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View Full Version : i want opinions on Diet Pills please......

02-25-2008, 07:41 PM
ok, so many know that i am having twins very very soon :D .. and soon after the babies are born i want to get back into my pregnancy weight( which is 130lbs), i plan on doing lots of exercising, like walking, cardo and all, BUT....

i was researching the local pharmacy i came across some diet pills.. Now, before anyone jumps on me about there is NO magic PILL LOL... i want to know what kinds of "diet Pills" everyone here has used in conjunction with regular exercise and working out? i have read some websites on TrimSpa x32. has anyone ever taken this? what did you try?

i also plan on NOT taking any kind of pills until my babies are weaned from breast feeding. the last thing i need them to be hooked on is anything un natural.. :eek: ...

so, are some things you have tried? please any advise on this? thanks in advance to anyone who will help me.

FYI i have only gained like 30-35lbs so far, si i am doing good considering i am carrying twins..

02-25-2008, 08:10 PM
If you want a healthy weight to be a lifetime thing, you will have to have eating and activity habits that you can handle for a lifetime.

My first thought was, "Do you want to take diet pills all your life?"

See how you do with the healthy stuff you mentioned about your post-pregnancy weight loss - and make sure you know what a healthy weight is for you.

JMO - Diet pills are a bad idea; they may contain harmful stimulants - and they are only a quick fix at best. Using them doesn't teach you anything about good health.

If you focus on living and eating in a good and healthy way, your body will take care of itself.


02-25-2008, 08:42 PM
thanks Catty for you advise, yes, i plan on using a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, followed by weekly exercise.. and to answer you question about taking diet pills for the rest of my life, the answer is NO!... i understand that diet pills are a temp fix, i used them in my high school years for a few months. and yes, i did lose weight.

as for my healthy weight, i am 5'4" and can weigh from 108 to 155lbs. i just like to be a smaller size because i have a pear shaped body... :rolleyes: .. meaning i , lets just say God blessed me with a great rack LMAO!!! and i have thicker thighs, and very small calves.. i am very weirs shaped LOL..

anyways, i was only wondering about the pills, i prob will not take them.. its more of a ask and get an answer. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
02-25-2008, 08:56 PM
If you are carrying twins and have only gained 35 pounds, you probably don't need diet pills. You're already controlling your weight pretty well. Also, taking care of twins, you won't get too much rest and/or time to overeat.

With my experience with diet pills; you lose weight fast but there is the possibility of gaining it back and adding to that. Not all people will do this but it's my experience. Not only that, it can raise your blood pressure or cause other problems. You seem to have a great desire to get your lower weight back so I think you'll do fine with a healthy, low calorie, low fat, diet and plenty of exercise(i.e. taking care of the twins ;) ).

Good luck with it and congratulations on the twins!! :)

02-25-2008, 09:04 PM
thanks Daisy and Delilah :D you are great. thanks for the compliment about the weight thing.. even my doctor said that i am doing great.. it's all thanks to eating veggies and fruits, anything else tastes/smells gross :rolleyes: ...

as for the upkeep of twins, i know i will be busy, and 80% or more of the weight will come off with just chasing them around. hek, with my son ( who is now 13) i spent more time chasing him than feeding him and myself.. in fact, with him i went from 115lbs to 140lbs :D .. my doc was so thrilled me then too... however i still have some time left LMAO, and will prob gain another 30lbs or more :( .. lol.
thanks again for the advise and nice comments. i will have a weigh in in a few weeks and will let ya all know what i gained LMAO...

02-25-2008, 09:42 PM
If you are carrying twins and have only gained 35 pounds, you probably don't need diet pills. You're already controlling your weight pretty well.

I agree. I gained 30 lbs. with my first baby, and lost a ton of it w/o even trying in the first 2 weeks post- partum, lots of it was water weight that I was carrying...and placenta, amniotic fluid, bab(ies), increased blood volume, etc.

2nd baby, I only gained 18 lbs. That came off w/o trying...in fact I went under my pre-preg weight before I knew it.

As for diet pills...they scare me....too many issues have been on the news or whatever of harmful things they can do to you...

I am thinking you'll be back to your pre-preg weight w/o hardly trying :)

02-25-2008, 09:58 PM
A friend of mine had twins two years ago. Trust me when I tell you that you won't have time to be worrying about your own weight! I polled mothers of twins for her shower for advice, and several said "Keep a camera handy and tke pictures all the time, because you probably won't remember much of their first year otherwise!"

02-25-2008, 10:20 PM
thanks for all the great advise guys ((Hugs)).. i know the weight will just melt away when i am chasing my babies.. and i will for sure keep the camera ready for the pics :D .. i am greatful i took so many of my little boy when he was growing up, now, i look back on all of it and think 'wow, he sure grew up fast :rolleyes: '...

i think the whole weight thing bothers every expectant mother every now and then, fortunately for some of us it comes off naturally, while others struggle because of one thing or another.

see, in my family i have a history of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes ( type 1 and 2).. and ( knock on wood) i have yet to get any of those ;) ... that is why i am having to come up with things to get my bod back in pre-preggers weight ASAP so i do not have to worry about all that.

thanks again guys...
PS if some of you have home made weight tricks, like food recipes and drinks that would be great if you could share them. :D

02-26-2008, 12:12 AM
Your pregnancy weight gain reminds me, lovingly, of what my mom always "bragged" about. With me and my brother, she only gained about 20 pounds (and this was Waaay Back in the Day) by eating fruits, veggies, protein. No sweets and very little fat.. Not that they even knew much about that stuff in the Dark Ages, but she always made me think she was ahead of her time on keeping fit and healthy. I guess it also helped that she was "no bigger than a minute" anyway.

I've never looked at any labels, but my guess is that a lot of the "diet" stuff on the market contains caffeine, but in any case, my bet is that with twins and pets, you'll be melting off that "baby fat" in no time. Trust me, I had a weight problem my whole life..diet pills and all..but it always came back once I stopped them. I, (unfortunately thru stress) I now weigh what I should have weighed as a young adult. I no longer believe in diet. I use moderation. I eat what I want, but stop when I feel a bit full, drink tons of water and excercise. Ain't always fun, but it works for me.

02-26-2008, 06:36 AM
thanks Daisy and Delilah :D you are great. thanks for the compliment about the weight thing.. even my doctor said that i am doing great.. it's all thanks to eating veggies and fruits, anything else tastes/smells gross :rolleyes: ...

More compliments from me on your weight gain. You are doing super! I think the fact that you are eating properly now means that you will not have a hard time losing after the babies come. You may even come home from the hospital in your regular pre-pregnancy clothes. It is possible - I did! :) I think the people who get into trouble with their weight when they are pregnant are those who feel they must literally eat for two (or in your case three ;) ) or who eat the wrong things.

I would avoid diet pills. My SIL was on them years ago and found that they zapped her in such a way that she found herself scrubbing floors and ironing at crazy hours of the night and early morning because they affected her sleep. With two little ones to feed through the night you will be having your rest affected in another way so you don't need that on top of it! :D

02-26-2008, 07:58 AM
Wow! That's all the weight you've gained and you're carrying twins?! I gained that much in the first 3 months. No kiddin'! I'm a petite (read: short) 5'2" and was told to gain no more than 14 lbs. max. I was only 89 1/2 lbs. at the time. I went up to 145 lbs. much to my dr's. (and husband's) dismay. BUT! I was young and there's nothing like caring for a newborn and later chasing after a toddler to get the weight off. I doubt that you'll have any problems whatsoever w/losing weight, especially when you consider that you'll be caring for twins. You won't have time or the desire to eat. You'll just want to sleep. LOL All kidding aside, I think you'll do fine and I wouldn't worry about diet pills, if for no other reason that the one I just mentioned. They "wire" you and you'll need your rest. Stick to your healthy lifestyle and enjoy your momhood. :p

Pawsitive Thinking
02-26-2008, 08:26 AM
My advice would be don't - just let nature do its thing while you are breast feeding along with gentle exercise and sensible eating. You will need all your "reserves" believe me

(good luck -twins are great! I am one :D )

02-26-2008, 08:54 AM
Be careful with those things, as they an be dangerous. Especially if you're taking presription medicine.

Hey, I still have my baby fat. And my BABY will be 32 years old next month. :rolleyes: :p

02-26-2008, 12:43 PM
Stay away from TrimSpa x32 at all costs!!!!!

I made the mistake of trying that a few years ago for only 3 days and let me tell you it's a scary product!!!!

For one thing it made me jittery/shaky beyond belief and had my heart racing for hours.

If THAT isn't enough to scare you into not using it, how about the fact the pill is huge and comes with this warning lable on it?

"WARNING: Taking TRIMSPA without adequate fluid may cause it to swell and block your throat or esophagus and may cause choking. Do not take this product if you have difficulty in swallowing. If you experience chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty in swallowing or breathing after taking this product, seek immediate medical attention." http://www.netnutri.com/page.htm?PG=TRIMSPA

Sorry I'd rather be fat and alive than slim and dead any day.

02-26-2008, 02:42 PM
Being a person who has struggled with weight gain since having children,i can only strongly advise you to NEVER EVER take diet pills,they are not good for you, i would never take any medication that i don't need to, believe me as you age things go wrong and you need to take medication that you wish you did not have to.

I can well understand how you are feeling, my last baby is 15 and i still am carrying extra weight from having her,but honestly if you start exercising,and eating healthy after the babies i am sure you will loose the excess, which is very little considering you are having twins.,it sounds like you are all babies,and very little body fat.

There is no quick fix,but taking the healthy alternative,you will get there,breast feeding had the opposite effect on me i am afraid, i was so hungry all the time i actually gained weight, after having my daughter i was only like 4kgs over my original weight, but i gained alot more in the 16mths i breast fed her,but that does not happen to everyone, usually it is the opposite, and you will be so busy with two babies, i am sure it will literally fall off you.

Good luck with the birth, i hope you will stop by again and introduce your babies to us, we just love babies and pics here on PT. :)

02-26-2008, 07:29 PM
That's a medical question - your nurse practitioner can answer it! NPs rule.

Love, Columbine

02-27-2008, 07:22 AM
My friend lost her daughter four years ago due to diet pills. Tracy was 27 and healthy. She had a stroke and died in the hospital several days later. These pills wreck havic on the heart often causing irregular heartbeats and increasing blood pressure. High blood pressure often has no warning. Eating healthy and exercising is the only way to really lose those extra pounds.

02-27-2008, 07:26 AM
My daughter ended up in the hospital thanks to a mixture of diet pills and caffeine.... she wanted to lose her baby weight and stay awake. Best way to lose weight is by the good old fashion mixture of eating sensibly, making good choices, portion control, and exercise. Anything else will just make you yo-yo.

02-27-2008, 07:50 AM
Weight Watchers!!! It shows you how to eat right AND lose weight. Both my daughter and I have lost weight on it.

Those diet pills have tons of caffeine in them. I don't trust them.