 weeks old lol. Whenever we do tummy time she always rolls onto her back and I have to keep rolling her back onto her tummy. she just does NOT like being on her tummy. even during playtime on her tummy she will only tolerate it for shorts periods of time lol.

Yeah I used the bumpers because I was worried about her arms and legs because she wiggles around so much. but I decided to take them out when she started rolling onto her side and I came in one morning to find her within an inch of having her face buried in one. After that I knew I would never sleep again if I didn't take them out.

That breathable one is awesome. I think we may have to go pick one of those up.

Thanks for the suggestion that would be perfect for what I want.

02-27-2008, 09:00 AM
A binky is a pacifier, right? How about just one of those leashes that attatches it to their clothes?

02-27-2008, 01:31 PM
A binky is a pacifier, right? How about just one of those leashes that attatches it to their clothes?

LOL yes I call her paci her binky. I've always called them that lol sorry for the confusion :D

DUH LOL why didn't I think of that... I have one and its a short ribbon so it wouldn't get caught up on her either:D

good idea... thanks

02-27-2008, 03:03 PM
How about putting them on the outside of the rails??? :confused: Hey, what do I know. My "baby" is 32. She had bumpers on her crib and lived to tell about it.

02-27-2008, 04:39 PM
How about putting them on the outside of the rails??? :confused: Hey, what do I know. My "baby" is 32. She had bumpers on her crib and lived to tell about it.

I will try that.

I know most people never have a problem but after coming in the morning to find she had wiggled herself up there and was turned on her side with her face merely an inch away... it's just not a nessecary risk to take for me.

02-27-2008, 04:45 PM
As far as the bumpers go, I'm sure it's very very rare that something actually goes wrong if used properly. They are made for a reason. ;) My oldest got his legs caught in his crib one too many times, so I used them until he learned to pull himself up...they can use them as little climbing ladders to climb out of the crib. The breathable crib bumpers are awesome. I just bought a couple (two different colors) from One Step Ahead. www.onestepahead.com

I use a "leash" for Kai's bink and it works wonders.

02-27-2008, 05:05 PM
As far as the bumpers go, I'm sure it's very very rare that something actually goes wrong if used properly. They are made for a reason. ;) My oldest got his legs caught in his crib one too many times, so I used them until he learned to pull himself up...they can use them as little climbing ladders to climb out of the crib. The breathable crib bumpers are awesome. I just bought a couple (two different colors) from One Step Ahead. www.onestepahead.com

I use a "leash" for Kai's bink and it works wonders.

Yeah I was worried about her legs getting caught if I took the bumper off but knew I would never get any sleep again if I left them on after finding her face so close to it one time lol.

I think the breathable ones are the way to go for us. She moves around A LOT so I don't want her getting her legs caught but don't want her smooshing her face into it either lol. At least this way if she decides to cuddle up with it I won't have to worry about it.

I guess it sounds silly to some people that I am even worried about it... I know tons of mothers have used them and never had a problem... but some mothers have used them and lost their babies. it's just not a risk I am willing to take no matter how ridiculous it sounds to anyone else.

PLUS... those puffy bumpers I had are SUCH a pain when it comes time to change the sheets and stuff. lol they are so big and bulky it's almost impossible to maneuver around them and a pain in the butt to undo all the straps everytime lol. Even when I would take the one side of the crib off... because they were so bulky it was hard to get the mattress back in.

02-27-2008, 05:39 PM
PLUS... those puffy bumpers I had are SUCH a pain when it comes time to change the sheets and stuff. lol they are so big and bulky it's almost impossible to maneuver around them and a pain in the butt to undo all the straps everytime lol. Even when I would take the one side of the crib off... because they were so bulky it was hard to get the mattress back in.

I totally agree with you there!!! They are a pain in the rear end when it comes to changing sheets. And I hate the ties too. Very annoying if I do say so myself.

02-27-2008, 06:35 PM
I totally agree with you there!!! They are a pain in the rear end when it comes to changing sheets. And I hate the ties too. Very annoying if I do say so myself.

I ordered a set from the website you provided. :D They are back ordered though.. should be available feb 29th they said. They are REALLY hard to find. Walmarts in the area are out of stock, target is out of stock... even hard to find in stock on amazon.

It's nice that they are velcro :D lol really saves the hassel of those pain in the arse ties

02-27-2008, 09:09 PM
You will love them! They are great! :D I love that website. They have some of the coolest things on there. :)

02-27-2008, 09:46 PM
You will love them! They are great! :D I love that website. They have some of the coolest things on there. :)

Yes... I didn't get a chance to really look around on it but what I did see was quite interesting. I think that is definitely a site I will be visiting from time to time :D thank you for directing me there

02-27-2008, 09:59 PM
I was worried about the bumpers too so I never got them. As a mom, you're allowed to worry about whatever you want! (That goes for dog moms too). I didn't see the breathable ones til recently but Sam stands in her crib now so we'll stay bumperless. At each stage there is something new to worry about!

With Sam I only use the pacifier leash on occasion but never when she sleeps. Turns out Sam likes the leash more than the pacifier and tries to eat it. I tried different locations but it is usually not worth the hassle. Every baby is different - you never know what will work!

02-28-2008, 08:57 AM
Until the new bumper comes you could try putting her down on her stomach then she'd be in the center of the crib on her stomach rather than up against the side. Nathan rarely sleeps in his crib, but when he does we always put him down on his stomach. If we put him on his back he 1) rolls over anyway and 2) always wakes up when he rolls over.

02-28-2008, 11:48 AM
Until the new bumper comes you could try putting her down on her stomach then she'd be in the center of the crib on her stomach rather than up against the side. Nathan rarely sleeps in his crib, but when he does we always put him down on his stomach. If we put him on his back he 1) rolls over anyway and 2) always wakes up when he rolls over.

I usually put her on her side... that seems to be most comfortable for her. At this point in time she absolutely detests being on her tummy lol she is starting to like it more during play time but to lay on her tummy and sleep? she screams bloody murder lol.

But I do put her in the center of the crib... she's just very wiggly. She starts in the center head pointing to the top feet pointing to the bottom. Everyday when she gets up I never know what I will find lol. sometimes she is just turned 90 degrees and is sideways in the crib... sometimes she does a full 180 and her head is where her feet were and vice versa... sometimes she is just cuddled up to the side lol. I never know what I will find.