View Full Version : Dog Attack!

02-26-2008, 10:48 AM
I do not curremtly own a dog although i want to.
This is a story about my neighbours dog, A beautiful Labador by the name of Scabby. Now although he isnt mine my brother and i often go and play with him when the owner lets us. He is a wonderful dog, hardly barking and never growling or biting.
One night two dogs went into the next door garden and ,seeing Scabby asleep in his kennel, lept on him. Scabby tried furiously to fight them off but they were two and he was only one...One grabed his tail and the other his ear and those grips were strong.
His owners came out and tried to stop the dogs but it was too dangerous to get near them. They threw things at them they sprayed them with the hose and still the dogs held on.
Then my parents went out to see wat was causing the noise and they too began to throw water and random things. Eventually they rushed inside and looked for my brothers BBgun hoping to shoot the other dogs off. I know it would be cruel but Scabby was out there bleading and weak.
They were unable to find the gun and returned. Soon aftr that a man came to the door and whistled. The dogs came to him! they were his!
Scabby did not escape this without a reminder. His tail and half his ear were ripped off not to mention an enormous amount of blood loss. Scabby was in the hospital for many weeks.
I am sad to say i was asleep through this whole ordeal and what saddens me most was i was the only person who knew where the BBgun was. Scabby might have gotten away quicker... :(
Today scabby is still the same frisky droooling pup he has always been. But he has no tail and half an ear.
Scabby has made a full recovery and the owner of the two dogs was in trouble. But nothing big happned to him.

So this post is for Scabby A brave and greatly loved dog! :cool: :cool: :cool: