View Full Version : Poor Mercedes... UPDATE

02-24-2008, 06:50 PM
As some of you know Mercedes has been having UTI problems on and off for what seems like FOREVER!! Poor girl. Well anyways this morning I woke up to 6 I mean 6 different pee accidents on the floor specked with blood!!! i freaked and called the emergency vet. because She has NEVER EVER had an accident in the house and they said they want to see her tomorrow. There was no need for me to bring her in today as an emergency :( I was kinda glad they were honest tho I thought they would take the opportunity for an extra 120$ fee. Anywho. I have to get a urine sample in the morning. Any ideas how?? LOL Imagine me chasing a great dane around the yard with a ladle at 6am haha. I really hope they get rid of it this time this is unfair to her. I think I'm gonna tell them to forget the clavamox it isn't working! So please keep her in your thoughts.

P.s Gomer too he hurt his back a week ago and is now on glucosamine (sp?) again. I think he will need it for life now...

02-24-2008, 06:54 PM
Oh Mercedes, prayers that they can do something to help you get over this for GOOD!

As for a urine sample - - do you have an empty yogurt container? Duct tape it to the end of a broom handle. You just need to walk around behind her and stick it under her from the rear. No need to bend down as with your ladle! :D

02-24-2008, 08:58 PM
When I needed a urine sample from my females I always used a tin pie pan. (from frozen pies) The noise of the urine hitting the pan sometimes startles them but it's always worked. Then just dump it in a jar. ;) Good luck. I hope Mercedes gets better this time around and hugs to Gomer.

02-25-2008, 07:34 AM
I do what Annette does, follow her around the yard and when she squats, put the tin on the ground and as soon as she starts going I use my foot and slide it under her.

Best of luck to you!

02-25-2008, 06:23 PM
Well the dr said it isn't a bladder infection. her urine tested normal. :( So he thinks there is something wrong with her vulva/vagina. it was very red, irritated, pussy and bloody. So she is back on clavamox one more time for 14 days. I have to take her back in 10 days, if there is an improvement continue with the medicine if not we have to go see a specialist who lives in peterbourgh who has a scope and he will look up there to see if theres a tumor or something. then if so it will need to be removed of course. I will keep you all updated. :( :(

02-25-2008, 06:49 PM
Oh no. :( Pawsitive thoughts and prayers for Mercedes .

02-25-2008, 06:50 PM
poor girl! :( I hope it's cleared up soon and isn't anything too serious. is she spayed?

02-26-2008, 09:59 AM
yes she was spayed 6yrs ago!! Which is why the vet was scratching his head. He searched her records and they indicated there was no problem with the spay whatsoever so we just don't know! :(

02-26-2008, 11:20 AM
Ugh... more waiting and wondering...
I hope the pills do the trick!

{{HUGS}} to you both!