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View Full Version : Pictures from New York trip

02-24-2008, 02:34 PM
Well, you know what they say... "the best-laid plans..." didn't do what we planned, but had a pleasant trip anyway. We spent Thursday at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. No "Starry Night" there, but they have a room full of Van Gogh's, so I didn't mind too much. See? I'm happy!
I was amazed at the size of this Rosa Bonheur painting - I've seen it numerous times in Art History books, but I guess I hadn't paid attention to the dimensions - it's very impressive!
This very famous Herakles was there - again, the scale is impressive!
And they have a beautiful sculpture court - the red brick is the original exterior wall of the Museum.
continued in next post...

02-24-2008, 02:37 PM
We met up with the NAPS kids at Rockafella Plaza..
It was a glorious day - interesting how the buildings are so tall they block oout the sun - caught this one just in time!

We went to see the play Spamalot on Thursday evening - very funny! Once in a while it's good to laugh till you can hardly breathe. :D And I almost forgot one of the BEST things - CHEESCAKE! We had delicious blueberry cheesecake (about 3" thick, yum) for dessert!
Then we woke up Friday morning to this -
Took a taxi to Battery Park to go on the Statue of Liberty tour, knowing that it didn't look too promising....and it wasn't! All tours were cancelled. Rats, I really wanted to see it! Understandable, considering this is what the harbor looked like:
So we wandered around Battery Park for a while.
We saw the Indian Museum was nearby & waited at Starbuck's till it opened. It's housed in the extrodinarily beautiful Beaux-Arts Customs House, now restored & fully occupied. The pictures I took of it came out terrible, but if you're ever in NY, try to see it - incredible!
We'll wind up with a few pics from the museum....next post

02-24-2008, 02:54 PM
The Museum has a special exhibit of art from 11 tribes of the north-west coast -
Hello Mr. Wolf....
and hello again, Mr. Wolf...
This is the Thunder god dance costume.... I'd love to see this in action!
lots of masks and ritual objects.
The large flat object in this case is the halibut-shaped monster, a character in a creation story.
After the museum, we walked down to the south side dock to meet up with the buses to go home.
We have a lot of sailboats in Newport, but nothing this size!
The trip back was extra long - detours to avoid highway accidents, & when you live on an island, the weather can reek havoc with your bridges! The Newport Pell bridge was shut down, so we had to drive around the mainland to cross at the north end of the island. At least we all arrived home safely.

Cinder & Smoke
02-24-2008, 04:03 PM

Looks like it was a *PHUNN* trip - snow and all!

Sorry about the Statue of Liberty being "snowed in" ... but She'll prolly be standing
out there in the harbor waiting for your next trip to The Big City.

02-24-2008, 04:25 PM
Sorry your plans changed but, it looks like you still had plenty to do.
Great pictures. The Museum Art is fantastic. Loved all the sculptures too.

Thanks for sharing your trip. :)

02-24-2008, 04:49 PM
Looks awesome! :) Glad you enjoyed your trip to NYC! I've never been, but it would be cool to someday.

Ginger's Mom
02-24-2008, 05:24 PM
Enjoyed your pictures, especially the ones of NY in the snow. There is something even more magical about New York in the snow (well as long as someone else is out in it taking the pictures). ;)

02-24-2008, 06:30 PM
Sorry about your plans being wrecked but there is PLENTY of things to do in New York City. :) It looks like an awesome trip, especially the Metropolitan Museum of Art. My mom keeps saying she'll take me there but she never does. It looks like you had fun, even in the snow. ;)

02-24-2008, 06:40 PM

I love this one! And I also love that Rosa Bonheur painting. I'd never even seen it before. I wonder how long it took to paint that? Looks like you had a good time, anyway. Sometimes things are better unplanned.

02-24-2008, 07:27 PM
We met up with the NAPS kids at Rockafella Plaza..
It was a glorious day - interesting how the buildings are so tall they block oout the sun

Although you didn't do what was planned, looks like an interesting adventure. Each time I go to see the Statue of Liberty, the weather doesn't cooperate, so you are not alone in that. ONE day!

What are NAPS kids?

That is one thing I don't like about the city. Can't see the sun! I can't imagine living with that day in and day out.

Thanks for showing us the photos! I really enjoyed it, as you saw things I haven't not been to see (yet).

02-24-2008, 08:31 PM
What are NAPS kids?Naval Academy Preparatory School. Actually they are known on the Navy base as "NAPSters". JoJoe teaches there now.

02-24-2008, 08:55 PM
I love NY. Born and raised there and visit a couple of times a year on business.
Too bad Starry Night wasn't up for you to see. I had a poster on my wall for years as it is my favorite painting. When I finally saw it in person, I came home and took my poster down! LOL! A poster can't come anywhere NEAR the real thing. The texture and depth of color are breathtaking. Hopefully next time you'll see Lady Liberty AND Starry Night. Good reason to go back!