View Full Version : Samantha in action photos

02-26-2008, 10:03 AM
Well, it's another snowy day here in Vermont so it's a good time to post some recent photos of my sweet Samantha. :)

Doing her favorite thing - sleeping!

Keeping herself squeaky clean.

This is funny, she is such a stubborn old cat that she refused to move out of her bed while my husband was finishing the trim around our bedroom window.
So he just made a little tent for her so she wouldn't get any dust or anything on her and she slept the whole time he worked on the window.(She is deaf now so noise doesn't bother her)

Samantha does walk around the house several times a day, making sure that everything and everyone is where they should be.

A few more photos in next post. :)

02-26-2008, 10:09 AM
Sleeping again, making a perfect tortellini.

Now you can see the window trim is done and Samantha is happily sleeping in her bed again.

Samantha love sleeping on her Purr Pad, sometimes she will stretch out her paw and grab it.

Another photo of her stretching her paw out.

She loves that her bed is right against the heater, sometimes she sits up facing the heater just to feel the warmth on her face.

That's all the photos for now.
As you can see, Samantha is very active for a cat who is almost 20 years old. :)

02-26-2008, 10:36 AM
Dear Samantha, I got to spend part of your day with you! What a treat today!

Edited at 4 PM central to add: I, too, kiss your out-stretched pawsies!

02-26-2008, 11:06 AM
Aaaww Lady Samantha- you always can transfer some of your peace and quiet and dignity to me :)

I kiss your paw pads :)

02-26-2008, 11:15 AM
;) Aweee Samantha you are just such of Beauty & Adorable.. We are going to nick name you the Beauty Queen.. great pics thanks

Killearn Kitties
02-26-2008, 11:18 AM
Phew, what busy days you have sweetheart! I am very glad that all the works round your bed are finished now. I hope you are pleased with the results.

kisses for those pawsies.

Felicia's Mom
02-26-2008, 03:47 PM
Thanks for posting pictures of beautiful Samantha!:)

02-26-2008, 03:56 PM
Beautiful Samantha, always a picture of dignity, proves once again that a woman's work is never done. It's not a wonder you're so elegant in your wonder years - fit as a fiddle and completely gorgeous :D Enjoy your power naps sweetheart - you certainly deserve them :D

Edwina's Secretary
02-26-2008, 04:00 PM
Indeed an exhausting but productive day Samantha!

And with barely a hair out of place!

You are a wonder...

02-26-2008, 04:26 PM
What A Sweet Dignified Lady You Are Samantha, All You Need Is A Tiara To Be The Queen, That You Truly Are!!
You Have Such Poise And Dignity , And Are An Inspiration To Us All.

02-26-2008, 05:36 PM
Sweet Samantha... it is so nice to see you again!

02-26-2008, 11:09 PM
Oh, Samantha you always make me smile :D . My very favorite PT kitty. I hope that you had a nice rest. I think your Daddykat is great, making a Purrfect tent for you. And I bet you loved your meowmie taking your pictures... I know I love seeing them! Gentle kisses sweet girl :)

02-27-2008, 07:36 AM
Oh Miss Samantha it's so good to see you enjoying yourself. You sure are looking good for a graceful senior citizen.

Tucker wants me to tell you that she too is deaf and enjoys the heater vent in the winter. Warm regards Miss Tucker.


Pawsitive Thinking
02-27-2008, 08:43 AM
Almost 20? Wow! What a very beautiful and dignified lady you are

02-27-2008, 09:47 AM
I so enjoyed seeing you again, sweet Samantha. :) I'm glad to hear your dad finished the window without disturbing you too much in your favourite spot.

02-27-2008, 01:27 PM
Aw, such a gorgeous lady you are sweet Samantha. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/wub.gif

Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

02-27-2008, 03:36 PM
Must a be PT kitty, getting so spoiled that even a remodeling job has to work AROUND her! Oh but Samantha, you are SO worth it! Lovely photos!

02-28-2008, 05:34 AM
Thank you for sharing those precious pictures of Samantha, it's great to see what senior kittezens get up to!

02-28-2008, 12:09 PM
My precious Samantha!!! Sweetheart, I am so glad I popped in today! I haven't been on PT for a while and I sure happy to see you first thing!


03-03-2008, 04:16 PM
Thank you for all the nice replies everybody. :)
My daughter has delivered all the paw kissies, and other kisses & belly rubs to Samantha.
Sometimes she spoils Samantha more than I do!
I just posted some photos of Samantha's new little sisters in Pet General if anyone wants to meet them.
Meet Samantha's new sisters (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=139882)
I also hope to have more photos of Samantha to post in the next couple of days. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-07-2008, 10:04 PM
You go girl! :D

I havent' been on PT in just ages now, and it's SO good to log on and see Samantha is still going strong. Sorry to hear she's gone deaf, but I guess that makes for better sleeping. ;)

03-08-2008, 09:47 AM
Thank you for inviting us into your home Samantha.
You have a wonderful place there.
And you are loved 24 hrs a day! :)

03-09-2008, 01:47 PM
Hi Samantha! It's great to see you, as always. Boy do you have your hoomins trained, amazing how they do their work without disturbing you. Please come see us again very soon, pretty girl? Sending you lots of scritchies and lots of lovies!